Man pages for gamlss.ggplots
Plotting Functions for Generalized Additive Model for Location Scale and Shape

ACEAlternating Conditional Expectations
boot_coefPlotting Bootstrap Coefficients
centile_bucketCentile bucket plot
family_pdfPlotting Probabilities Density Functions (pdf's) for GAMLSS
fit_PBP-spline smoother
fitted_cdfPlotting Cumulative Distribution Functions (cdf's) for...
fitted_centilesPlotting centile (growth) curves
fitted_devianceIncrPlotting the deviance increment of GAMLSS
fitted_leveragePlot of the linear leverage of a GAMLSS model
fitted_respPlotting the response against quantities of the fitted model
fitted_termsPlotting fitted additive terms
gamlss.ggplots-packagePlotting Functions for Generalized Additive Model for...
histSmo_plotSupporting histSmo()
model_GAICPlotting GAIC for GAMLSS models
model_pcaPlotting residuals using PCA
moment_bucketMoment bucket plot
moment_gray_halfFunctions to create the background for the bucket plots
PCR_coef_pathPlotting the fitted path of a PCR model.
pe_paramPartial Effect of a term on the parameters and predictors
pe_pdfPartial Effect of a term on the response distribution
prof_termPlotting the profile deviance of one fitted term
resid_densityDensity of the residuals in a GAMLLSS model
resid_dtopDetrended Transformed Owen's Plot and ECDF for the residuals
resid_plotA residual plots
resid_qqplotQQ-plot of the residuals of a GAMLSS model
resid_symmetrySymmetry plots
resid_wpWorm plot using ggplot2
y_histHistogram and density plot.
gamlss.ggplots documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:34 a.m.