## 2021-11-19: se incluyo la opcion de mostrar la incertidumbre expandida o la incertidumbre estandar
plot.comparison <- function(x, ...) {
# x is a data.frame with method:string, mean:numeric, u:numeric
display.order <- getOption("display.order")
display.shownames <- getOption("display.shownames")
display.orientation <- getOption("display.orientation")
display.length.out <- getOption("display.length.out") <- getOption("")
display.signif.digits <- getOption("display.signif.digits")
display.expandedUncertainty <- getOption("display.expandedUncertainty")
if (is.null(display.order)) display.order <- "location"
if (is.null(display.shownames)) display.shownames <- FALSE
if (is.null(display.orientation)) display.orientation <- "horizontal"
if (is.null(display.length.out)) display.length.out <- 101
if (is.null( <- 12
if (is.null(display.signif.digits)) display.signif.digits <- 2
if (is.null(display.expandedUncertainty)) display.expandedUncertainty <- FALSE
n <- length(x$fit$value)
ci <- matrix(cbind(x$fit$value, x$fit$expandedUnc/x$fit$coverageFactor, x$fit$expandedUnc), n, 3,
byrow = FALSE)
if (display.order == "location") {
ss <- order(x$fit$value)
} else if (display.order == "dispersion") {
ss <- order(x$fit$expandedUnc)
} else {
ss <- order(x$fit$method)
zz <- c(1:n)
zlim <- c(1, n)
ww <- x$fit$value[ss]
wlim <- range(c(x$fit$value - x$fit$expandedUnc, x$fit$value + x$fit$expandedUnc))
ssxlab <- "method"
wlab <- paste0(x$gconsensus$exercise, ": ", x$gconsensus$measurand, " /(", x$fit$unit[1], ")")
if (display.orientation == "horizontal") {
xx <- zz
yy <- ww
xlim <- zlim
ylim <- wlim
xaxis <- 1
yaxis <- 2
xlab <- ssxlab
ylab <- wlab
} else {
xx <- ww
yy <- zz
xlim <- wlim
ylim <- zlim
xaxis <- 2
yaxis <- 1
xlab <- wlab
ylab <- ssxlab
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim,
axes = FALSE,
xlab = xlab,
main = expression("Comparing Consensus Values " * (1 - alpha) * "% CI"),
ylab = ylab
if (display.orientation == "horizontal") {
if (display.expandedUncertainty) {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(rep(i, 2), x$fit$value[ss][i] + c(-1, 1) * x$fit$expandedUnc[ss][i], lwd=1)
} else {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(rep(i, 2), x$fit$value[ss][i] + c(-1, 1) * x$fit$expandedUnc[ss][i]/x$fit$coverageFactor[ss][i], lwd=1)
} else {
if (display.expandedUncertainty) {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(x$fit$value[ss][i] + c(-1, 1) * x$fit$expandedUnc[ss][i], rep(i, 2), lwd=1)
} else {
for (i in 1:n) {
lines(x$fit$value[ss][i] + c(-1, 1) * x$fit$expandedUnc[ss][i]/x$fit$coverageFactor[ss][i], rep(i, 2), lwd=1)
axis(xaxis, at = c(1:n), labels = x$fit$method[ss])
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