
Defines functions boot_algo_fastnwild

boot_algo_fastnwild <-
           sampling) {
    #' Fast wild cluster bootstrap algorithm
    #' function that implements the fast bootstrap algorithm as described
    #' in Roodman et al (2019)
    #' @param preprocessed_object A list: output of the preprocess2 function.
    #' @param boot_iter number of bootstrap iterations
    #' @param point_estimate The point estimate of the test parameter from
    #' the regression model.
    #' @param impose_null If TRUE, the null is not imposed on the bootstrap
    #'  distribution. This is what Roodman et al call the "WCU" bootstrap.
    #'  With impose_null = FALSE, the
    #'        null is imposed ("WCR").
    #' @param r Shifts the null hypothesis.
    #' @param sign_level The significance level.
    #' @param param name of the test parameter.
    #' @param p_val_type type Type of p-value. By default "two-tailed".
    #' Other options: "equal-tailed", ">", "<"
    #' @param nthreads The number of threads. Can be: a) an integer lower than,
    #'                 or equal to, the maximum number of threads; b) 0: meaning
    #'                 all available threads will be used; c) a number strictly
    #'                 between 0 and 1 which represents the fraction of all
    #'                  threads
    #'                 to use. The default is to use 50\% of all threads.
    #'                  You can
    #'                 set permanently the number of threads used within this
    #'                 package using the function ...
    #' @param type character or function. The character string specifies
    #'  the type
    #'        of boostrap to use: One of "rademacher", "mammen", "norm"
    #'        and "webb". Alternatively, type can be a function(n) for drawing
    #'        wild bootstrap factors. "rademacher" by default.
    #' @param full_enumeration Is full enumeration employed? Full enum. is
    #' used if
    #'        N_G^2 < boot_iter for Mammen and Rademacher weights
    #' @param small_sample_correction The small sample correction to be applied.
    #'  See ssc().
    #' @param conf_int Logical. Should confidence intervals be calculated
    #'  (by test inversion)?
    #' @param tol Numeric vector of length 1. The desired accuracy
    #'        (convergence tolerance) used in the root finding procedure to
    #'        find the confidence interval.
    #'        1e-6 by default.
    #' @param maxiter Integer. Maximum number of iterations used in the root
    #'  finding procedure to find the confidence interval.
    #'        10 by default.
    #' @param sampling 'dqrng' or 'standard'. If 'dqrng', the 'dqrng' package is
    #' used for random number generation (when available). If 'standard', 
    #' functions from the 'stats' package are used when available. 
    #' This argument is mostly a convenience to control random number generation in 
    #' a wrapper package around `fwildclusterboot`, `wildrwolf`. 
    #' I recommend to use the fast' option. 
    #' @return A list of ...
    #' @importFrom collapse fsum GRP
    #' @importFrom stats as.formula coef model.matrix model.response
    #' model.weights residuals rlnorm rnorm update
    #' @importFrom dqrng dqsample dqset.seed
    #' @noRd

    # 1) preprocess
    # preprocessed_object = preprocess

    X <- preprocessed_object$X
    Y <- preprocessed_object$Y
    N <- preprocessed_object$N
    # k <- preprocessed_object$k
    clustid <- preprocessed_object$clustid
    fixed_effect <- preprocessed_object$fixed_effect
    N_G <- preprocessed_object$N_G
    W <- preprocessed_object$W
    # n_fe <- preprocessed_object$n_fe
    bootcluster <- preprocessed_object$bootcluster
    vcov_sign <- preprocessed_object$vcov_sign
    weights <- preprocessed_object$weights
    R <- t(as.matrix(preprocessed_object$R0))
    # r <- preprocessed_object$r

    N_G_bootcluster <- length(unique(bootcluster[[1]]))

    v <- get_weights(
      type = type, 
      full_enumeration = full_enumeration, 
      N_G_bootcluster = N_G_bootcluster, 
      boot_iter = boot_iter, 
      sampling = sampling
    # prepare "key" for use with collapse::fsum()
    g <- collapse::GRP(bootcluster[[1]], call = FALSE)

    # weights_mat <- Matrix::Diagonal(N, weights)
    # if no weights - N x N identity matrix
    weights_sq <- sqrt(weights) # sqrt fine because diagonal matrix
    A <- solve(crossprod(weights_sq * X)) # k x k
    # XXinv <- solve(crossprod(X))                          # k x k
    WX <- weights * X

    XAR <- X %*% (A %*% t(R))
    AWXY <- (A %*% (t(WX) %*% Y))

    if (impose_null == TRUE) {
      Q <- -XAR %*% solve(R %*% A %*% t(R)) # N x 1
      # P <- Y - X %*% (A %*% (t(WX) %*% Y)) - Q %*% (R %*% A %*% t(WX)) %*% Y
      P <- Y - X %*% AWXY - Q %*% (R %*% AWXY)
    } else if (impose_null == FALSE) {
      # P <- Y - X %*% (A %*% (t(WX) %*% Y))
      P <- Y - X %*% AWXY
      Q <- matrix(0, nrow(P), 1)
      # R[,1] <- 0

    # pre-compute objects used in for-loop below:
    WXAR <- weights * as.vector(XAR) # N x 1
    WXARX <- WXAR * X # N x k

    WXARP <- WXAR * as.vector(P)
    WXARQ <- WXAR * as.vector(Q)

    P1 <-
      collapse::fsum(WX * as.vector(P), g)
    # P1 as in notes "Implementation details. Formerly called "SuXa".
    # dim = N_G x k
    Q1 <-
      collapse::fsum(WX * as.vector(Q), g)
    P2_bootcluster <- vec2mat(
      x = as.vector(WXARP),
      group_id = g$group.id
    Q2_bootcluster <- vec2mat(
      x = as.vector(WXARQ),
      group_id = g$group.id
    # P2_bootcluster <- Matrix::t(Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(
    #   # see notes; formerly diag_XinvXXRuS_a
    #   Matrix::Diagonal(
    #     N,
    #     as.vector(WXARP)
    #   ),
    #   as.vector(bootcluster[[1]])
    # )) # N x c*
    # Q2_bootcluster <-
    #   Matrix::t( # see notes; formerly diag_XinvXXRuS_b
    #     Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(
    #       Matrix::Diagonal(
    #         N,
    #         as.vector(WXARQ)
    #       ),
    #       as.vector(bootcluster[[1]])
    #     )
    #   ) # N x c*

    # preallocate lists
    CC <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(names(clustid)))
    DD <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(names(clustid)))
    CD <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(names(clustid)))

    # CC <- matrix(NA, length(names(clustid)), B + 1)
    # CD <- matrix(NA, length(names(clustid)), B + 1)
    # DD <- matrix(NA, length(names(clustid)), B + 1)

    if (is.null(W)) {
      # if there are no fixed effects - term (2) in equ. (62) fast & wild
      # does not arise
      # note - W refers to W_bar in fast & wild, not regression weights.
      # If no fixed effects
      # in the model / bootstrap, W is NULL

      for (x in seq_along(names(clustid))) {
        SXinvXXRX <- collapse::fsum(WXARX, clustid[x]) # c* x f
        SXinvXXRXA <-
          SXinvXXRX %*% A
        # part of numerator independent of both bootstrap errors and r

        # P2_bootcluster has been collapsed over "bootcluster",
        # now collapse over cluster c
        P2 <-
          #Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(P2_bootcluster, clustid[x]) # c* x c
          collapse::fsum(P2_bootcluster, clustid[x])
        P_all <- P2 - tcrossprod(SXinvXXRXA, P1) # formerly _a

        Q2 <-
          #Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(Q2_bootcluster, clustid[x])
          collapse::fsum(Q2_bootcluster, clustid[x])
        Q_all <- Q2 - tcrossprod(SXinvXXRXA, Q1)

        C <-
          eigenMapMatMult(as.matrix(P_all), v, nthreads) # c* x (B + 1)
        D <-
          eigenMapMatMult(as.matrix(Q_all), v, nthreads) # c* x (B + 1)

        CC[[x]] <- colSums(C * C)
        DD[[x]] <- colSums(D * D)
        CD[[x]] <- colSums(C * D)
    } else if (!is.null(W)) {
      # project out fe
      Q3_2 <-
        crosstab(as.matrix(weights * W %*% Q),
          var1 = bootcluster,
          var2 = fixed_effect
        ) # f x c*
      P3_2 <-
        crosstab(as.matrix(weights * W %*% P),
          var1 = bootcluster,
          var2 = fixed_effect
        ) # f x c*

      for (x in seq_along(names(clustid))) {
        SXinvXXRX <- collapse::fsum(WXARX, clustid[x]) # c* x f
        SXinvXXRXA <-
          SXinvXXRX %*% A
        # part of numerator independent of both bootstrap errors and r

        CT_cfe <-
          crosstab(WXAR, var1 = clustid[x], var2 = fixed_effect)
        # c x f, formerly S_XinvXXR_F

        # a
        P3 <- t(tcrossprod(P3_2, CT_cfe)) # formerly prod_a
        P2 <-
          #Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(P2_bootcluster, clustid[x]) # c* x c
          collapse::fsum(P2_bootcluster, clustid[x])
        P_all <- P2 - tcrossprod(SXinvXXRXA, P1) - P3

        # b: note that from here, if impose_null = TRUE, _b suffix objects and
        # D, DD, CD need not be computed, they are always objects of 0's only
        Q3 <- t(tcrossprod(Q3_2, CT_cfe))
        Q2 <-
          #Matrix.utils::aggregate.Matrix(Q2_bootcluster, clustid[x])
          collapse::fsum(Q2_bootcluster, clustid[x])
        Q_all <- Q2 - tcrossprod(SXinvXXRXA, Q1) - Q3
        C <- eigenMapMatMult(as.matrix(P_all), v, nthreads)
        D <- eigenMapMatMult(as.matrix(Q_all), v, nthreads)

        CC[[x]] <- colSums(C * C)
        DD[[x]] <- colSums(D * D)
        CD[[x]] <- colSums(C * D)

    # calculate numerator:
    numer_a <- collapse::fsum(as.vector(WXARP), g)
    numer_b <- collapse::fsum(as.vector(WXARQ), g)
    # calculate A, B
    A <- crossprod(as.matrix(numer_a), v) # q x (B+1) -> q = 1
    B <- crossprod(numer_b, v) # q x (B+1) -> q = 1

    p_val_res <-
        r = r,
        A = A,
        B = B,
        CC = CC,
        CD = CD,
        DD = DD,
        clustid = clustid,
        boot_iter = boot_iter,
        small_sample_correction = small_sample_correction,
        impose_null = impose_null,
        point_estimate = point_estimate,
        p_val_type = p_val_type
    # collect results from P-val_null2
    p_val <- p_val_res$p_val
    t_stat <- p_val_res$t_stat
    t_boot <- p_val_res$t_boot
    invalid_t <- p_val_res$delete_invalid_t_total
    # collect pre-computed A, B, CC, CD, DD -
    # will be needed for p-value inversion
    ABCD <- list(
      A = A,
      B = B,
      CC = CC,
      CD = CD,
      DD = DD

    # compute confidence interval

    if (is.null(conf_int) || conf_int == TRUE) {
      # guess for standard errors
      if (impose_null == TRUE) {
        # should always be positive, point_estimate and t_stat need to have same
        # sign, abs for security
        se_guess <- abs(point_estimate / t_stat)
      } else if (impose_null == FALSE) {
        se_guess <- abs((point_estimate - r) / t_stat)

      conf_int <- invert_p_val(
        ABCD = ABCD,
        small_sample_correction = small_sample_correction,
        boot_iter = boot_iter,
        point_estimate = point_estimate,
        se_guess = se_guess,
        clustid = clustid,
        sign_level = sign_level,
        vcov_sign = vcov_sign,
        impose_null = impose_null,
        p_val_type = p_val_type,
        maxiter = maxiter,
        tol = tol
    } else {
      conf_int <- list(
        conf_int = NA,
        p_test_vals = NA,
        test_vals = NA

    res <- list(
      p_val = p_val,
      conf_int = conf_int$conf_int,
      p_grid_vals = conf_int$p_grid_vals,
      grid_vals = conf_int$grid_vals,
      t_stat = t_stat,
      t_boot = t_boot,
      # B = B,
      # R0 = R,
      # param = param,
      # clustid = clustid,
      v = v,
      invalid_t = invalid_t,
      ABCD = ABCD # ,
      # small_sample_correction = small_sample_correction

    class(res) <- "boot_algo"


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fwildclusterboot documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:33 p.m.