unitTestsGMCP: Run the R unit (and optional the JUnit) test suite for gMCP

View source: R/doRUnitTests.R

unitTestsGMCPR Documentation

Run the R unit (and optional the JUnit) test suite for gMCP


Runs the R unit (and optional the JUnit) test suite for gMCP and prints the results.


  extended = FALSE,
  java = FALSE,
  interactive = FALSE,



If TRUE (or if the environment variable GMCP_UNIT_TESTS equals "extended" or "all") an extended version of the R unit test suite for gMCP will be used. The run will take significantly longer time.


If TRUE (or if the environment variable GMCP_UNIT_TESTS equals "java" or "all") the GUI and its logic is tested with JUnit tests. You need JUnit 4 classes in the classpath or specify the path to a JUnit 4 jar file via the parameter junitLibrary.


If TRUE (or if the environment variable GMCP_UNIT_TESTS equals "interactive" or "all") the interactive part of the RUnit tests is run. The user have to look at results and answer questions.


A character String specifying the path to a JUnit 4 jar file to run the JUnit tests. You can download it from https://junit.org/. Alternatively you can use the environment variable GMCP_JUNIT_LIBRARY to specify the path.


During the RUnit tests files maybe produced at this location. If missing the current working directory is used if nothing else is specified in the environment variable GMCP_UNIT_TEST_OPATH. Also the log of the results of the test suite is saved in this place.


The environment variable GMCP_UNIT_TESTS may be used to specify which unit tests should run: "extended", "interactive", "java" or a combination of these separated by comma (without blanks). A short cut for all three is "all".


None of interest so far - the function prints the results to the standard output. (Perhaps in future versions a value will be returned that can be processed by the GUI.)


Kornelius Rohmeyer rohmeyer@small-projects.de


## Not run: 
unitTestsGMCP(extended=TRUE, java=TRUE, interactive=TRUE, outputPath="~/RUnitTests")

## End(Not run)

gMCP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:37 a.m.