
#' Geometry class (S4) and methods
#' A \code{geom} stores a table of points, a table of feature to which the
#' points are associated and a table of groups, to which features are
#' associated. A \code{geom} can be spatial (if it has a coordinate reference
#' system assigned to it), but is not by default.
#' A \code{geom} has one of three geometry types: \itemize{ \item
#' \code{"point"}, when none of the points are connected to other points, \item
#' \code{"line"}, where points with the same \code{fid} are connected following
#' the sequence of their order, without the line closing in itself and \item
#' \code{"polygon"}, where points with the same \code{fid} are connected
#' following the sequence of their order and the line closes in on itself due to
#' first and last point being the same. Moreover, \code{polygon} objects can
#' contain holes.}
#' The data model for storing points follows the spaghetti model. Points are
#' stored as a sequence of x and y values, associated to a feature ID. The
#' feature ID relates coordinates to features and thus common attributes. Points
#' and Lines are implemented straightforward in this model, but polygons, which
#' may contain holes, are a bit trickier. In \code{geometr} they are implemented
#' as follows: \enumerate{ \item All points with the same \code{fid} make up one
#' polygon, irrespective of it containing holes or not. \item The outer
#' path/ring of a polygon is composed of all points until a duplicated of its
#' first point occurs. This signals that all following points are part of
#' another path/ring, which must be inside the outer path and which consists of
#' all points until a duplicate of it's first point occurs. \item This repeats
#' until all points of the feature are processed.}
#' Moreover, a \code{geom} has a \emph{reference window}, which is sort of a
#' second extent that may be bigger (or smaller) than the extent and which
#' determines the relative position of the points when plotting.
#' @slot type [\code{character(1)}]\cr the type of feature, either
#'   \code{"point"}, \code{"line"}, \code{"polygon"} or \code{"grid"}.
#' @slot point [\code{data.frame(1)}]\cr the \code{fid} (feature ID), \code{x}
#'   and \code{y} coordinates per point and optional arbitrary point attributes.
#' @slot feature [\code{data.frame(1)}]\cr \code{fid} (feature ID), \code{gid}
#'   (group ID) and optional arbitrary feature attributes.
#' @slot group [\code{data.frame(1)}]\cr \code{gid} (group ID) and optional
#'   arbitrary group attributes.
#' @slot window [\code{data.frame(1)}]\cr the minimum and maximum value in x and
#'   y dimension of the reference window in which the \code{geom} dwells.
#' @slot scale [\code{character(1)}]\cr whether the point coordinates are stored
#'   as \code{"absolute"} values, or \code{"relative"} to \code{window}.
#' @slot crs [\code{character(1)}]\cr the coordinate reference system in proj4
#'   notation.
#' @slot history [\code{list(.)}]\cr a list of steps taken to derive the
#'   \code{geom} in focus.

geom <- setClass(Class = "geom",
                 slots = c(type = "character",
                           point = "data.frame",
                           feature = "data.frame",
                           group = "data.frame",
                           window = "data.frame",
                           crs = "character",
                           history = "list"

setValidity("geom", function(object){

  errors = character()

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "type")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'type' slot.")
  } else {
    if(!any(object@type %in% c("point", "line", "polygon", "grid"))){
      errors = c(errors, "the geom must either be of type 'point', 'line', 'polygon' or 'grid'.")
    } else if(object@type == "line"){
      if(dim(object@point)[1] < 2){
        errors = c(errors, "a geom of type 'line' must have at least 2 points.")
    } else if(object@type == "polygon"){
      if(dim(object@point)[1] < 3){
        errors = c(errors, "a geom of type 'polygon' must have at least 3 points.")
    } else if(object@type == "grid"){
      if(dim(object@point)[1] != 3){
        errors = c(errors, "a geom of type 'grid' must have three rows ('origin' and 'cell number' extent and 'cell size').")

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "point")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'point' slot.")
  } else {
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'point' is not a data.frame.")
    if(object@type == "grid"){
      if(!all(c("x" ,"y") %in% names(object@point))){
        errors = c(errors, "the geom must have a grid table with the columns 'x' and 'y'.")
    } else {
      if(!all(c("fid", "x" ,"y") %in% names(object@point))){
        errors = c(errors, "the geom must have a point table with the columns 'x', 'y' and 'fid'.")

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "feature")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'feature' slot.")
  } else {
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'feature' is not a list")
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'feature' must contain named lists.")
    if(object@type != "grid"){
      # for(i in seq_along(object@feature)){
        if(!all(c("fid", "gid") %in% names(object@feature))){
          errors = c(errors, "the geom must have a features table with at least the columns 'fid' and 'gid'.")
      # }

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "group")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'group' slot.")
  } else {
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'group' is not a list.")
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'group' must contain named lists.")
    # for(i in seq_along(object@group)){
      # if(!any(c("value", "gid") %in% names(object@group))){
      #   errors = c(errors, "the geom must have a group table with the column 'value'.")
      # }
    # }

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "window")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'window' slot.")
  } else {
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'window' is not a data.frame.")
    if(!all(c("x" ,"y") %in% names(object@window))){
      errors = c(errors, "the geom must have a window table with columns 'x' and 'y'.")

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "crs")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'crs' slot.")
  } else {
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'crs' is not a character vector.")

  if(!.hasSlot(object = object, name = "history")){
    errors = c(errors, "the geom does not have a 'history' slot.")
  } else {
      errors = c(errors, "the slot 'history' is not a list.")

  if(length(errors) == 0){
  } else {


#' Print geom in the console
#' @param object [\code{geom}]\cr object to \code{show}.
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom crayon yellow red cyan

setMethod(f = "show",
          signature = "geom",
          definition = function(object){

            theType <- object@type
            thePoints <- getPoints(x = object)
            theFeatures <- getFeatures(x = object)
            theGroups <- getGroups(x = object)

            vertAttribs <- length(thePoints)
            featureAttribs <- names(theFeatures)[!names(theFeatures) %in% c("fid", "gid")]
            groupAttribs <- names(theGroups)[!names(theGroups) %in% c("gid")]

            myAttributes <- NULL
            points <- feats <- groups <- FALSE

              myCrs <- "cartesian"
            } else {
              myCrs <- object@crs

            if(theType == "grid"){
              theFeats <- featureAttribs
              theLayer <- theGroups
                if(!all(names(thePoints) %in% c("gid"))){
                  myAttributes <- c(myAttributes, paste0(" ", ifelse(length(groupAttribs) == 0,
                                                                     ifelse(length(groupAttribs) <= 9,
                                                                            paste0(paste0(groupAttribs, collapse = ", "), "\n"),
                                                                            paste0(paste0(c(head(groupAttribs, 9), "..."), collapse = ", "), "\n"))

              if(length(unique(groupAttribs)) == 1){
                myFeat <- "layer"
              } else {
                myFeat <- "layers"
              myUnits <- "cells"
              geomGroups <- ""

            } else {
              theGrps <- theGroups$gid
              if(length(unique(theGrps)) == 1){
                myGrp <- "group"
              } else {
                myGrp <- "groups"
              theFeats <- theFeatures$fid
              if(length(unique(theFeats)) == 1){
                myFeat <- "feature"
              } else {
                myFeat <- "features"
              myUnits <- "points"
              geomGroups <- paste0(length(unique(theGrps)), " ", myGrp, " | ")

              if(!all(names(thePoints) %in% c("x", "y", "fid"))){
                myAttributes <- c(myAttributes, paste0(" (points) ",
                                                       ifelse(vertAttribs <= 9,
                                                              paste0(paste0(names(thePoints)[!names(thePoints) %in% c("x", "y", "fid")], collapse = ", "), "\n"),
                                                              paste0(paste0(c(head(names(thePoints)[!names(thePoints) %in% c("x", "y", "fid")], 9), "..."), collapse = ", "), "\n")
                points <- TRUE
              if(!all(names(theFeatures) %in% c("fid", "gid"))){
                  featureString <- "           (features) "
                } else {
                  featureString <- " (features) "
                myAttributes <- c(myAttributes, paste0(featureString,
                                                       ifelse(length(featureAttribs) <= 9,
                                                              paste0(paste0(featureAttribs, collapse = ", "), "\n"),
                                                              paste0(paste0(c(head(featureAttribs, 9), "..."), collapse = ", "), "\n")
                feats <- TRUE
              if(!all(names(theGroups) %in% c("gid"))){
                if(feats | points){
                  groupString <- "            (groups) "
                } else {
                  groupString <- " (groups) "
                myAttributes <- c(myAttributes, paste0(groupString,
                                                       ifelse(length(groupAttribs) <= 9,
                                                              paste0(paste0(names(theGroups)[!names(theGroups) %in% c("gid")], collapse = ", "), "\n"),
                                                              paste0(paste0(c(head(names(theGroups)[!names(theGroups) %in% c("gid")], 9), "..."), collapse = ", "), "\n")
              myAttributes <- " --\n"

            cat(yellow(class(object)), "        ", object@type, "\n", sep = "")
            cat("            ", geomGroups, length(unique(theFeats)), " ", myFeat, " | ", length(thePoints$fid), " ", myUnits, "\n", sep = "")
            cat(yellow("crs         "), myCrs, "\n", sep = "")
            cat(yellow("attributes "), myAttributes, sep = "")
            if(!theType == "grid"){
              # make a tiny map
              tinyMap <- .makeTinyMap(geom = object)
              cat(yellow("tiny map  "), tinyMap)
            } else {
              theRes <- getRes(object)
              theExt <- getExtent(object)
              cat(yellow("resolution "), as.numeric(theRes), "(x, y)\n")
              cat(yellow("extent     "), c(theExt$x, theExt$y), "(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)")

Try the geometr package in your browser

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geometr documentation built on Sept. 21, 2021, 1:07 a.m.