
Defines functions scarcity scarcity_stack scarcity_com

Documented in scarcity scarcity_com scarcity_stack

# Functions to compute scarcity on various datasets
# Authors: Pierre Denelle & Matthias GreniƩ
#' Scarcity for a single community
#' Given a stacked data.frame compute species scarcity. Scarcity measures how
#' abundant is a species locally. Scarcity is close to 1 when a species is rare
#' in a community and close to 0 when it is abundant. See [scarcity()] function
#' or the functional rarity indices vignette included in the package (type
#' `vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")`) for details about the
#' index.
#' @param com_df a stacked (= tidy) data.frame from a single community with each
#'               row representing a species in a community
#' @param sp_col a character vector, the name of the species column in `com_df`
#' @param abund a character vector, the name of the column containing relative
#'              abundances values
#' @return the same data.frame with the additional **Si** column giving scarcity
#'         values for each species
#' @section Caution:
#' This function is meant for internal uses mostly, thus it does not include any
#' tests on inputs and may fail unexpectedly. Please use [scarcity_stack()] to
#' avoid input errors.
#' @examples
#' data("aravo", package = "ade4")
#' # Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
#' mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
#' mat = make_relative(mat)
#' dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
#' dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
#' dat$species = as.character(dat$species)
#' si_df = scarcity_com(subset(dat, site == "AR07"), "species", "value")
#' head(si_df)
#' @seealso [scarcity()] and `vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")`
#' for details on the scarcity metric; [distinctiveness_com()] to compute
#' distinctiveness on a single community
#' @export
scarcity_com = function(com_df, sp_col, abund) {

  # Computes scarcity by species
  n_sp = length(com_df[[sp_col]])

  com_df[, "Si"] = exp(-n_sp * log(2) * com_df[[abund]])


#' Scarcity on a stacked data.frame
#' Compute scarcity values for several communities. Scarcity computation
#' requires relative abundances. Scarcity is close to 1 when a species is rare
#' in a community and close to 0 when it is abundant. See [scarcity()] function
#' or the functional rarity indices vignette included in the package (type
#' `vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")`) for details about the
#' index. You can either use `_stack()` or `_tidy()` functions as they are
#' aliases of one another.
#' @inheritParams scarcity_com
#' @param com a character vector indicating the column name of communities ID in
#'     `com_df`
#' @return The same table as `com_df` with an added \eqn{S_i} column
#'     for Scarcity values.
#' @seealso [scarcity()] and `vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")`
#'          for details on the scarcity metric; [distinctiveness_stack()],
#'          [restrictedness_stack()], [uniqueness_stack()]
#' @examples
#' data("aravo", package = "ade4")
#' # Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
#' mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
#' mat = make_relative(mat)
#' dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
#' dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
#' dat$species = as.character(dat$species)
#' si_df = scarcity_stack(dat, "species", "site", "value")
#' head(si_df)
#' @export
scarcity_stack = function(com_df, sp_col, com, abund) {

  # Test to be sure of inputs
  full_df_checks(com_df, sp_col, com, abund)
  if (is.null(abund)) {
    stop("No relative abundance provided")
  if (!all(com_df[[abund]] >= 0 & com_df[[abund]] <= 1)) {
    stop("Abundance are not relative, Scarcity can't be computed")

  # Compute Scarcity
  # Split table by communities
  com_split = split(com_df, factor(com_df[[com]]))

  com_split = lapply(
    function(one_com) scarcity_com(one_com, sp_col, abund)

  com_scarcity = do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(com_split, make.row.names = FALSE,
                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


# Scarcity tidy alias
#' @export
#' @rdname scarcity_stack
scarcity_tidy = scarcity_stack

#' Scarcity on site-species matrix
#' Computes scarcity from a relative abundance matrix of species. Scarcity is
#' close to 1 when a species is rare in a community and close to 0 when it is
#' abundant. It requires a site-species matrix with relative abundances. See
#' `Details` section for the formula. The sites-species matrix should have
#' **sites** in **rows** and **species** in **columns**, similar to \pkg{vegan}
#' package defaults.
#' @param pres_matrix a site-species matrix, with species in rows and sites
#'                    in columns, containing **relative abundances** values
#' @return a similar matrix to `pres_matrix` with scarcity values in *lieu*
#'         of relative abundances.
#' @details The scarcity of species is computed as follow:
#'     \deqn{
#'      S_i = \exp{-N \log{2} A_i},
#'     }{%
#'      S_i = exp^(-N*ln2*A_i),
#'      } with \eqn{S_i} the scarcity of species \eqn{i}, \eqn{N} the total
#'     number of species in the community and \eqn{A_i} the relative abundance
#'     of species \eqn{i} in the community. Scarcity is thus a measure of the
#'     **local** rarity in terms of abundances. If \eqn{S_i} is close to 1
#'     the species has a very low abundances while if it's close to 0, it is
#'     quite abundant in the community.
#' @seealso `vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")` for details on the
#' scarcity metric; [distinctiveness()], [restrictedness()], [uniqueness()]
#' @examples
#' data("aravo", package = "ade4")
#' # Site-species matrix
#' mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
#' mat = make_relative(mat)
#' si = scarcity(pres_matrix = mat)
#' si[1:5, 1:5]
#' @export
scarcity = function(pres_matrix) {

  # Check site-species matrix type
  check_matrix(pres_matrix, "site-species")

  scarcity_mat = pres_matrix

  if (!is_relative(pres_matrix)) {
    warning("Provided object may not contain relative abundances nor ",
            "Have a look at the make_relative() function if it is the case")

  # Species with no relative abundance get a scarcity of 0
  scarcity_mat[scarcity_mat == 0] = NA

  # Compute total of nb of species per site (= per row)
  total_sites = apply(scarcity_mat, 1, function(x) sum(x != 0, na.rm = TRUE))

  # Scarcity for each per row using total abundance vector
  scarcity_mat = apply(scarcity_mat, 2, function(x) {
    exp(-total_sites * log(2) * x)


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funrar documentation built on Sept. 23, 2022, 5:10 p.m.