
Defines functions Convert truncUTC makefilename POSIXct2jd

Documented in Convert

Convert = function(rawpath = '.', convertedpath = 'converted', metadatapath = 'metadata', metadatafile = NA, gpspath = 'gps', gpsfile = NA, t1 = -Inf, t2 = Inf, nums = NaN, SN = NaN, bitweight = 0.256/2^15 / (46e-6*3.4/7) / 23.455, time_adjustment = 0, yr = 2016, blockdays = 1){
    ## bitweight: volts/count over transducer sensitivity over gain: given is 0.5" with 2.2k resistor
    ## time adjustment: time (s) to add to time vector as a correction.  015 seems to always need -1.
    ## if 'nums' is default, convert all the files in this directory
        fn = list.files(rawpath, 'FILE.....TXT')
        nums = as.numeric(substr(fn, 5, 8))
    ## start at the first file in 'nums'
    n1 = min(nums)

  ## make sure the raw directory exists and has real data
    stop(paste('Raw directory', rawpath, 'does not exist'))
  if(0 == length(list.files(rawpath, 'FILE[[:digit:]]{4}.TXT'))){
    stop(paste('No data files found in directory', rawpath))
    ## read the first set of up to (24*blockdays) files
    L = ReadGem(nums[nums >= n1 & nums < (n1 + (24*blockdays))], rawpath, alloutput = FALSE, requireGPS = TRUE)
    n1 = n1 + (24*blockdays) # increment file number counter
    t = L$t + time_adjustment#/86400
    p = L$p
#    yr = rep(L$gps$year, length(p))

    ## if not specified, define t1 as the earliest integer-second time available
        t1 = min(t, na.rm = TRUE)
        t1 = trunc(t1) + 1
        t2 = strptime('9999-12-31 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'GMT') # timekeeping apocalypse

  wsn = 0
    while(is.na(SN)){ # take the first non-NA SN. This is important because there can be blank files in there.
      wsn = wsn+1
        SN = L$header$SN[wsn]

    ## set up the gps and metadata files. create directories if necessary
      dir.create(gpspath, recursive = TRUE) # recursive means if gpspath = dir1/dir2, and dir1 doesn't exist, that dir1 will be created and then dir1/dir2 will be created
    gpsfile = makefilename(gpspath, SN, 'gps')

      dir.create(metadatapath, recursive = TRUE) 
    metadatafile = makefilename(metadatapath, SN, 'metadata')

  ## if the converted directory does not exist, make it
    dir.create(convertedpath, recursive = TRUE)
#    # check for matching serial numbers
#    non_empty = which(sapply(L, length) != 0)
#    if(any(L$header$SN[non_empty] != SN)){
#        w = non_empty[L$header$SN != SN]
#        warning(paste('Wrong serial number(s):', paste(L$header$SN[w], collapse=','), ': numbers', paste((nums[nums >= n1 & nums < (n1 + (24*blockdays))])[w], collapse=',')))
#        browser()
#    }
#    }
    # start metadata and gps files
    metadata = L$metadata
    metadata[,11] = POSIXct2jd(metadata[,11])
    gps = L$gps
    write.table(metadata[metadata$t > POSIXct2jd(t1 - 1),], file = metadatafile, quote=FALSE, sep=',', row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
  wgps = which(gps$date > POSIXct2jd(t1 - 1))
  if(length(wgps) > 0){
    write.table(gps[wgps,], file=gpsfile, quote=FALSE, sep=',', row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE) # formerly in the "else" statement

#  browser()

    # read sets of (24*blockdays) files until all the files are converted
        ## toss old samples
        w = which(t > (t1-0.01))
        t = t[w]
        p = p[w]
        yr = yr[w]
        ## check to see if we're done
        if(n1 > max(nums) & length(p) == 0) break # out of raw data to convert
        if((t1 > t2) && !is.na(t1 > t2)) break # already converted the requested data

        print(strftime(t1, tz = 'GMT'))
        ## load new data if necessary
        tt2 = min(t2, 0+truncUTC(t1, (86400*blockdays)) + (86400*blockdays) - 0.01, na.rm = TRUE)
        while(max(t, na.rm=TRUE) < tt2 && n1 <= max(nums)){
            L = ReadGem(nums[nums >= n1 & nums < (n1 + (24*blockdays))], rawpath, alloutput = FALSE, requireGPS = TRUE)
            if(any(L$header$SN != SN, na.rm = TRUE) || any(is.na(L$header$SN))){
                w = (L$header$SN != SN) | is.na(L$header$SN)
                warning(paste('Wrong or missing serial number(s):', paste(L$header$SN[w], collapse=','), ': numbers', paste((nums[nums >= n1 & nums < (n1 + (24*blockdays))])[w], collapse=',')))
#                browser()
            n1 = n1 + (24*blockdays) # increment file counter

            ## append new data to old
            t = c(t, L$t)
            p = c(p, L$p)
            yr = c(yr, rep(L$gps$year[1], length(L$t)))
            ## update the metadata file
	    L$metadata[,11] = POSIXct2jd(metadata[,11])
            write.table(L$metadata, metadatafile, quote = FALSE, sep = ',', row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
            ## update the gps file
            write.table(L$gps, gpsfile, quote = FALSE, sep = ',', row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)

        ## run the conversion and write new converted files
      if(any(t >= t1 & t <= tt2)){
        Gem2Segy(list(t=t, p=p, header=list(SN=SN)), dir = convertedpath, t1 = t1, t2 = tt2, bitweight = bitweight, yr = yr)

        # update start time to convert
        t1 = 0+truncUTC(tt2+(86400*blockdays), (86400*blockdays))

truncUTC = function(x, n=86400)as.POSIXct((as.numeric(x) %/% n)*n, origin='1970-01-01')

makefilename = function(dir, SN, type){
  n = 0
  fn = paste(dir, '/', SN, type, '_', formatC(n, width = 3, flag = 0), '.txt', sep = '')
    n = n + 1
    fn = paste(dir, '/', SN, type, '_', formatC(n, width = 3, flag = 0), '.txt', sep = '')

POSIXct2jd = function(x){
  output = rep(0, length(x))
  for(i in 1:length(x)){
    output[i] = unclass(julian(x[i], origin = as.POSIXlt(paste(format(x[i], '%Y'),'-01-01', sep = '')), tz="GMT"))[1] + 1

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gem documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:45 p.m.