#' Probability of passage
#' Calculates for each cell the number of passages of a random-walk
#' or randomised shortest paths with given origin(s) and destination(s).
#' Either the total or the net number of passages can be calculated.
#' In the case of multiple origins or destinations, each receives equal
#' weight.
#' @name passage
#' @aliases passage
#' @aliases passage,TransitionLayer,Coords,Coords,missing-method
#' @aliases passage,TransitionLayer,Coords,Coords,numeric-method
#' @aliases passage,TransitionLayer,RasterLayer,RasterLayer,missing-method
#' @aliases passage,TransitionLayer,RasterLayer,RasterLayer,numeric-method
#' @keywords spatial
#' @keywords methods
#' @param x Object of class \code{Transition*}
#' @param origin \code{SpatialPoints}, matrix or numeric
#' object with coordinates or RasterLayer object with origin
#' cells set to TRUE
#' @param goal \code{SpatialPoints}, matrix or numeric object
#' with coordinates or RasterLayer object with origin
#' cells set to TRUE
#' @param theta If zero or missing, a random walk results.
#' If a numeric value 0 < theta < 20 is given, randomised
#' shortest paths are calculated; theta is the degree
#' from which the path randomly deviates from the shortest path
#' @param ... Additional arguments:
#' totalNet ("total" or "net"), and output ("RasterLayer" or "Transition")
#' @return RasterLayer or Transition object, depending on the output argument
#' @details
#' The net number of passages between i and j is defined as:
#' abs( passages from i to j - passages from j to i ).
#' Defaults for additional argument \code{totalNet} is "net"
#' and for \code{output} it is "RasterLayer".
#' Random walk requires a symmetric transition matrix.
#' @references
#' McRae B.H., B.G. Dickson, and T. Keitt. 2008.
#' Using circuit theory to model connectivity in ecology,
#' evolution, and conservation.
#' \emph{Ecology} 89:2712-2724.
#' Saerens M., L. Yen, F. Fouss, and Y. Achbany. 2009.
#' Randomized shortest-path problems: two related models.
#' \emph{Neural Computation}, 21(8):2363-2404.
#' @author Jacob van Etten. Implementation of randomised shortest
#' paths based on Matlab code by Marco Saerens
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{commuteDistance}},
#' \code{\link{pathInc}}
#' @examples
#' #create a new raster and set all its values to unity.
#' raster <- raster(nrows=18, ncols=36)
#' raster <- setValues(raster,rep(1,ncell(raster)))
#' #create a Transition object from the raster
#' tr <- transition(raster,mean,4)
#' trC <- geoCorrection(tr, type="c", scl=TRUE)
#' trR <- geoCorrection(tr, type="r", scl=TRUE)
#' #create two coordinates
#' sP1 <- SpatialPoints(cbind(-105,55))
#' sP2 <- SpatialPoints(cbind(105,-55))
#' #randomised shortest paths with theta = 2
#' rSPraster <- passage(trC, sP1, sP2, 2)
#' plot(rSPraster)
#' points(sP1)
#' points(sP2)
#' #randomised shortest paths with theta = 0.05
#' rSPraster <- passage(trC, sP1, sP2, 0.05)
#' plot(rSPraster)
#' points(sP1)
#' points(sP2)
#' #randomised shortest paths with theta = 0.05
#' #and total
#' rSPraster <- passage(trC, sP1, sP2, 0.05, totalNet = "total")
#' plot(rSPraster)
#' points(sP1)
#' points(sP2)
#' #random walk
#' rwraster <- passage(trR, sP1, sP2)
#' plot(rwraster)
#' points(sP1)
#' points(sP2)
#' @exportMethod passage
function(x, origin, goal, theta, ...) {
signature(x = "TransitionLayer", origin = "Coords", goal = "Coords", theta = "missing"),
function(x, origin, goal, totalNet = "net", output = "RasterLayer") {
.checkInputsPassage(totalNet, output)
origin <- .coordsToMatrix(origin)
goal <- .coordsToMatrix(goal)
if (totalNet == "net" & output == "RasterLayer") {
x <- .transitionSolidify(x)
tc <- transitionCells(x)
cellnri <- cellFromXY(x, origin)
cellnrj <- cellFromXY(x, goal)
ci <- match(cellnri, tc)
cj <- match(cellnrj, tc)
result <- .flowMap(x, ci, cj, tc)
} else {
stop("no method available -- try a low value of theta instead")
signature(x = "TransitionLayer", origin = "RasterLayer", goal = "RasterLayer", theta = "missing"),
function(x, origin, goal, totalNet = "net", output = "RasterLayer") {
.checkInputsPassage(totalNet, output)
if (totalNet == "net" & output == "RasterLayer") {
x <- .transitionSolidify(x)
tc <- transitionCells(x)
ci <- which(getValues(origin))
cj <- which(getValues(goal))
result <- .flowMap(x, ci, cj, tc)
} else {
stop("no method available -- try a low value of theta instead")
.checkInputsPassage <- function(totalNet, output) {
if (!(totalNet %in% c("total", "net"))) {
stop("totalNet should be either total or net")
if (!(output %in% c("RasterLayer", "TransitionLayer"))) {
stop("output should be either RasterLayer or TransitionLayer")
.flowMap <- function(x, indexOrigin, indexGoal, tc) {
L <- .Laplacian(x)
Lr <- L[-dim(L)[1], -dim(L)[1]]
A <- as(L, "lMatrix")
A <- as(A, "dMatrix")
n <- max(dim(Lr))
Current <- .currentR(L, Lr, A, n, indexOrigin, indexGoal)
result <- as(x, "RasterLayer")
dataVector <- rep(0, times = ncell(result))
dataVector[tc] <- Current
result <- setValues(result, dataVector)
# Author: Jacob van Etten,
# based on Matlab code by Marco Saerens
# IE University
# Date : January 2010
# Version 1.0
# Licence GPL v3
signature(x = "TransitionLayer", origin = "Coords", goal = "Coords", theta = "numeric"),
function(x, origin, goal, theta, totalNet = "net", output = "RasterLayer") {
cellnri <- cellFromXY(x, origin)
cellnrj <- cellFromXY(x, goal)
x <- .transitionSolidify(x)
tc <- transitionCells(x)
ci <- match(cellnri, tc)
cj <- match(cellnrj, tc)
result <- .randomShPaths(x, ci, cj, theta, tc, totalNet, output)
signature(x = "TransitionLayer", origin = "RasterLayer", goal = "RasterLayer", theta = "numeric"),
function(x, origin, goal, theta, totalNet = "net", output = "RasterLayer") {
#check if Transition and RasterLayers coincide
ci <- which(getValues(origin))
cj <- which(getValues(goal))
x <- .transitionSolidify(x)
tc <- transitionCells(x)
result <- .randomShPaths(x, ci, cj, theta, tc, totalNet, output)
.randomShPaths <- function(x, ci, cj, theta, tc, totalNet, output) {
if(theta < 0 | theta > 20 ) {
stop("theta value out of range (between 0 and 20)")
tr <- transitionMatrix(x, inflate = FALSE)
trR <- tr
trR@x <- 1 / trR@x
nr <- dim(tr)[1]
Id <- Diagonal(nr)
rs <- rowSums(tr)
rs[rs>0] <- 1/rs[rs > 0]
P <- tr * rs
W <- trR
#zero values are not relevant because of next step exp(-theta * trR@x)
W@x <- exp(-theta * trR@x)
W <- W * P
return(.probPass(x, Id, W, nr, ci, cj, tc, totalNet, output))
.probPass <- function(x, Id, W, nr, ci, cj, tc, totalNet, output) {
nc <- ncell(x)
Ij <- Diagonal(nr)
Ij[cbind(cj, cj)] <- 1 - 1 / length(cj)
Wj <- Ij %*% W
ei <- rep(0, times = nr)
ei[ci] <- 1 / length(ci)
ej <- rep(0, times = nr)
ej[cj] <- 1 / length(cj)
IdMinusWj <- as((Id - Wj), "dgCMatrix")
zci <- solve(t(IdMinusWj), ei)
zcj <- solve(IdMinusWj, ej)
zcij <- sum(ei * zcj)
if(zcij < 1e-300) {
if(output == "RasterLayer") {
result <- as(x, "RasterLayer")
result[] <- rep(0, times = nc)
if(output == "TransitionLayer") {
result <- x
transitionMatrix(result) <- Matrix(0, nc, nc)
result@transitionCells <- 1:nc
} else {
# Computation of the cost dij between node i and node j
# dij <- (t(zci) %*% (trR * Wj) %*% zcj) / zcij
# Computation of the matrix N, containing the number of passages through
# each arc
N <- (Diagonal(nr, as.vector(zci)) %*% Wj %*% Diagonal(nr, as.vector(zcj))) / zcij
#N is here the NET number of passages, like McRae-random walk
if(output == "RasterLayer") {
if(totalNet == "total") {
# Computation of the vector n, containing the number of visits in
# each node
n <- pmax(rowSums(N), colSums(N)) #not efficient but effective
# Computation of the matrix Pr, containing the transition
# probabilities
#rn <- rep(0, times=length(n))
#rn[n>0] <- 1 / n[n>0]
#Pr <- N * rn
#Pr <- N * (1 / n)
#net visits
if(totalNet == "net") {
nNet <- abs(skewpart(N))
n <- pmax(rowSums(nNet), colSums(nNet))
n[c(ci, cj)] <- 2 * n[c(ci, cj)]
result <- as(x,"RasterLayer")
dataVector <- rep(NA, times = nc)
dataVector[tc] <- n
result <- setValues(result, dataVector)
if(output == "TransitionLayer") {
result <- x
if(totalNet == "total") {
tr <- Matrix(0, nc, nc)
tr[tc, tc] <- N
if(totalNet == "net") {
nNet <- skewpart(N) * 2
nNet@x[nNet@x<0] <- 0
tr <- Matrix(0, nc, nc)
tr[tc, tc] <- nNet
transitionMatrix(result) <- tr
result@transitionCells <- 1:nc
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