random_init_uniform: Generates random numbers from a finite union of intervals.

View source: R/rand_gen.R

random_init_uniformR Documentation

Generates random numbers from a finite union of intervals.


Generates random numbers from a finite union of intervals.


random_init_uniform(n, lefts, rights)



An integer, the number of samples to return.


A vector of numbers, must have the same length as rights. A non-empty vector of numbers (may contain -Inf), the left endpoints of a domain defined as a union of intervals. It is required that lefts[i] <= rights[i] <= lefts[j] for any i < j.


A vector of numbers, must have the same length as lefts. A non-empty vector of numbers (may contain Inf), the right endpoints of a domain defined as a union of intervals. It is required that lefts[i] <= rights[i] <= lefts[j] for any i < j.


For each sample, a random bin i is uniformly chosen from 1 through length(lefts); if the lefts[i] and rights[i] define a finite interval, a random uniform variable is drawn from the interval; if the interval is infinite, a truncated laplace variable with location 0 and scale 1 is drawn. Used for randomly generating initial points for generators of truncated multivariate distributions.


n random numbers from the union of intervals.


hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, -Inf, Inf), breaks=200)
hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, c(0, 5), c(2, Inf)), breaks=200)
hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, c(-Inf, 0, 3), c(-3, 1, 12)), breaks=200)
hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, c(-5, 0), c(-2, 2)), breaks=200)
hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, c(-10, 1), c(-7, 10)), breaks=200)
hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, c(-Inf, 100), c(-100, Inf)), breaks=200)
hist(random_init_uniform(1e4, c(-100, -90), c(-95, -85)), breaks=200)

genscore documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9 a.m.