CedarCreek.2004.2006.dat: Data of Cedar Creek experiment for the years 2004, 2005 and...

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Data from Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve. The data used here as an example come from the e120 experiment, more commonly known as BioDIV experiment. We have selected the "unsorted biomass" of the harvests of years 2004, 2005 and 2006, and the plots planted without any oak.




A data.frame. Each row corresponds to an species assemblage, that is here a plot. The different columns of the data.frame are:


numero of the plot. Each assemblage must have a specific elemental composition, different from this of other assemblages. This first column is the identity of assemblages.

Achmi, Agrsm, Amocan, Andge, Asctu, Elyca, Koecr, Lesca, Liaas, Luppe, Monfi, Panvi, Petpu, Poapr, Schsc, Sornu:

abbreviated names of species. The set of species makes up an ecosystem. Each species is informed by 1 if it belongs to the assemblage, and by 0 if it does not belong to the assemblage. The whole is the matrix of occurrence of different components that belong to, and thus make up, the interactive system under consideration.

y2004, y2005, y2006:

"unsorted biomass" of plots, i.e. species assemblages, harvested in August 2004, July 2005 and June 2006. Each harvest is a collective, systemic performance of species assemblages. The performances can be treated separately, or collectively.


The Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve work was supported by grants from the US National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) including DEB-0620652 and DEB-1234162. Further support was provided by the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve and the University of Minnesota.



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