functClust-package: Functional Clustering of Redundant Components of a System

Description Details Author(s) References


Cluster together the components that make up an interactive system on the basis of their functional redundancy on one or more collective, systemic performances. Plot the hierarchical tree of component clusters, the modelled and predicted performances of component assemblages, and other results associated with a functional clustering. Test and prioritize the significance of the different components that make up the interactive system, of the different assemblages of components that make up the dataset, and of the different performances observed on the component assemblages. The package contains three groups of functions:

fclust, fclust_plot, fclust_write and fclust_read, fits a clustering tree of functional components to observed assemblage performances, plots, saves and loads the results obtained using the function fclust, respectively;

ftest, ftest_plot, ftest_write and ftest_read, tests the significance of the different components, assemblages and performances depending on the option choisen, plots, saves and loads the results obtained using the function ftest, respectively;

fboot, fboot_plot, fboot_write and fboot_read, evaluates the robustness of a functional clustering by bootstrapping from 1 to (all-1) observations of assemblages or performances depending on the option choisen, plots, saves and loads the results obtained using the function fboot, respectively;

The function fclust needs to be run first. The functions ftest and fboot use the result of the function fclust. Both the last ones are time-consumming.




Beno<c3><ae>t Jaillard (maintainer)


Jaillard B., Richon C., Deleporte P., Loreau M. and Violle C. (2018) An a posteriori species clustering for quantifying the effects of species interactions on ecosystem functioning. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:704-715.

Jaillard B., Deleporte P., Loreau M. and Violle C. (2018) A combinatorial analysis using observational data identifies species that govern ecosystem functioning. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0201135.

functClust documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:06 p.m.