#' @describeIn geelm
#' @importFrom stats
#' @export <- function(x, y, id, offset, family, weights, control, corstr,
start = NULL) {
#note: "start" argument included for the sake of anova.geeglm(). It is not
#used in any way
# Unpack family functions
LinkFun <- family$linkfun
InvLink <- family$linkinv
VarFun <- family$variance
InvLinkDeriv <- family$mu.eta
# Number of covariates (p) and observations in total
p <- ncol(x)
nn <- nrow(x)
## Basic check to see if link and variance functions make any kind of sense
meanY <- mean(y)
linkOfMean <- LinkFun(meanY) - mean(offset)
if(!is.finite(linkOfMean)) {
stop("Infinite or NaN in the link of the mean of responses. Make sure link function makes sense for these data.")
if(!is.finite(VarFun(meanY))) {
stop("Infinite or NaN in the variance of the mean of responses. Make sure variance function makes sense for these data.")
# Check if we are using sandwich estimation
if (control$std.err == "") {
sandwich <- TRUE
} else {
sandwich <- FALSE
#This argument was used to handle partially missing obsevations in geem and is
#needed for alpha-update functions. If NA handling is rewritten, consider if
#it should be used for anything.
allobs <- TRUE
# Initialization #############################################################################
# Initialize estimation vars #######################################
#Initialize beta
#First choice: Values supplied via control
#Second choice: Values from glm fit
beta <- control$init.beta
if (is.null(beta)) {
m_glm <- = x, y = y, offset = offset, family = family,
weights = weights)
beta <- m_glm$coefficients
#Initialize phi
phi <- control$init.phi
#Maximum number of iterations
maxit <- control$maxit
#Additional control arguments
scale.fix <- control$scale.fix
useP <- control$useP
tol <- control$tol
# Perform computations needed no matter which corstr is used #######
# Number of included observations for each cluster
uniqueid <- unique(id)
K <- length(uniqueid)
# includedvec is logical vector with T if weight > 0, F otherwise
includedvec <- weights > 0
#number of complete (non-NA) obs in each cluster
includedlen <- as.numeric(summary(split(y, ifelse(!includedvec, NA, id),
drop = TRUE))[,1])
#number of total obs in each cluster
len <- as.numeric(summary(split(y, id, drop = TRUE))[,1])
# W is a diagonal matrix of weights, sqrtW = sqrt(W)
# included is diagonal matrix with 1 if weight > 0, 0 otherwise
W <- Diagonal(x = weights)
sqrtW <- sqrt(W)
included <- Diagonal(x = as.numeric(includedvec))
#Set up matrix storage
StdErr <- Diagonal(nn)
dInvLinkdEta <- Diagonal(nn)
Resid <- Diagonal(nn)
# Initialization according to corstr ##########################################################
# Initialize for each correlation structure
if(corstr == "independence") {
R.alpha.inv <- Diagonal(x =, nn))/phi
BlockDiag <- get_block_diag(len)$BDiag
} else if(corstr == "ar1"){
tmp <- build_alpha_inv_ar(len)
# These are the vectors needed to update the inverse correlation
a1 <- tmp$a1
a2 <- tmp$a2
a3 <- tmp$a3
a4 <- tmp$a4
# row.vec and col.vec for the big block diagonal of correlation inverses
# both are vectors of indices that facilitate in updating R.alpha.inv
row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
BlockDiag <- get_block_diag(len)$BDiag
} else if(corstr == "exchangeable"){
# Build a block diagonal correlation matrix for updating and sandwich calculation
# this matrix is block diagonal with all ones. Each block is of dimension cluster size.
tmp <- get_block_diag(len)
BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
#Create a vector of length number of observations with associated cluster size for each observation
n.vec <- vector("numeric", nn)
index <- c(cumsum(len) - len, nn)
for(i in 1:K){
n.vec[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- rep(includedlen[i], len[i])
} else if(corstr == "m-dependent") {
Mv <- attr(corstr, "Mv")
#check that M is not too large
if(Mv >= max(len)){
stop("Cannot estimate that many parameters: Mv >= max(clustersize)")
# Build block diagonal similar to in exchangeable case, also get row indices and column
# indices for fast matrix updating later.
tmp <- get_block_diag(len)
BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
} else if(corstr == "unstructured"){
if( max(len^2 - len)/2 > length(len)){
stop("Cannot estimate that many parameters: not enough subjects for unstructured correlation")
tmp <- get_block_diag(len)
BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
} else if(corstr == "fixed") {
corr.mat <- attr(corstr, "corr.mat")
# check if matrix meets some basic conditions
corr.mat <- check_fixed_mat(corr.mat, len)
R.alpha.inv <- as(get_alpha_inv_fixed(corr.mat, len), "symmetricMatrix")/phi
BlockDiag <- get_block_diag(len)$BDiag
} else if(corstr == "userdefined") {
corr.mat <- attr(corstr, "corr.mat")
corr.mat <- check_user_mat(corr.mat, len)
# get the structure of the correlation matrix in a way that
# I can use later on.
tmp1 <- getUserStructure(corr.mat)
corr.list <- tmp1$corr.list
user.row <- tmp1$row.vec
user.col <- tmp1$col.vec
struct.vec <- tmp1$struct.vec
# the same block diagonal trick.
tmp2 <- get_block_diag(len)
BlockDiag <- tmp2$BDiag
row.vec <- tmp2$row.vec
col.vec <- tmp2$col.vec
# Fit model ###################################################################################
done <- FALSE
converged <- FALSE
count <- 1
beta.old <- beta
unstable <- FALSE
phi.old <- phi
# Fisher scoring loop
while(!done && count <= maxit) {
eta <- as.vector(x %*% beta) + offset
mu <- InvLink(eta)
diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(mu))
phi <- update_phi(y, mu, VarFun, p, StdErr, included, includedlen,
sqrtW, useP)
#Compute residuals
Resid <- residuals_geelm(StdErr = StdErr, included = included,
sqrtW = sqrtW, YY = y, mu = mu)
## Calculate alpha, R(alpha)^(-1) / phi
if(corstr == "ar1") { <- update_alpha_ar(y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid, p,
included, includedlen, includedvec, allobs,
sqrtW, BlockDiag, useP)
R.alpha.inv <- get_alpha_inv_ar(, a1, a2, a3, a4, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
} else if(corstr == "exchangeable") { <- update_alpha_ex(y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr,
Resid, p, BlockDiag, included,
includedlen, sqrtW, useP)
R.alpha.inv <- get_alpha_inv_ex(, n.vec, BlockDiag)/phi
} else if(corstr == "m-dependent") {
if(Mv==1){ #???IS THIS RIGHT???? - this should be done way earlier if Mv = 1 means AR1 (but is that right???) <- update_alpha_ar(y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid, p,
included, includedlen, includedvec, allobs,
sqrtW, BlockDiag, useP)
}else{ <- update_alpha_mdep(y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
StdErr, Resid, p, BlockDiag, Mv,
included, includedlen,
allobs, sqrtW, useP)
if(sum(len>Mv) <= p){
unstable <- TRUE
if(any( >= 1)){
done <- TRUE
warning("An estimated correlation great than 1 was found, stopping before convergence.")
R.alpha.inv <- get_alpha_inv_mdep(, len, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
} else if(corstr == "unstructured") { <- update_alpha_unstruc(y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
StdErr, Resid, p, BlockDiag,
included, includedlen, allobs,
sqrtW, useP)
# This has happened to me (greater than 1 correlation estimate)
if(any( >= 1)){
done <- TRUE
warning("An estimated correlation great than 1 was found, stopping before convergence.")
R.alpha.inv <- get_alpha_inv_unstruc(, len, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
} else if(corstr == "fixed") {
R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv*phi.old/phi <- NULL
} else if(corstr == "userdefined") { <- update_alpha_user(y, mu, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid,
p, BlockDiag, user.row, user.col,
corr.list, included, includedlen,
allobs, sqrtW, useP)
R.alpha.inv <- get_alpha_inv_user(, len, struct.vec, user.row, user.col, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
} else if(corstr == "independence") {
R.alpha.inv <- Diagonal(x =, nn)) <- "independent"
beta.list <- update_beta(y, x, beta, offset, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink, VarFun, R.alpha.inv, StdErr,
dInvLinkdEta, tol, W, included)
beta <- beta.list$beta
phi.old <- phi
if( max(abs((beta - beta.old)/(beta.old + .Machine$double.eps))) < tol ){
converged <- TRUE
done <- TRUE
beta.old <- beta
count <- count + 1
biggest <- which.max(len)[1]
index <- sum(len[1:biggest])-len[biggest]
# Information for geem-class output
if(K == 1){
biggest.R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv
if(corstr == "fixed") {
biggest.R.alpha <- corr.mat*phi
} else {
biggest.R.alpha <- solve(R.alpha.inv)
} else { # case: K != 1
biggest.R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv[(index+1):(index+len[biggest]) , (index+1):(index+len[biggest])]
if(corstr == "fixed"){
biggest.R.alpha <- corr.mat[1:len[biggest] , 1:len[biggest]]*phi
biggest.R.alpha <- solve(biggest.R.alpha.inv)
eta <- as.vector(x %*% beta) + offset
sandvar.list <- get_sandwich(y, x, eta, id, R.alpha.inv, phi, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink, VarFun,
beta.list$hess, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, BlockDiag, W, included)
} else {
sandvar.list <- list(sandvar = "no sandwich")
alpha <-
alpha <- 0
if(corstr == "fixed") {
alpha <- as.vector(triu(corr.mat, 1)[which(triu(corr.mat, 1) != 0)])
#Extra computations needed for geepack output
pearson_resid <- (y - mu) * diag(sqrtW)/VarFun(mu)
fitted.values <- InvLink(eta)
#Issue warnings
if (!converged) {
warning("Did not converge")
if (unstable) {
warning("Number of subjects with number of observations >= Mv is very small, some correlations are estimated with very low sample size.")
# Prep betas for output - add parameter names
beta <- as.vector(beta)
names(beta) <- colnames(x)
# Collect and return everything
out <- list(alpha = alpha,
beta = beta,
phi = phi,
niter = count - 1,
naiv.var = solve(beta.list$hess),
corr = corstr,
clusz = len,
FunList = family,
offset = offset,
eta = eta,
weights = weights,
biggest.R.alpha = biggest.R.alpha/phi,
resid = pearson_resid,
fitted.values = fitted.values,
vbeta = as.matrix(sandvar.list$sandvar))
class(out) <- c("", "list")
## Not exported below
## Compute residuals
residuals_geelm <- function(StdErr, included, sqrtW, YY, mu) {
StdErr %*% included %*% sqrtW %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)
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