
#'Plot a gamtest Object
#'This function plots the semiparametric estimation of nonlinear curves and surface.
#'@param x A gamtest object.
#'@param test.statistic If TRUE, plot the density of the test statistic under null hypothesis; if FALSE, plot the estimated curves/surfaces.
#'@param test.stat.type must have "test.statistic=TRUE". Default is "test.stat.type=density". If "test.stat.type=hist", plot the histogram of the test statistic under null.
#'@param main The title of the plot.
#'@param n The number of points that are used to draw the curves or surfaces in the plot.
#'@param legend.position the position of legend in the plot: "topright", "topleft", "bottomright", "bottomleft", etc.
#'@param se.est If TRUE, plot the pointwise 95\% confidence intervals of curves; if FALSE, don't plot the pointwise confidence intervals.
#'@param type Only used for ploting surfaces. If "type=contour",then contour plot from vis.gam function in mgcv package; if "type=persp", then plot persp from vis.gam function;
#'if "type=plotly.persp", then plot persp from plotly package.
#'@param data.pts If TRUE, plot raw data points. If FALSE, only plot estimated curves/surfaces.
#'@param ... Other options from package ``mgcv'' ``vis.gam()'' function.
#'@details This function is to plot a gamtest object. If "test.statistic=TRUE", a density plot of the test statistic under null hypothesis will be generated;
#'if "test.statistic=FALSE", the estimated curves/surfaces for all groups are drawn.
#'@seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} \code{\link[gamm4]{gamm4}} \code{\link{gamm4.grptest}} \code{\link{gam.grptest}} 
#'n1 <- 30
#'x1 <- runif(n1,min=0, max=3)
#'sd1 <- 0.2
#'e1 <- rnorm(n1,sd=sd1)
#'y1 <- sin(2*x1) + cos(2*x1) + e1
#'n2 <- 30
#'x2 <- runif(n2, min=0, max=3)
#'sd2 <- 0.25
#'e2 <- rnorm(n2, sd=sd2)
#'y2 <- sin(2*x2) + cos(2*x2) + x2 + e2
#'data.bind <- rbind(cbind(x1,y1,1), cbind(x2,y2,2))
#'data.bind <- data.frame(data.bind)
#'t1 <- gam.grptest(y~s(x,bs="cr"), test=~group, data=data.bind, parallel=FALSE)
#'n1 <- 200
#'x1 <- runif(n1,min=0, max=3)
#'sd1 <- 0.2
#'e1 <- rnorm(n1,sd=sd1)
#'y1 <- sin(2*x1) + cos(2*x1) + e1
#'n2 <- 120
#'x2 <- runif(n2, min=0, max=3)
#'sd2 <- 0.25
#'e2 <- rnorm(n2, sd=sd2)
#'y2 <- sin(2*x2) + cos(2*x2) + x2 + e2
#'data.bind <- rbind(cbind(x1,y1,1), cbind(x2,y2,2))
#'data.bind <- data.frame(data.bind)
#'t1 <- gam.grptest(y~s(x,bs="cr"),test=~group,data=data.bind)
#'## Semiparametric test the equality for regression surfaces
#'## Simulate data sets
#'n1 <- 200
#'x11 <- runif(n1,min=0, max=3)
#'x12 <- runif(n1,min=0, max=3)
#'sd1 <- 0.2
#'e1 <- rnorm(n1,sd=sd1)
#'y1 <- 2*x11^2 + 3*x12^2  + e1
#'n2 <- 120
#'x21 <- runif(n2, min=0, max=3)
#'x22 <- runif(n2, min=0, max=3)
#'sd2 <- 0.25
#'e2 <- rnorm(n2, sd=sd2)
#'y2 <- 2*x21^2 + 3*x22^2 + 4*sin(2*pi*x21) + e2
#'n3 <- 150
#'x31 <- runif(n3,min=0, max=3)
#'x32 <- runif(n3,min=0, max=3)
#'sd3 <- 0.2
#'e3 <- rnorm(n3,sd=sd1)
#'y3 <- 2*x31^2 + 3*x32^2  + e3
#'data.bind <- rbind(cbind(x11, x12 ,y1,1), cbind(x21, x22, y2,2), cbind(x31, x32, y3,3))
#'data.bind <- data.frame(data.bind)
#'colnames(data.bind)=c('x1','x2', 'y','group')
#'tspl <- gam.grptest(y~te(x1,x2),test=~group,data=data.bind,N.boot=200,m=225,parallel=FALSE)
#'tspl$p.value #p-value
#'plot(tspl,test.statistic = TRUE)
#'plot(tspl,type="plotly.persp", data.pts=TRUE)}
#'@importFrom mgcv vis.gam
#'@importFrom plotly plot_ly add_surface add_trace %>% add_markers layout
#'@importFrom graphics hist legend matplot points par plot
#'@importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#'@import stats

plot.gamtest <- function(x, test.statistic=FALSE, test.stat.type="density", main="", n=256, legend.position="topright", se.est=FALSE, data.pts=FALSE, type="contour", ...){
  if (test.statistic) {
    if (test.stat.type=="density"){
      plot(density(x$T.boot, from=0), type = "l", lwd=1.5, main=main, xlab="Test Statistic", ylab="Density")
      text <- paste(" T = ", formatC(x$statistic, digits = 4),"\n","p-value = ", formatC(x$p.value, digits = 4))
      legend(x = legend.position, legend = text)
    }else if(test.stat.type=="hist"){
      hist(x$T.boot, main=main, xlab="Test Statistic")
      text <- paste(" T = ", formatC(x$statistic, digits = 4),"\n","p-value = ", formatC(x$p.value, digits = 4))
      legend(x = legend.position, legend = text)
  } else {
    fit.sub <- x$fit
    gn <- length(fit.sub)
    data.bind <- x$data

    if (x$fcn=="gamm4.grptest"){
      if (ncol(x$data)==4) {
        # if (type %in% c("contour","persp","plotly.persp")) stop(paste(type,"is only used for surface comparisons!"))
        u.min <- max(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) min(data.bind$x[data.bind$group==x]))))
        u.max <- min(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) max(data.bind$x[data.bind$group==x]))))
        u <- seq(from=u.min, to=u.max, length.out=n)
        fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub,function(x) predict(x$gam,data.frame(x=u),se.fit=TRUE))),nrow=n)
        if (se.est==TRUE){
          lower <- fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)]-1.96*fit.sub.u[,seq(2,gn*2,by=2)]
          upper <- fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)]+1.96*fit.sub.u[,seq(2,gn*2,by=2)]
          matplot(u, cbind(fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)],lower,upper), lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="x", ylab="m(x)", xlim = range(data.bind$x), ylim = range(data.bind$y))
          if (data.pts==TRUE) {points(data.bind$x, data.bind$y, col=data.bind$group)}
          xl <-x$mydataname[2]
          yl <- x$mydataname[3]
          matplot(u, fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)], lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, xlim = range(data.bind$x), ylim = range(data.bind$y))
          if (data.pts==TRUE) {points(data.bind$x, data.bind$y, col=data.bind$group)}
        text <- paste(x$mydataname[4], ": ", levels(data.bind$group), sep="")
        legend(x = legend.position, legend = text, lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, lwd=1.5)
      }else if (ncol(x$data)==5){
        if (type=="contour"){
          xl <-x$mydataname[2]
          yl <- x$mydataname[3]
          if (data.pts==TRUE) {invisible(lapply(as.numeric(levels(data.bind$group)),function(x) {
          }))} #suppress returning of list
            invisible(lapply(as.numeric(levels(data.bind$group)),function(x) mgcv::vis.gam(fit.sub[[x]]$gam,plot.type="contour",xlab=xl,ylab=yl,zlim=c(min(data.bind$y),max(data.bind$y)))))
        }else if(type=="persp"){
          xl <-x$mydataname[2]
          yl <- x$mydataname[3]
          invisible(lapply(as.numeric(levels(data.bind$group)),function(x) mgcv::vis.gam(fit.sub[[x]]$gam,plot.type="persp",xlab=xl,ylab=yl,zlim=c(min(data.bind$y),max(data.bind$y)),...)))
        else if(type=="plotly.persp"){
          ## colors for pallete
          if (length(levels(data.bind$group)) <= 2)
            myCols <- c('red', 'blue')
          } else {
            myCols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(levels(data.bind$group)), "RdBu")
          baseDatStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t,]})
          xPtsStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t, "x1"]})
          yPtsStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t, "x2"]})
          zPtsStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t, "y"]})
          u1.min <- max(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) min(data.bind$x1[data.bind$group==x]))))
          u1.max <- min(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) max(data.bind$x1[data.bind$group==x]))))
          u1 <- seq(from=u1.min, to=u1.max,length.out=n)
          v1.min <- max(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) min(data.bind$x2[data.bind$group==x]))))
          v1.max <- min(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) max(data.bind$x2[data.bind$group==x]))))
          v1 <- seq(from=v1.min, to=v1.max,length.out=n)
          ## fill in zVals matrix
          zVals <- lapply(fit.sub, function(t) {
            zVals <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
            for (i in 1:n)
              newdat <- data.frame(x = u1[i], y = v1)
              names(newdat) <- c("x1", "x2")
              zVals[,i] <- predict(t$gam, newdata = newdat)
          ####combine groups
          scatPlot <- plot_ly() %>%
            layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = x$mydataname[2]), yaxis = list(title = x$mydataname[3]),
                                zaxis = list(title = x$mydataname[4])))
          if (data.pts == TRUE) {
            for (i in 1:length(levels(data.bind$group)))
              scatPlot <- scatPlot %>% add_markers(x = xPtsStrat[[i]], y = yPtsStrat[[i]], 
                                                   z = zPtsStrat[[i]], marker = list(color = myCols[i]),
                                                   name = levels(data.bind$group)[i]) 
          for (i in 1:length(zVals))
            scatPlot <- scatPlot %>% add_surface(x = u1, y = v1, z = zVals[[i]], 
                                                 surfacecolor = matrix(rep((i-1), n*2), nrow = n, ncol = n),
                                                 cmax = (x$group-1), cmin = 0, showscale = F, colorscale = list(c(0,1), c(myCols[i], myCols[i])))
    } else if (x$fcn=="gam.grptest"){
      if (ncol(x$data)==3) {
   # if (type %in% c("contour","persp","plotly.persp")) stop(paste(type,"is only used for surface comparisons!"))
      u.min <- max(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) min(data.bind$x[data.bind$group==x]))))
      u.max <- min(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) max(data.bind$x[data.bind$group==x]))))
      u <- seq(from=u.min, to=u.max, length.out=n)
      fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub,function(x) predict(x,data.frame(x=u),se.fit=TRUE))),nrow=n)
      if (se.est==TRUE){
        lower <- fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)]-1.96*fit.sub.u[,seq(2,gn*2,by=2)]
        upper <- fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)]+1.96*fit.sub.u[,seq(2,gn*2,by=2)]
        matplot(u, cbind(fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)],lower,upper), lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="x", ylab="m(x)", xlim = range(data.bind$x), ylim = range(data.bind$y))
        if (data.pts==TRUE) {points(data.bind$x, data.bind$y, col=data.bind$group)}
        matplot(u, fit.sub.u[,seq(1,gn*2,by=2)], lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab=x$mydataname[1], ylab=x$mydataname[2], xlim = range(data.bind$x), ylim = range(data.bind$y))
        if (data.pts==TRUE) {points(data.bind$x, data.bind$y, col=data.bind$group)}
      text <- paste(x$mydataname[3], ": ", levels(data.bind$group), sep="")
      legend(x = legend.position, legend = text, lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, lwd=1.5)
      } else if (ncol(x$data)==4){
        if (type=="contour"){
          xl <- x$mydataname[1]
          yl <- x$mydataname[2]
          if (data.pts==TRUE) {invisible(lapply(as.numeric(levels(data.bind$group)),function(x) {
            }))} #suppress returning of list
            invisible(lapply(as.numeric(levels(data.bind$group)),function(x) mgcv::vis.gam(fit.sub[[x]],plot.type="contour",xlab=xl,ylab=yl,zlim=c(min(data.bind$y),max(data.bind$y)))))
        }else if(type=="persp"){
          xl <- x$mydataname[1]
          yl <- x$mydataname[2]
          invisible(lapply(as.numeric(levels(data.bind$group)),function(x) mgcv::vis.gam(fit.sub[[x]],plot.type="persp",xlab=xl,ylab=yl,zlim=c(min(data.bind$y),max(data.bind$y)),...)))
        else if(type=="plotly.persp"){
          ## colors for pallete
          if (length(levels(data.bind$group)) <= 2)
            myCols <- c('red', 'blue')
          } else {
            myCols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(levels(data.bind$group)), "RdBu")
          baseDatStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t,]})
          xPtsStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t, "x1"]})
          yPtsStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t, "x2"]})
          zPtsStrat <- lapply(levels(data.bind$group), function(t) {data.bind[data.bind[,"group"] == t, "y"]})
          u1.min <- max(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) min(data.bind$x1[data.bind$group==x]))))
          u1.max <- min(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) max(data.bind$x1[data.bind$group==x]))))
          u1 <- seq(from=u1.min, to=u1.max,length.out=n)
          v1.min <- max(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) min(data.bind$x2[data.bind$group==x]))))
          v1.max <- min(unlist(lapply(levels(data.bind$group),function(x) max(data.bind$x2[data.bind$group==x]))))
          v1 <- seq(from=v1.min, to=v1.max,length.out=n)
          ## fill in zVals matrix
          zVals <- lapply(fit.sub, function(t) {
            zVals <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
            for (i in 1:n)
              newdat <- data.frame(x = u1[i], y = v1)
              names(newdat) <- c("x1", "x2")
              zVals[,i] <- predict(t, newdata = newdat)
            ####combine groups
            scatPlot <- plot_ly() %>%
              layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = x$mydataname[1]), yaxis = list(title = x$mydataname[2]),
                                  zaxis = list(title = x$mydataname[3])))
            if (data.pts == TRUE) {
              for (i in 1:length(levels(data.bind$group)))
              scatPlot <- scatPlot %>% add_markers(x = xPtsStrat[[i]], y = yPtsStrat[[i]], 
                                                   z = zPtsStrat[[i]], marker = list(color = myCols[i]),
                                                   name = levels(data.bind$group)[i]) 
            for (i in 1:length(zVals))
              scatPlot <- scatPlot %>% add_surface(x = u1, y = v1, z = zVals[[i]], 
                                                   surfacecolor = matrix(rep((i-1), n*2), nrow = n, ncol = n),
                                                   cmax = (x$group-1), cmin = 0, showscale = F, colorscale = list(c(0,1), c(myCols[i], myCols[i])))

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gamm4.test documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:45 a.m.