
Defines functions SEIQRDP_for_fitting

Documented in SEIQRDP_for_fitting

#'Fitted Results for SEIQRDP
#' @param par initial guess parameters
#' @param t historical time vector
#' @param t0 target time vector
#' @param Npop total population of the country
#' @param E0 initial number of exposed cases
#' @param I0 initial number of infectious cases
#' @param Q actual number of quarantined cases
#' @param R actual number of recovered cases
#' @param D actual number of dead cases
#' @param dt the time step. This oversamples time to ensure that the algorithm converges
#' @importFrom pracma interp1
#' @return a data frame for fitted quarantined, recovered and deaths
#' @author Selcuk Korkmaz, \email{selcukorkmaz@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_SEIQRDP}}  \code{\link{RK4}}
#' @references Peng, L., Yang, W., Zhang, D., Zhuge, C., Hong, L. 2020. “Epidemic analysis of COVID-19 in China by dynamical modeling”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.06563.
#' @references \url{https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/74545-generalized-seir-epidemic-model-fitting-and-computation}

SEIQRDP_for_fitting <- function(par, t, t0, Npop, E0, I0, Q, R, D, dt){

    alpha = abs(par[[1]])
    beta = abs(par[[2]])
    gamma = abs(par[[3]])
    delta = abs(par[[4]])
    lambda01 = abs(par[[5]])
    lambda02 = abs(par[[6]])
    lambda03 = abs(par[[7]])
    kappa01 = abs(par[[8]])
    kappa02 = abs(par[[9]])
    kappa03 = abs(par[[10]])

    N = length(t)
    Y = data.frame(matrix(0,7,N))
    Y[2,1] = E0
    Y[3,1] = I0
    Y[4,1] = Q[1]

    if (!is.null(R)){
    Y[5,1] = R[1]
    Y[1,1] = Npop-Q[1]-R[1]-D[1]-E0-I0
      Y[1,1] = Npop-Q[1]-D[1]-E0-I0
    Y[6,1] = D[1]

    if (round(sum(Y[,1])-Npop)!=0){
      stop('the sum must be zero because the total population including the deads) is assumed constant');

    kappa = kappaFun(c(kappa01,kappa02,kappa03),t)
    lambda = lambdaFun(c(lambda01,lambda02,lambda03),t)

    if (length(lambda[lambda > 10])>0) {warning('lambda is abnormally high')}

    for(ii in 1:(N-1)){
      A = getA(alpha, gamma, delta, lambda[ii], kappa[ii])
      SI = Y[1,ii]*Y[3,ii]
      F = matrix(0,7)
      F[1:2,1] = rbind(-beta/Npop, beta/Npop) %*% SI
      Y[,ii+1] = RK4(Y[,ii], A, F, dt)

    Q1 = Y[4,1:N]
    R1 = Y[5,1:N]
    D1 = Y[6,1:N]

    Q1 = interp1(t,as.numeric(Q1[1,]),t0)
    R1 = interp1(t,as.numeric(R1[1,]),t0)
    D1 = interp1(t,as.numeric(D1[1,]),t0)

    if (!is.null(R)){
      output = cbind(Q1,R1,D1)
     colnames(output) = c("Q1", "R1", "D1")
      output = cbind(Q1+R1, D1)
      colnames(output) = c("Q1", "D1")


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genSEIR documentation built on July 12, 2021, 5:07 p.m.