
Defines functions resolved.UniprocessFuture result.UniprocessFuture run.UniprocessFuture UniprocessFuture

Documented in UniprocessFuture

#' An uniprocess future is a future whose value will be resolved synchronously in the current process
#' @inheritParams Future-class
#' @param \dots Additional named elements passed to [Future()].
#' @return
#' `UniprocessFuture()` returns an object of class `UniprocessFuture`.
#' @export
#' @name UniprocessFuture-class
#' @keywords internal
UniprocessFuture <- function(expr = NULL, substitute = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), ...) {
  if (substitute) expr <- substitute(expr)

  future <- Future(expr = expr, substitute = FALSE, envir = envir, asynchronous = FALSE, ...)
  future <- structure(future, class = c("UniprocessFuture", class(future)))

#' @export
run.UniprocessFuture <- function(future, ...) {
  debug <- getOption("future.debug", FALSE)
  if (future$state != 'created') {
    label <- future$label
    if (is.null(label)) label <- "<none>"
    stop(FutureError(sprintf("A future ('%s') can only be launched once.", label), future = future))

  ## Assert that the process that created the future is
  ## also the one that evaluates/resolves/queries it.

  expr <- getExpression(future)
  envir <- future$envir
  envir <- new.env(parent = envir)

  ## Assign globals to separate "globals" enclosure environment?
  globals <- future$globals
  if (length(globals) > 0) {
    envir <- assign_globals(envir, globals = globals, debug = debug)

  ## Run future
  future$state <- 'running'
  future$result <- eval(expr, envir = envir, enclos = baseenv())
  future$state <- 'finished'

  if (debug) mdebugf("%s started (and completed)", class(future)[1])

  ## Always signal immediateCondition:s and as soon as possible.
  ## They will always be signaled if they exist.

  ## Signal conditions early, iff specified for the given future
  signalEarly(future, collect = FALSE)


#' @export
result.UniprocessFuture <- function(future, ...) {
  ## Has the result already been collected?
  result <- future$result
  if (!is.null(result)) {
    if (inherits(result, "FutureError")) stop(result)
  if (future$state == "created") {
    ## Make sure that run() does not signal errors
    earlySignal <- future$earlySignal
    future$earlySignal <- FALSE
    future$earlySignal <- earlySignal

  result <- future$result
  if (inherits(result, "FutureResult")) return(result)

  ex <- UnexpectedFutureResultError(future)
  future$result <- ex

#' @export
resolved.UniprocessFuture <- function(x, ...) {
  if (x$lazy) {
    ## resolved() for lazy uniprocess futures must force result()
    ## such that the future gets resolved.  The reason for this
    ## is so that polling is always possible, e.g.
    ## while(!resolved(f)) Sys.sleep(5);

#' @export
getExpression.UniprocessFuture <- local({
  tmpl_exit_rng_remove <- bquote_compile({
    base::rm(list = ".Random.seed", envir = base::globalenv(), inherits = FALSE)
  tmpl_exit_rng_undo <- bquote_compile({
    base::assign(".Random.seed", .(oseed), envir = base::globalenv(), inherits = FALSE)

function(future, immediateConditions = TRUE, exit = NULL, ...) {
  ## Assert that no arguments but the first is passed by position

  ## Preserve RNG state?
  oseed <- get_random_seed()
  if (is.null(oseed)) {
    okind <- RNGkind()[1]
    exit <- bquote_apply(tmpl_exit_rng_remove)
  } else {
    exit <- bquote_apply(tmpl_exit_rng_undo)

  NextMethod(immediateConditions = immediateConditions, exit = exit)

#' @return
#' `SequentialFuture()` returns an object of class `SequentialProcess`,
#' which inherits from `UniprocessFuture`.
#' @section Usage:
#' To use 'sequential' futures, use `plan(sequential)`, cf. [sequential].
#' @rdname UniprocessFuture-class
#' @export
SequentialFuture <- function(expr = NULL, envir = parent.frame(), substitute = TRUE, lazy = FALSE, globals = TRUE, ...) {
  if (substitute) expr <- substitute(expr)
  f <- UniprocessFuture(expr = expr, envir = envir, substitute = FALSE, lazy = lazy, globals = globals, ...)
  structure(f, class = c("SequentialFuture", class(f)))

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future documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:35 p.m.