
Defines functions shinyAppServer

Documented in shinyAppServer

#' Shiny app server function
#' @param input provided by shiny
#' @param output provided by shiny
#' @param session provided by shiny
#' @import RSQLite
#' @import leaflet
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite prettify
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all

# Define server logic of the app
# Based on https://github.com/MangoTheCat/shinyAppDemo/
shinyAppServer <- function(input, output, session) {

  gbif_db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "gbif.sqlite3")
  app_name <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT data FROM metadata WHERE id='title'")$data
  output$app_title <- renderText(app_name)
  #gbif_issues ----
  #gbifissues <- rgbif::gbif_issues()
  gbifissues <- data.frame(
    issue = c(

description = c(
      "The given collection matches with more than 1 GRSciColl collection.",
      "The given institution matches with more than 1 GRSciColl institution.",
      "The given basis of record is impossible to interpret or significantly different from the recommended vocabulary.",
      "The given collection was fuzzily matched to a GRSciColl collection.",
      "The given collection couldn't be matched with any GRSciColl collection.",
      "The interpreted continent and country do not match.",
      "The interpreted continent is based on the coordinates, not the verbatim string information.",
      "Uninterpretable continent values found.",
      "Coordinate value is given in some form but GBIF is unable to interpret it.",
      "Coordinate has a latitude and/or longitude value beyond the maximum (or minimum) decimal value.",
      "Indicates an invalid or very unlikely coordinatePrecision",
      "The original coordinate was successfully reprojected from a different geodetic datum to WGS84.",
      "The given decimal latitude and longitude could not be reprojected to WGS84 based on the provided datum.",
      "Indicates successful coordinate reprojection according to provided datum, but which results in a datum shift larger than 0.1 decimal degrees.",
      "Original coordinate modified by rounding to 5 decimals.",
      "Indicates an invalid or very unlikely dwc:uncertaintyInMeters.",
      "The interpreted occurrence coordinates fall outside of the indicated country.",
      "The interpreted country is based on the coordinates, not the verbatim string information.",
      "Uninterpretable country values found.",
      "Interpreted country for dwc:country and dwc:countryCode contradict each other.",
      "Set if supplied minimum depth > maximum depth",
      "Set if depth is a non-numeric value",
      "Set if supplied depth is not given in the metric system, for example using feet instead of meters",
      "Set if depth is larger than 11,000m or negative.",
      "The given owner institution is different than the given institution.",
      "Set if supplied minimum elevation > maximum elevation",
      "Set if elevation is a non-numeric value",
      "Set if supplied elevation is not given in the metric system, for example using feet instead of meters",
      "Set if elevation is above the troposphere (17km) or below 11km (Mariana Trench).",
      "The Footprint Spatial Reference System given could not be interpreted.",
      "The Footprint Well-Known-Text given could not be interpreted.",
      "The Footprint Well-Known-Text conflicts with the interpreted coordinates (Decimal Latitude, Decimal Longitude etc).",
      "Indicating that the interpreted coordinates assume they are based on WGS84 datum as the datum was either not indicated or interpretable.",
      "The geodetic datum given could not be interpreted.",
      "The date given for dwc:georeferencedDate is invalid and can't be interpreted at all.",
      "The date given for dwc:georeferencedDate is in the future or before Linnean times (1700).",
      "The date given for dwc:dateIdentified is invalid and can't be interpreted at all.",
      "The date given for dwc:dateIdentified is in the future or before Linnean times (1700).",
      "Example: individual count value > 0, but occurrence status is absent.",
      "The individual count value is not a positive integer",
      "The collection matched doesn't belong to the institution matched.",
      "The given institution was fuzzily matched to a GRSciColl institution.",
      "The given institution couldn't be matched with any GRSciColl institution.",
      "An error occurred during interpretation, leaving the record interpretation incomplete.",
      "A (partial) invalid date is given for dc:modified, such as a nonexistent date, zero month, etc.",
      "The date given for dc:modified is in the future or predates Unix time (1970).",
      "An invalid date is given for dc:created of a multimedia object.",
      "An invalid URI is given for a multimedia object.",
      "Occurrence status was inferred from basis of records",
      "Occurrence status was inferred from the individual count value",
      "Occurrence status value can't be assigned to OccurrenceStatus",
      "Deprecated. ",
      "Latitude appears to be negated, e.g.",
      "Longitude appears to be negated, e.g.",
      "Latitude and longitude appear to be swapped.",
      "A (partial) invalid date is given, such as a non existing date, zero month, etc.",
      "The recorded date specified as the eventDate string and the individual year, month, day are contradictory.",
      "The recorded date is highly unlikely, falling either into the future or representing a very old date before 1600 thus predating modern taxonomy.",
      "An invalid URI is given for dc:references.",
      "Matching to the taxonomic backbone can only be done on a species level, but the occurrence was in fact considered a broader species aggregate/complex.",
      "Matching to the taxonomic backbone can only be done using a fuzzy, non exact match.",
      "Matching to the taxonomic backbone can only be done on a higher rank and not the scientific name.",
      "Matching to the taxonomic backbone cannot be done because there was no match at all, or several matches with too little information to keep them apart (potentially homonyms).",
      "The given type status is impossible to interpret or significantly different from the recommended vocabulary.",
      "Coordinate is the exact 0, 0 coordinate, often indicating a bad null coordinate.")
  #issues dealing with coordinates 
  spatial_issues <- c("CONTINENT_COUNTRY_MISMATCH",
  #issues dealing with depth 
  depth_issues <- c("DEPTH_MIN_MAX_SWAPPED",
  #issues dealing with elevation 
  elev_issues <- c("ELEVATION_MIN_MAX_SWAPPED",
  #issues dealing with dates 
  date_issues <- c("RECORDED_DATE_INVALID",
  #issues dealing with taxonomy 
  taxo_issues <- c("TAXON_MATCH_FUZZY",
  # Get rows with issues
  distinct_issues <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT DISTINCT issue FROM bade_gbif_issues")
  distinct_issues <- unlist(distinct_issues, use.names = FALSE)
  #distinct_issues pulldown ----
  output$distinct_issues <- renderUI({
      selectInput(inputId = "i",
                label = "Select an issue:", 
                choices = distinct_issues,
                width = 360
  # Table of records with issue ----
  datarows <- reactive({
    #Which cols to display by type of issue
    if (input$i %in% spatial_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, locality, country"
    }else if (input$i %in% depth_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, minimumDepthInMeters, maximumDepthInMeters, verbatimDepth"
    }else if (input$i %in% elev_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, minimumElevationInMeters, maximumElevationInMeters, verbatimElevation"
    }else if (input$i %in% date_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, eventDate, eventTime, startDayOfYear, endDayOfYear,year, month, day"
    }else if (input$i %in% taxo_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, \"order\", family, genus, higherclassification"
    }else if (input$i == "BASIS_OF_RECORD_INVALID"){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, basisOfRecord, recordedBy, locality, country"
    }else if (input$i == "REFERENCES_URI_INVALID"){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, \"references\", recordedBy, locality, country"
    }else if (input$i == "INDIVIDUAL_COUNT_INVALID"){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, individualcount, recordedBy, locality, country"
    }else if (input$i == "TYPE_STATUS_INVALID"){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, typestatus, recordedBy, locality, country"
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, recordedBy, locality, country"
    query <- paste0("SELECT ", cols, " FROM bade_gbif_verbatim WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid from bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", input$i, "') and gbifid NOT IN (SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE ignorerow = 't') ORDER BY gbifid")
    datarows <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, query)
    df <- data.frame(datarows, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  output$table_heading <- renderUI({
    h3("Rows in the 'verbatim' file with this issue:")
  output$pagetitle <- renderUI({
    if (app_name != ""){
      app_name_title <- app_name
      app_name_title <- "GBIF Dataset Explorer"
  HTML(paste0('<script type="text/javascript">
                           top.document.title=\'', app_name_title, '\'
  output$table <- DT::renderDataTable({
                  escape = FALSE, 
                  options = list(
                      searching = TRUE, 
                      ordering = TRUE, 
                      pageLength = 10
                  rownames = FALSE, 
                  selection = 'single')
  output$download_doi <- renderUI({
    metadata_string <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT metadata_json FROM bade_gbif_metadata"))
    gbif_metadata <- jsonlite::fromJSON(metadata_string$metadata_json)
    gbif_metadata_json <- jsonlite::prettify(metadata_string$metadata_json)
    html_to_print <- paste0("<div class=\"panel panel-primary\"> <div class=\"panel-heading\"> <h3 class=\"panel-title\">GBIF Occurrence Download Metadata</h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div style = \"overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: auto;\"><dl>")
    for (i in 1:length(gbif_metadata)){
      html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>", names(gbif_metadata[i]), "</dt>")
      if (names(gbif_metadata[i]) == "doi"){
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd><a href=\"https://doi.org/", gbif_metadata[i], "\" target = _blank>", gbif_metadata[i], "</a></dd>")
      }else if(names(gbif_metadata[i]) == "downloadLink" || names(gbif_metadata[i]) == "license"){
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd><a href=\"", gbif_metadata[i], "\" target = _blank>", gbif_metadata[i], "</a></dd>")
      }else if(names(gbif_metadata[i]) == "size"){
        #from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29787452/how-do-i-quickly-convert-the-size-element-of-file-info-from-bytes-to-kb-mb-g#comment48096201_29787527
        filesize <- structure(as.numeric(gbif_metadata[i]), class="object_size") 
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd>", format(filesize, units="auto"), "</dd>")
      }else if(names(gbif_metadata[i]) == "totalRecords" || names(gbif_metadata[i]) == "numberDatasets"){
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd>", prettyNum(gbif_metadata[i], big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE), "</dd>")
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd>", gbif_metadata[i], "</dd>")
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "</dl>")
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info\" data-toggle=\"modal\" data-target=\"#myModal\">Metadata JSON</button>
    <!-- Modal -->
    <div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"myModal\" role=\"dialog\">
      <div class=\"modal-dialog\">
        <!-- Modal content-->
        <div class=\"modal-content\">
          <div class=\"modal-header\">
            <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">&times;</button>
              <h4 class=\"modal-title\">Archive Metadata</h4>
                <div class=\"modal-body\">
                  ", pre(gbif_metadata_json), "
                <div class=\"modal-footer\">
                  <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">Close</button>
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "</div></div></div>")
      # HTML(paste0("<script type=\"text/javascript\">
      #                      document.getElementsByClassName(\"navbar-brand\")[0].innerHTML = ", app_name, ";
      #               </script>"))
  # details of record ----
  output$recorddetail <- renderUI({
    if (input$i == "None"){
      this_summary_ids <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_issues) and ignorerow = 'f' ORDER BY gbifid")
      this_summary_ids <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid from bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", input$i, "') and ignorerow = 'f' ORDER BY gbifid"))
    this_record <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid = '", this_summary_ids[input$table_rows_selected,], "' ORDER BY gbifid"))
    this_record_dataset <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_datasets WHERE datasetKey in (SELECT datasetKey FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid = '", this_record$gbifid, "')"))
    gbif_record_url <- paste0("https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/", this_record$gbifid)
    occurrenceID <- this_record$occurrenceid
    html_to_print <- paste0("<h4>Record gbifid: ", this_record$gbifid)
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, 
                                         label = "Hide record", 
                                         class = "btn btn-danger pull-right",
                                         icon = icon("remove", lib = "glyphicon")),
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "</h4><dl class=\"dl-horizontal\"><dt>GBIF Record</dt><dd><a href=\"", gbif_record_url, "\" target = _blank>", gbif_record_url, "</a></dd>")
    if (!is.na(occurrenceID)){
      html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>Occurrence ID</dt>")
      #check if it is a URL, just print otherwise
      if (substr(occurrenceID, 0, 4) == "http"){
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd><a href=\"", occurrenceID, "\" target = _blank>", occurrenceID, "</a></dd>")
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd>", occurrenceID, "</dd>")
    if (this_record$catalognumber != ""){
      html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>Catalog No.</dt><dd>", this_record$catalognumber, "</dd>")
    if (input$i != "None"){
      html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>Issues</dt>")
      issue_list <- base::strsplit(this_record$issue, ";")[[1]]
      for (i in 1:length(issue_list)){
        this_issue <- dplyr::filter(gbifissues, issue == issue_list[i])
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dd><abbr title=\"", this_issue$description, "\">", this_issue$issue, "</abbr></dd>")
    images <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_multimedia WHERE gbifid = '", this_record$gbifid, "' AND type = 'StillImage'"))
    if (dim(images)[1] > 0){
      html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>Images</dt><dd>")
      no_images <- dim(images)[1]
      if (no_images > 3){
        no_images <- 3
      for (j in 1:no_images){
        image_url <- images$identifier[j]
        image_title <- images$title[j]
        html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<a href=\"", image_url, "\" target = _blank><img src=\"", image_url, "\" width = \"140px\" alt = \"" , image_title, "\" style = \"padding: 5px;\"></a>")
      html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "</dd>")
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>Dataset Title</dt><dd><a href=\"https://www.gbif.org/dataset/", this_record_dataset$datasetKey, "\" target = \"_blank\">", this_record_dataset$title, "</a></dd>")
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<dt>Dataset Institution</dt><dd>", this_record_dataset$institution, "</dd>")
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "</dl>")
    verbatim_json <- paste0("http://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/", this_record$gbifid, "/verbatim")
    html_to_print <- paste0(html_to_print, "<a href=\"", verbatim_json, "\" target = _blank>Verbatim JSON</a><br>")
  # Proxy for DT ----
  proxy = DT::dataTableProxy('table')
  # Delete row ----
  observeEvent(input$delrecord, {
    if (input$i == "None"){
      this_summary_ids <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_issues) AND ignorerow = 'f'")
      this_summary_ids <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid from bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", input$i, "') AND ignorerow = 'f'"))
    this_record <- dbExecute(gbif_db, paste0("UPDATE bade_gbif_occ SET ignorerow = 't' WHERE gbifid = '", this_summary_ids[input$table_rows_selected,], "'"))
    if (input$i == "None"){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, locality, country"
    }else if (input$i %in% spatial_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, locality, country"
    }else if (input$i %in% depth_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, minimumDepthInMeters, maximumDepthInMeters, verbatimDepth"
    }else if (input$i %in% elev_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, minimumElevationInMeters, maximumElevationInMeters, verbatimElevation"
    }else if (input$i %in% date_issues){
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, eventDate, eventTime, startDayOfYear, endDayOfYear,year, month, day"
      cols <- "gbifid, scientificName, recordedBy, locality, country"
    if (input$i == "None"){
      datarows <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT ", cols, " FROM bade_gbif_verbatim WHERE gbifid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_issues) and gbifid NOT IN (SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE ignorerow = 't')"))
      datarows <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT ", cols, " FROM bade_gbif_verbatim WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid from bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", input$i, "') and gbifid NOT IN (SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE ignorerow = 't')"))
    datarows <- data.frame(datarows, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    DT::replaceData(proxy, datarows, rownames = FALSE)
  # Record map ----
  output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
    datarows <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT gbifid, decimallatitude, decimallongitude FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid from bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", input$i, "') and ignorerow = 'f'"))
    points <- datarows[input$table_rows_selected,]
    #check if lat and lon exist
    leaflet() %>%
      addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap) %>%
      addMarkers(lng = as.numeric(points$decimallongitude), lat = as.numeric(points$decimallatitude)) %>%
      setView(as.numeric(points$decimallongitude), as.numeric(points$decimallatitude), zoom = 04)
  # Name of issue ----
  output$issuename <- renderUI({
    this_issue <- dplyr::filter(gbifissues, issue == input$i)
      HTML("<div class=\"panel panel-primary\"> <div class=\"panel-heading\"> <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Definition of Issue</h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\">"),
      p(paste0("Issue: ", this_issue$issue)),
      p(paste0("Description: ", this_issue$description)),
  # Downloadable csv of selected issue ----
  output$downloadData1 <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste(input$i, ".csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid from bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", input$i, "') and ignorerow = 'f'")), file, row.names = FALSE)
  # Downloadable csv of rows with no issues ----
  output$downloadData2 <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste("NO_ISSUES.csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_issues) and ignorerow = 'f'"), file, row.names = FALSE)
  # Download button ----
  output$downloadData <- renderUI({
    if (input$i != "None"){
      downloadButton("downloadData1", "Download records with this issue", class = "btn-primary")  
      downloadButton("downloadData2", "Download records with no issues", class = "btn-primary")  
  # Download Occ file ----
  output$downloadOcc <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste("occurrence.csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE ignorerow = 'f'"), file, row.names = FALSE)
  output$downloadOccFile <- renderUI({
    downloadButton("downloadOcc", "Download Occurrence File", class = "btn-primary")
  output$downloadOccFileInfo <- renderUI({
      HTML("<div class=\"panel panel-success\"> <div class=\"panel-heading\"> <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Download Occurrence</h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\">
           <p>To download the occurrence file, in csv format, without the hidden rows:"),
  # Download Verbatim file ----
  output$downloadOcc1 <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste("verbatim.csv", sep = "")
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT * FROM bade_gbif_verbatim WHERE gbifid IN (SELECT gbifid FROM bade_gbif_occ WHERE ignorerow = 'f')"), file, row.names = FALSE)
  output$downloadOccFile1 <- renderUI({
    downloadButton("downloadOcc1", "Download Verbatim File", class = "btn-primary")
  output$downloadVerFileInfo <- renderUI({
      HTML("<div class=\"panel panel-success\"> <div class=\"panel-heading\"> <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Download Verbatim</h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\">
           <p>To download the verbatim file, in csv format, without the hidden rows:"),
  # Help1 ----
  output$help1 <- renderUI({
    HTML("<div class=\"panel panel-primary\"> <div class=\"panel-heading\"> <h3 class=\"panel-title\">How to use this tool</h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\">
         <p>Occurrence records in GBIF can be tagged with a number of issues that their system has detected. However, like the 
         <a href=\"https://www.gbif.org/article/5i3CQEZ6DuWiycgMaaakCo/gbif-infrastructure-data-processing\" target = _blank>
         processing information page</a> indicates:</p>
         <ul><li><em>Not all issues indicate bad data. Some are merley flagging the fact that GBIF has altered values during processing.</em></li></ul>
         <p>This tool allows collection and data managers, as well as researchers, to explore issues in GBIF Darwin Core Archive downloads in an easy web-based interface. To load a DarwinCore download to the database:</p>
         <li>Download the zip archive</li>
         <li>Run <em>load_gbif_dwc(\"zipfile.zip\")</em></li>
         <li>Wait for the database to be created</li>
         <li>Run the app using: <em>launchApp()</em></li>

        <p>Then, you can click the 'Explore Issues' tab to see how many records have been tagged with a particular issue.</p>

        <p>Once you select an issue, a table will display the rows that have been tagged with that issue. If you click on a row, more details of the occurrence record will be shown, including a map using Leaflet (if the record has coordinates). You can choose to delete the row from the local database.</p>

        <p>The 'Explore Data Fields' will show a summary and top data values in all fields of the `occurrence.txt` file (except for the gbifID field).</p>
  # Help2 ----
  output$help2 <- renderUI({
        <div class=\"panel panel-primary\"> <div class=\"panel-heading\"> <h3 class=\"panel-title\">Deleting Records</h3></div><div class=\"panel-body\">
        <p>You can delete individual records from the local database by clicking on the 'Delete record' button.</p>
        <p>Deleted records will not show up in the table of results or when downloading the Occurrence or Verbatim files. This option can be used to remove records, for example, where:</p>
            <li>The issue is not a real problem and can be ignored</li>
            <li>The issue has been fixed in the collection database</li>
            <li>For researchers, the record can not be used in an analysis</li>
  output$clickdetails <- renderUI({
    HTML("<p class=\"pull-right\">Click a record for details</p>")
  # summaryTable ----
  output$summaryTable <- DT::renderDataTable({
    # Get rows with issues
    distinct_issues <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT DISTINCT issue FROM bade_gbif_issues")
    distinct_issues <- unlist(distinct_issues, use.names = FALSE)
    #How many rows
    total_rows <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT count(*) FROM bade_gbif_verbatim")
    summary_vals <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0, data = NA))
    for (i in 1:length(distinct_issues)){
      this_issue <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, paste0("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM bade_gbif_issues WHERE issue = '", distinct_issues[i], "'"))
      issue_description <- gbifissues[gbifissues$issue == distinct_issues[i],]$description
      if (length(issue_description) == 0){
        issue_description <- "NA"
      summary_vals <- rbind(summary_vals, cbind(distinct_issues[i], issue_description, this_issue[1]))
    names(summary_vals) <- c("issue", "description", "no_records")

    #Remove underscores from issue names
    summary_vals$issue <- gsub("_", " ", summary_vals$issue)

    names(summary_vals) <- c("Issue", "Description", "No. records")
                  #caption = 'Table 1. Issues in the downloaded dataset and the number of records per issue', 
                  escape = FALSE, 
                  options = list(searching = FALSE, 
                                 ordering = TRUE, 
                                 pageLength = 10, 
                                 paging = TRUE,
                                 order = list(2, 'desc')
                  rownames = FALSE, 
                  selection = 'none') %>% 
      DT::formatCurrency('No. records', currency = "", interval = 3, mark = ",", digits = 0)
  # summaryPlot2 - Related issues ----
  output$summaryPlot2 <- renderPlot({
    issues_summ <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "select replace(a.issue, '_', ' ') as issue_a, replace(b.issue, '_', ' ') as issue_b, count(a.gbifid) as no_records from (select gbifid, issue from bade_gbif_issues) a LEFT JOIN (select gbifid, issue from bade_gbif_issues) b ON (a.gbifid = b.gbifid AND a.issue != b.issue) WHERE b.issue IS NOT NULL GROUP BY a.issue, b.issue")
    ggplot(data = issues_summ, aes(issue_b, issue_a)) +
      geom_tile(aes(fill = no_records), color = "white") +
        axis.title = element_blank(), 
        axis.text.x = element_text(size=10, angle = 90, hjust = 1),
        #axis.text.y = element_text(size=10, angle = 45),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size=10),
        #axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        plot.title = element_text(size = 18, face="bold")) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits = levels(issues_summ$issue_a)) + 
      scale_y_discrete(limits = levels(issues_summ$issue_b), position = "right") + 
      scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red") + 
        fill = "No. of Records\nwith both\nIssues"#, 
        #title = "Fig. 2. Pairwise image of issues common to the records"
  # summaryPlot3 - Plot records with multiple issues ----
  output$summaryPlot3 <- renderPlot({
    issues_by_rec <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "select a.no_issues as no_issues, count(a.gbifid) as no_records, b.total_records as total_records from (select gbifid, count(*) as no_issues from bade_gbif_issues group by gbifid) a, (select count(gbifid) as total_records from bade_gbif_occ) b group by a.no_issues, b.total_records")
    issues_by_rec$percent <- round((issues_by_rec$no_records/issues_by_rec$total_records)*100, 2)
    issues_by_rec_none <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "select count(a.gbifid) as no_records from (select gbifid from bade_gbif_occ WHERE gbifid NOT IN (select gbifid from bade_gbif_issues)) a")
    if (issues_by_rec_none$no_records>0){
      issues_by_rec_none_percent <- round((issues_by_rec_none$no_records/max(issues_by_rec$total_records))*100, 2)
      issues_by_rec <- rbind(issues_by_rec, c(0, issues_by_rec_none$no_records, max(issues_by_rec$total_records), issues_by_rec_none_percent))

    issues_by_rec["percent"][issues_by_rec["percent"] == 0.00] <- "< 0.01"
    ggplot(data = issues_by_rec, aes(x = no_issues, y = no_records, label = percent, colour = no_issues, fill = no_issues)) +
      geom_col() +
      scale_y_continuous(labels=function(x) format(x, big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)) +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = issues_by_rec$no_issues) + 
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12), 
        axis.title = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"), 
        plot.title = element_text(size = 18, face="bold")
      ) + 
      geom_text(aes(label = paste(percent, "%"), size = 10), position=position_dodge(width = 0.9), vjust = -0.5) +
        #title = "Fig. 1. Number of issues by record", 
        subtitle = "Percent is from total number of rows", 
        x = "No. of Issues/Record", 
        y = "No. of Records"
  # fields_table ----
  output$fields_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
    fields_summary <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT field_name, not_null_vals, no_rows_distinct FROM bade_gbif_issue_stats ORDER BY field_name")
    fields_summary[1] <- lapply(fields_summary[1], as.character)
    #fields_summary[1] <- lapply(fields_summary[1], stringr::str_replace_all, pattern = '"', replacement = '')
    fields_summary[, 3] <- prettyNum(as.integer(fields_summary[, 3]), big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
    names(fields_summary) <- c("Field", "Rows Not Empty and Not Null", "Distinct Values")
    session$userData$fields_summary <- fields_summary
                  escape = FALSE, 
                  options = list(searching = TRUE, ordering = TRUE, pageLength = 25), 
                  rownames = FALSE, 
                  selection = 'single')
  # fields_details ----
  output$fields_details <- DT::renderDataTable({
    # details of record ----
    output$fields_details_h <- renderUI({
      h4("Select a field from the table on the left to see the data values.")
    #Get field
    fields_summary <- session$userData$fields_summary
    field_to_check <- as.character(fields_summary[input$fields_table_rows_selected, 1])
    output$fields_details_h <- renderUI({
      if (substr(field_to_check, 1, 1) == "_"){
          h4(paste0("Unique data values in data field: '", field_to_check, "'.")),
          HTML("<p><em>Field original name: ", substr(field_to_check, 2, 100), " - underscore is used to avoid query issues</em></p>")
        h4(paste0("Unique data values in data field: '", field_to_check, "'."))
    #no rows
    no_rows <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bade_gbif_occ")
    # Get rows from field
    if (field_to_check %in% c("decimallatitude", "decimallongitude")){
      f_query <- paste0("SELECT CASE WHEN ", field_to_check, " IS NULL THEN '[NULL]' WHEN ", field_to_check, " = '' THEN '[EMPTY]' WHEN char_length(split_part(", field_to_check, ", '.', 2)) > 6 THEN ", field_to_check, " || ' [SEE PRECISION NOTE BELOW]' ELSE CAST(", field_to_check, " AS text) END , count(*) as no_records FROM bade_gbif_occ GROUP BY ", field_to_check, " ORDER BY no_records DESC LIMIT 500")
    }else if (field_to_check == "issue"){
      f_query <- paste0("SELECT CASE WHEN ", field_to_check, " IS NULL THEN '[NULL]' WHEN ", field_to_check, " = '' THEN '[EMPTY]' ELSE REPLACE(", field_to_check, ", ';', '; ') END , count(*) as no_records FROM bade_gbif_occ GROUP BY ", field_to_check, " ORDER BY no_records DESC LIMIT 500")
      f_query <- paste0("SELECT CASE WHEN ", field_to_check, " IS NULL THEN '[NULL]' WHEN ", field_to_check, " = '' THEN '[EMPTY]' ELSE CAST(", field_to_check, " as TEXT) END , count(*) as no_records FROM bade_gbif_occ GROUP BY ", field_to_check, " ORDER BY no_records DESC LIMIT 500")
    field_data <- dbGetQuery(gbif_db, f_query)
    for (i in seq(1, dim(field_data)[1])){
      field_data[i, 3] <- round((as.integer(field_data[i, 2]) / as.integer(no_rows$`COUNT(*)`)) * 100, 2)
    names(field_data) <- c("Field Value", "No. of rows", "Percent of records")
    field_data$"No. of rows" <- prettyNum(as.integer(field_data$"No. of rows"), big.mark = ",", scientific = FALSE)
                  escape = FALSE,
                  options = list(searching = TRUE, ordering = TRUE, pageLength = 25),
                  rownames = FALSE,
                  selection = 'none')
  # details of record ----
  output$fields_details_h <- renderUI({
    h4("Select a field from the table on the left to see the data values.")
  output$explore_fields <- renderUI({
    h4("Summary of each field on the occurrence.txt file")
  # precision_note ----
  output$precision_note <- renderUI({
    html_to_print <- "<br><br><p><strong>Note</strong>: Showing the top 500 results.</p>"
    #Get field
    fields_summary <- session$userData$fields_summary
    field_to_check <- as.character(fields_summary[input$fields_table_rows_selected, 1])
    if (field_to_check %in% c("decimallatitude", "decimallongitude")){
      html_to_print <- paste(html_to_print, "<br><p><strong>Precision Note</strong>: The precision in lat and lon values with more than 5 decimal places is usually excessive. Values with 6 decimal places measure differences of less than a meter. If the values were converted from another datum, they have to be rounded to the appropriate number of decimal places.")
  # footer ----
  output$footer <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("<br><br><br><div class=\"footer navbar-fixed-bottom\" style=\"background: #FFFFFF;\"><br><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"https://dpo.si.edu\" target = _blank>Digitization Program Office, OCIO</a>, Smithsonian | <a href=\"https://github.com/Smithsonian/GBIF-Dataset-Explorer\" target = _blank>gde</a> version ", packageVersion("gde"), "</p></div>"))

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gde documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:17 a.m.