
Defines functions predict.gdm

Documented in predict.gdm

#' @title Predict Biological Dissimilarities Between Sites or Times Using a
#' Fitted Generalized Dissimilarity Model
#' @description This function predicts biological distances between sites or times using a
#'  model object returned from \code{\link[gdm]{gdm}}. Predictions between site
#'  pairs require a data frame containing the values of predictors for pairs
#'  of locations, formatted as follows: distance, weights, s1.X, s1.Y, s2.X,
#'  s2.Y, s1.Pred1, s1.Pred2, ..., s1.PredN, s2.Pred1, s2.Pred2, ..., s2.PredN, ...,
#'  Predictions of biological change through time require two raster stacks or
#'  bricks for environmental conditions at two time periods, each with a
#'  layer for each environmental predictor in the fitted model.
#' @usage \method{predict}{gdm}(object, data, time=FALSE, predRasts=NULL, ...)
#' @param object A gdm model object resulting from a call to \code{\link[gdm]{gdm}}.
#' @param data Either a data frame containing the values of predictors for pairs
#' of sites, in the same format and structure as used to fit the model using
#' \code{\link[gdm]{gdm}} or a raster stack if a prediction of biological change
#' through time is needed.
#' For a data frame, the first two columns - distance and weights - are required
#' by the function but are not used in the prediction and can therefore be filled
#' with dummy data (e.g. all zeros). If geo is TRUE, then the s1.X, s1.Y and s2.X,
#' s2.Y columns will be used for calculating the geographical distance between
#' each site for inclusion of the geographic predictor term into the GDM model.
#' If geo is FALSE, then the s1.X, s1.Y, s2.X and s2.Y data columns are ignored.
#' However these columns are still REQUIRED and can be filled with dummy data
#' (e.g. all zeroes). The remaining columns are for N predictors for Site 1 and
#' followed by N predictors for Site 2. The order of the columns must match those
#' in the site-pair table used to fit the model.
#' A raster stack should be provided only when time=T and should contain one
#' layer for each environmental predictor in the same order as the columns in
#' the site-pair table used to fit the model.
#' @param time TRUE/FALSE: Is the model prediction for biological change through time?
#' @param predRasts A raster stack characterizing environmental conditions for a
#' different time in the past or future, with the same extent, resolution, and
#' layer order as the data object. Required only if time=T.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return predict returns either a response vector with the same length as the
#'  number of rows in the input data frame or a raster depicting change through time across the study region.
#' @seealso \code{\link[gdm]{gdm.transform}}
#' @examples
#' ##set up site-pair table using the southwest data set
#' sppData <- southwest[, c(1,2,14,13)]
#' envTab <- southwest[, c(2:ncol(southwest))]
#' # remove soils (no rasters for these)
#' envTab <- envTab[,-c(2:6)]
#' sitePairTab <- formatsitepair(sppData, 2, XColumn="Long", YColumn="Lat", sppColumn="species",
#'                              siteColumn="site", predData=envTab)
##create GDM
#' gdmMod <- gdm(sitePairTab, geo=TRUE)
#' ##predict GDM
#' predDiss <- predict(gdmMod, sitePairTab)
#' ##time example
#' rastFile <- system.file("./extdata/swBioclims.grd", package="gdm")
#' envRast <- raster::stack(rastFile)
#' ##make some fake climate change data
#' futRasts <- envRast
#' ##reduce winter precipitation by 25%
#' futRasts[[3]] <- futRasts[[3]]*0.75
#' timePred <- predict(gdmMod, envRast, time=TRUE, predRasts=futRasts)
#' raster::plot(timePred)
#' @keywords gdm
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom raster nlayers
#' @importFrom raster stack
#' @importFrom raster rasterToPoints
#' @importFrom raster cellFromXY
#' @export
predict.gdm <- function(object, data, time=FALSE, predRasts=NULL, ...){
  ##lines used to quickly test function
  ##object = gdm model
  ##data = a sitepair table
  #object <- gdm.rastF
  #data <- envRast
  #time <- T
  #predRasts <- futRasts
  options(warn.FPU = FALSE)

  ##if making a time prediction, check if all data are in the correct format,
  ##and then transforms the raster data into data tables in order to utilize
  ##the C predict utility
    ##checks to make sure the inputs are correct
      stop("Prediction rasters required when time = TRUE")
    if(!is(data, "RasterStack") & !is(data, "RasterLayer") & !is(data, "RasterBrick")){
      stop("Prediction data need to be a raster object when time = TRUE")
    if(!is(predRasts, "RasterStack") & !is(predRasts, "RasterLayer") & !is(predRasts, "RasterBrick")){
      stop("predRasts need to be a raster object when time = TRUE")
      stop("Current and future raster objects must have the same number of layers")
      if(nlayers(data)!=length(object$predictors)-1 | nlayers(predRasts)!=length(object$predictors)-1){
        stop("Number of variables supplied for prediction does not equal the number used to fit the model.")
      if(nlayers(data)!=length(object$predictors) | nlayers(predRasts)!=length(object$predictors)){
        stop("Number of variables supplied for prediction does not equal the number used to fit the model.")

    for(i in 1:nlayers(data)){
        stop("Layer names do not match the variables used to fit the model.")
    ##tests to see if raster data is stackable
    tryRasts <- try(stack(data[[1]], predRasts[[1]]), silent=TRUE)
    if(is(tryRasts, "try-error")){
      stop("Current and prediction rasters differ in extent, resolution, and / or origin and therefore are not stackable.")

    ##sets up sitepair table with current and future data
    predLayer <- data[[1]]
    currXY <- as.data.frame(na.omit(rasterToPoints(data, progress='text')))
    predXY <- as.data.frame(na.omit(rasterToPoints(predRasts, progress='text')))
    cells <- cellFromXY(predLayer, cbind(currXY$x, currXY$y))
    dummData <- rep.int(0, nrow(currXY))
    data <- cbind(dummData, dummData, currXY[,1:2], currXY, predXY[,-c(1,2)])
    ##adds s1 or s2 to the variables name of the data
    t1var <- paste("s1.", colnames(currXY)[-c(1,2)], sep="")
    t2var <- paste("s2.", colnames(predXY)[-c(1,2)], sep="")
    ##sets the correct names to the data
    colnames(data) <- c("distance", "weights", "s1.xCoord", "s1.yCoord",
                        "s2.xCoord", "s2.yCoord", t1var, t2var)

  ##makes the prediction based on the data object
  predicted <- rep(0,times=nrow(data))
  z <- .C( "GDM_PredictFromTable",
           preddata = as.double(predicted),
           PACKAGE = "gdm")

  ##if a time prediction, maps the predicted values to a raster and returns
  ##the layer, otherwise returns a dataframe of the predicted values
    predLayer[cells] <- z$preddata

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gdm documentation built on Dec. 1, 2022, 5:06 p.m.