# Functions to calculate the relevant derivative of the
# outcomes with respect to the linear predictor for extended
# families that have custom predict functions
ocat_gradient <- function(lp_i, family_object){
cumprob <- cbind(0,
outer(lp_i, family_object$getTheta(TRUE),
FUN=function(l, th){plogis(th-l)}),
dprob <- cumprob^2 - cumprob # - p * (1 - p)
fit <- t(diff(t(cumprob)))
gradient <- t(diff(t(dprob)))
list(fit = fit, gradient = gradient)
zip_gradient <- function(lp_i, family_object){
transf_theta <- family_object$getTheta(trans = TRUE)
lambda <- exp(lp_i)
eta <- transf_theta[1] + transf_theta[2] * lp_i
# Get the probabiltiy of non-zero outcome
p_nonzero <- 1 - exp(-exp(eta))
# Get expected outcome if non-zero, i.e. E[Y | X > 0]
E_nonzero <- lambda/(1-exp(-lambda))
fit <- p_nonzero * E_nonzero
# Get the derivative of fit w.r.t. lp
d1 <- exp(eta - exp(eta)) * transf_theta[2] * E_nonzero
d2 <- E_nonzero * (1 - E_nonzero * exp(-lambda)) * p_nonzero
gradient <- d1 + d2
return(list(fit = fit, gradient = gradient))
multinom_gradient <- function(lp_i, family_object){
aug_lpi <- cbind(0, lp_i)
# Calculate softmax in a stable fashion to avoid dividing
# by very small numbers
# Slow implementation as follows
# t(apply(X, MARGIN = 1, FUN=function(i){j <- exp(i - max(i)); return(j/sum(j))}))
lp_max <-, data.frame(aug_lpi))
lp_transf <- sweep(aug_lpi, MARGIN = 1, STATS = lp_max, FUN = '-')
lp_transf <- exp(lp_transf)
row_transf <- rowSums(lp_transf)
lp_out <- lp_transf/row_transf
lp_denom <- exp(lp_max) * row_transf
lp_jacob <- lapply(1:ncol(lp_out), FUN=function(k){
if (k == 1){
fmt_k <- -lp_out[,-1, drop = F] / lp_denom
fmt_k <- -lp_out[,-1, drop = F] * lp_out[,k]
fmt_k[,k-1] <- fmt_k[, k-1, drop = F] + lp_out[,k]
list(fit = lp_out, gradient = lp_jacob)
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