if (isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("CI")))){
# If on CI
env_test <- "CI"
}else if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")){
# If on CRAN
env_test <- "CRAN"
set.seed(555) # CRAN SEED
# If on local machine
env_test <- 'local'
context("Test calibration of kernel works as expected")
test_that("Check calibration for unsketched", {
N <- 50
X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(N * 2), ncol = 2), rbinom(N, 1, 0.5))
y <- X %*% rnorm(ncol(X))
K <- create_sketched_kernel(
X_test = X,
X_train = X, S = diag(N),
bandwidth = 1, raw = TRUE
K_base <- as.matrix(dist(X)^2)
expect_equivalent(K, K_base)
f <- function(ln_b){
K_b <- exp(-K/exp(ln_b))
direct_opt <- optimize(f = f,
interval = c(-10, 10),
maximum = TRUE)
opt_1 <- calibrate_bandwidth(X = X, S = diag(N))
opt_2 <- calibrate_bandwidth(X = X, id_S = 1:N)
expect_equal(opt_1, opt_2)
expect_equal(exp(direct_opt$maximum), opt_1)
test_that("Check calibration for sub-sampling sketching", {
N <- 50
X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(N * 2), ncol = 2), rbinom(N, 1, 0.5))
y <- X %*% rnorm(ncol(X))
id <- sample(1:N, 5)
raw_KSt <- create_sketched_kernel(
X_test = X,
X_train = X[id,], S = diag(length(id)),
bandwidth = 1, raw = TRUE
raw_KSt_base <- as.matrix(dist(X)^2)[,id]
expect_equivalent(raw_KSt, raw_KSt_base)
f <- function(ln_b){
KSt <- exp(-raw_KSt_base/exp(ln_b))
recons_K <- KSt %*% solve(KSt[id,]) %*% t(KSt)
direct_opt <- optimize(f = f,
interval = c(-10, 10),
maximum = TRUE)
S <- as.matrix(sparseMatrix(i = 1:length(id), j = id, x = 1, dims = c(length(id), N)))
opt_1 <- calibrate_bandwidth(X = X, S =S)
opt_2 <- calibrate_bandwidth(X = X, id_S = id)
expect_equal(opt_1, opt_2)
expect_equal(exp(direct_opt$maximum), opt_1)
test_that("Check calibration for Gaussian sketching", {
N <- 50
X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(N * 2), ncol = 2), rbinom(N, 1, 0.5))
y <- X %*% rnorm(ncol(X))
S <- matrix(rnorm(5 * N), nrow = 5)
raw_K <- as.matrix(dist(X)^2)
f <- function(ln_b){
KSt <- exp(-raw_K/exp(ln_b)) %*% t(S)
recons_K <- KSt %*% solve(S %*% KSt) %*% t(KSt)
direct_opt <- optimize(f = f,
interval = c(-10, 10),
maximum = TRUE)
opt_1 <- calibrate_bandwidth(X = X, S =S)
expect_equal(exp(direct_opt$maximum), opt_1)
test_that("Using calibration with mgcv", {
N <- 50
X <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(N * 2), ncol = 2), rbinom(N, 1, 0.5))
y <- X %*% rnorm(ncol(X))
dat <- data.frame(X,y)
fit_dat <- gam(y ~ s(X2, bs = 'gKRLS') +
s(X1,X3,bs = 'gKRLS', xt=gKRLS(bandwidth = 'calibrate')),
data = dat)
fit_dat_2 <- bam(y ~ s(X2, bs = 'gKRLS', xt =gKRLS(bandwidth = 'calibrate')) +
s(X1,X3,bs = 'gKRLS', xt=gKRLS(bandwidth = 'calibrate')),
data = dat)
fit_simple <- gam(y ~ s(X1) + s(X2) + X3, data = dat)
calib_1 <- get_calibration_information(fit_dat)
expect_true(all($time) == c(TRUE, FALSE)))
expect_true(calib_1$bandwidth[1] == 1 & calib_1$bandwidth[2] != 2)
calib_2 <- get_calibration_information(fit_dat_2)
expect_false(any(calib_2$bandwidth == c(1,2)))
calib_3 <- get_calibration_information(fit_simple)
expect_identical(calib_3, data.frame())
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