
Defines functions species_facets image_fields atlas_supports_reasons_api is_gbif galah_version_string string_to_tibble camel_to_snake_case rename_columns wanted_columns

##                 Output formatting functions                 --

# Select column names to return
# Subsets data returned by webservices to useful columns
wanted_columns <- function(type) {
           "taxa" = c("search_term", "scientific_name",
                      "taxon_concept_id", # ALA
                      "taxon_concept_lsid", # Austria, Guatemala
                      "authority", # OpenObs
                      "usage_key", # GBIF
                      "guid", # species search
                      "canonical_name", "status", 
                      "match_type", "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order",
                      "family", "genus", "species", "vernacular_name",
                      "issues","subkingdom", "superclass", "infraclass",
                      "subclass", "subinfraclass", "suborder", "superorder",
                      "infraorder", "infrafamily", "superfamily", "subfamily",
                      "subtribe", "subgenus", "subspecies"),
           "extended_taxa" = c("subkingdom", "superclass", "infraclass",
                               "subclass", "subinfraclass", "suborder",
                               "superorder", "infraorder", "infrafamily",
                               "superfamily", "subfamily", "subtribe",
           "profile" = c("id", "shortName", "name", "description"),
           "media" = c("image_id",
                       "creator", "license",
                       "date_taken", "date_uploaded",
                       "mime_type", "mimetype",
                       "width", "height", "size_in_bytes",
           "layer" = c("id", "description", "source_link"),
           "fields" = c("id", "description"),
           "assertions" = c("id", "description", "category"),
           "quality_filter" = c("description", "filter"),
           "reasons" = c("id", "name"))

#' Internal function to rename specific columns, and convert to snake_case
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
rename_columns <- function(varnames, type) {
  varnames <- camel_to_snake_case(varnames)
    "media" = {
      varnames[varnames == "imageIdentifier"] <- "media_id"
    "taxa" = {
      varnames[varnames == "classs"] <- "class"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("usage_key", "usageKey", "guid", "reference_id", "referenceId")] <- "taxon_concept_id"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("genus_name", "genusName")] <- "genus"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("family_name", "familyName")] <- "family"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("order_name", "orderName")] <- "order"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("class_name", "className")] <- "class"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("phylum_name", "phylumName")] <- "phylum"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("kingdom_name", "kingdomName")] <- "kingdom"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("rank_name", "rankName")] <- "rank"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("french_vernacular_name", "frenchVernacularName")] <- "vernacular_name"
    "assertions" = {
      varnames[varnames == "name"] <- "id"
    "checklist" = {
      varnames[1] <- "taxon_concept_id"
      varnames[varnames %in% c("counts", "number_of_records")] <- "count"

#' Internal function to make text to snake case
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
camel_to_snake_case <- function(x){
  x |>
    gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1_\\L\\2", x = _, perl = TRUE) |>
    trimws(which = "both") |> # end spaces
    gsub("\\.+|\\s+", "_", x = _) |> # internal dots or spaces

#' Simple internal function to split strings
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
string_to_tibble <- function(string, split_by = c(":")){
  # everything after ( and before : except *
  # OR
  # everything after "OR " and before : except *
  # OR
  # everything after "AND " and before : except *
  extracted_strings <-
      ) |>
    unlist() |>
    stringr::str_remove("-") |>
    as_tibble() |>
  ## Old code
  # x <- strsplit(string, split_by) 
  # x_df <- do.call(rbind, x) |> 
  #   as.data.frame() |>
  #   tibble()
  # colnames(x_df) <- c("variable", "value")
  # return(x_df)

##                   Other helpful functions                   --

# Construct the user agent string, consisting of the galah version
# This is added on to all requests to enable usage monitoring 
galah_version_string <- function() {
  version_string <- "version unknown"
    try(version_string <- utils::packageDescription("galah")[["Version"]],
        silent = TRUE)) ## get the galah version, if we can
  paste0("galah-R ", version_string)

#' Internal function for determining if we should call GBIF or not
#' @importFrom potions pour
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
is_gbif <- function(){
  pour("atlas", "region") == "Global"

#' Internal function for determining whether a Living Atlas supports reasons API.
#' This affects whether a reason is appended to a query in `collapse()` (and 
#' checked in `compute()`)
#' @importFrom potions pour
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
atlas_supports_reasons_api <- function(){
  atlas <- pour("atlas", "region")
  supports_reasons <- c("Australia", "Austria", "Guatemala", "Portugal", 
                        "Spain", "Sweden", "United Kingdom")
  atlas %in% supports_reasons
  ## List of atlases that support reasons can be checked by running:
  # show_all(apis) |>
  #   dplyr::filter(type == "metadata/reasons") |>
  #   dplyr::pull(atlas)

##                Data request helper functions                --

## show_all_atlases / search_atlases --------------------------#

image_fields <- function() {
  atlas <- pour("atlas", "region")
  switch (atlas,
          "Austria" = "all_image_url",
          "Guatemala" = "all_image_url",
          "Spain" = "all_image_url",
          c("images", "videos", "sounds")

species_facets <- function(){
  atlas <- pour("atlas", "region")
  if(atlas %in% c("Australia", "France", "Spain", "Sweden")) { # i.e. those using 'pipelines'

Try the galah package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

galah documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.