calibrate_gmean_byelt_xpr: Modelling the performances by components occurring within an...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/calibrating.R


Take a vector fobs of performances of assemblages and return a vector of performances predicted as the geometric mean of performances of assemblages that share a same assembly motif and that contain the same components as the assemblage to calibrate.

The assembly motifs are labelled in the vector assMotif.

The component composition of assemblages is specified in the binary matrix mOccur: 0 if the component does not occur, 1 if the component occurs.


calibrate_gmean_byelt_xpr(fobs, assMotif, mOccur, xpr)



a numeric vector. The vector fobs contains the quantitative performances of assemblages.


a vector of labels of length(fobs). The vector assMotif contains the assembly motifs of assemblages.


a matrix of occurrence (occurrence of components). Its first dimension equals to length(fobs). Its second dimension equals to the number of components.


a vector of numerics of length(fobs). The vector xpr contains the weight of each experiment, and the labels (in names(xpr)) of different experiments. The weigth of each experiment is used in the computation of the Residual Sum of Squares in the function rss_clustering. All assemblages that belong to a given experiment should then have a same weigth. Each experiment is identified by its names (names(xpr)) and the RSS of each experiment is weighted by values of xpr. The vector xpr is generated by the function stats::setNames.


Modelled performances are computed using geometric mean (opt.mean = "gmean") of performances. Modelled performances are the average, experiment by experiment, of mean performances of assemblages that share a same assembly motif and that contain the same components as the assemblage to calibrate (opt.model = "byelt"). This procedure corresponds to a linear model with each assembly motif based on the component occurrence in each assemblage. If no assemblage contains component belonging to assemblage to calibrate, performance is the mean performance of all assemblages.


Return a vector of length(fobs). Its values are computed as the average of mean performances of assemblages, experiment by experiment, that share the same assembly motif and that contain the same components as the assemblage to calibrate opt.model = "byelt" .

See Also

calibrate_amean_bymot_xpr arithmetic mean by assembly motif.
calibrate_amean_byelt_xpr arithmetic mean by elements occurring within assembly motif.
calibrate_gmean_bymot_xpr geometric mean by assembly motif.
calibrate_gmean_byelt_xpr geometric mean by elements occurring within assembly motif.

functClust documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:06 p.m.