
make_test(title = "plan()", args = list(), tags = c("plan"), {
  current_plan <- plan()

make_test(title = "plan() - workers=<numeric>", args = list(), tags = c("plan", "workers"), {
  current_plan <- plan()

  ## Does not have a 'workers' argument?
  if (!"workers" %in% names(formals(current_plan))) {
  ## FIXME: These tests only work for backends where 'workers' take
  ##        numeric values.
  plan(current_plan, workers = 1L)
  n <- nbrOfWorkers()
  cat(sprintf("Number of workers: %g\n", n))
  stopifnot(n == 1L)
  ## Assert that future works
  f <- future(42L)
  stopifnot(value(f) == 42L)

  plan(current_plan, workers = 2L)
  n <- nbrOfWorkers()
  cat(sprintf("Number of workers: %g\n", n))
  stopifnot(n == 2L)
  ## Assert that future works
  f <- future(42L)
  stopifnot(value(f) == 42L)

make_test(title = "plan() - workers=<function>", args = list(), tags = c("plan", "workers", "function"), {
  current_plan <- plan()

  ## Does not have a 'workers' argument?
  if (!"workers" %in% names(formals(current_plan))) {
  n0 <- nbrOfWorkers()
  cat(sprintf("Number of initial workers: %g\n", n0))

  ## Use the exact same value as 
  workers_value <- eval(formals(current_plan)$workers)
  workers <- function() workers_value
  if (is.character(workers_value)) {
    nworkers <- length(workers_value)
  } else {
    nworkers <- workers_value
  cat(sprintf("Number of workers according to plan(): %g\n", nworkers))
  plan(current_plan, workers = workers)
  n <- nbrOfWorkers()
  cat(sprintf("Number of workers: %g\n", n))
  stopifnot(n == nworkers)
  ## Assert that future works
  f <- future(42L)
  stopifnot(value(f) == 42L)

  ## FIXME: These tests only work for backends where 'workers' take
  ##        numeric values.
  workers <- function() 1L
  plan(current_plan, workers = workers)
  n <- nbrOfWorkers()
  cat(sprintf("Number of workers: %g\n", n))
  stopifnot(n == 1L)
  ## Assert that future works
  f <- future(42L)
  stopifnot(value(f) == 42L)

make_test(title = "plan() - workers=<invalid>", args = list(), tags = c("plan", "workers", "exceptions"), {
  current_plan <- plan()

  ## Does not have a 'workers' argument?
  if (!"workers" %in% names(formals(current_plan))) {
  ## Invalid number of workers or value on 'workers'
  res <- tryCatch({
    plan(current_plan, workers = 0L)
  }, error = identity)
  stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

  res <- tryCatch({
    plan(current_plan, workers = NA_integer_)
  }, error = identity)
  stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

  res <- tryCatch({
    plan(current_plan, workers = TRUE)
  }, error = identity)
  stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

  res <- tryCatch({
    plan(current_plan, workers = NA_character_)
  }, error = identity)
  stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

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future.tests documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:28 p.m.