CedarCreek.2004.2006.boot.performances: Evaluate by bootstrapping the robustness of species...

Description Usage Format Details


Performances are randomly removed from the dataset, from 1 to n-1 performances (with n = total number of performances), a functional clustering of species is built, and the effect of this performance remove on species clustering is evaluated by comparing the resulting species clustering with the species clustering obtained with all systemic performances. The perturbation is measured by using different clustering indices.

Here, the total number of performances is 3 only, then the interest of this process is very limited.




A list of matrices, each matrix containing the results for a given clustering index. The indices are "Czekanowski_Dice", "Folkes_Mallows", "Jaccard", "Kulczynski", "Precision", "Rand", "Recall", "Rogers_Tanimoto", "Russel_Rao", "Sokal_Sneath1" and "Sokal_Sneath2" index.



functClust documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:06 p.m.