

suppressWarnings(rm(list = c("x", "z")))

message("*** futureOf() with environment ...")

message("*** futureOf() with environment - future assignments ...")

x <- new.env()
x$a %<-% { 1 }

f1 <- futureOf("a", envir = x)
f2 <- futureOf(a, envir = x)
f3 <- futureOf(x[["a"]])
f4 <- futureOf(x$a)
stopifnot(identical(f2, f1), identical(f3, f1), identical(f4, f1))

## Identify all futures
fs <- futureOf(envir = x)
stopifnot(identical(names(fs), c("a")))
stopifnot(identical(fs$a, f1))

fsD <- futureOf(envir = x, drop = TRUE)
stopifnot(all(sapply(fsD, FUN = inherits, "Future")))
stopifnot(identical(fsD, fs))

message("*** futureOf() with environment - future assignments ... DONE")

message("*** futureOf() with environment - futures ...")

x <- new.env()
x$a <- future({ 1 })

f1 <- futureOf("a", envir = x)
stopifnot(identical(f1, x$a))
f2 <- futureOf(a, envir = x)
stopifnot(identical(f2, x$a))
f3 <- futureOf(x[["a"]])
stopifnot(identical(f3, x$a))
f4 <- futureOf(x$a)
stopifnot(identical(f4, x$a))

## Identify all futures
fs <- futureOf(envir = x)
stopifnot(identical(names(fs), c("a")))
stopifnot(identical(fs$a, f1))

fsD <- futureOf(envir = x, drop = TRUE)
stopifnot(all(sapply(fsD, FUN = inherits, "Future")))
stopifnot(identical(fsD, fs))

message("*** futureOf() with environment - futures ... DONE")

message("*** futureOf() with environment - exceptions ...")

## Invalid subset
res <- tryCatch(futureOf(x[[0]], mustExist = FALSE), error = identity)
stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

res <- tryCatch(futureOf(x[[0]], mustExist = TRUE), error = identity)
stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

res <- tryCatch(futureOf(x[[10]], mustExist = TRUE), error = identity)
stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

res <- tryCatch(futureOf(x[[1 + 2i]], mustExist = TRUE), error = identity)
stopifnot(inherits(res, "error"))

message("*** futureOf() with environment - exceptions ... DONE")

message("*** futureOf() with environment ... DONE")


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future documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:35 p.m.