#' Define links between landmarks
#' An interactive function to define which landmarks should be linked to aid visualization.
#' Function takes a matrix of digitized landmark coordinates (e.g. from \code{\link{mshape}}) and
#' allows the user to define pairs of landmarks to be linked, for visualization purposes. The output is a matrix
#' to be used by \code{\link{plotAllSpecimens}} & \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}} option 'links='.
#' Note to RStudio users: if the 'zoom' of your RStudio window is set to something other than 100%,
#' sometimes the function can fail to identify the selected points ('warning: no point within 0.25 inches').
#' In these cases, set your zoom to 100%: Tools -> Global Options... -> Appearance -> Zoom: 100%.
#' \subsection{Selection}{
#' In the plot window select two landmarks that will be linked. In the console, the user will be prompted
#' to continue linking landmarks to build the wireframe or end the session (typing y or n respectively).
#' For 2D data in plot window, use LEFT mouse button to select landmarks.
#' For 3D data in rgl window, use RIGHT mouse button (or command+LEFT for mac) to select landmarks.
#' }
#' @param spec Name of specimen, as an object matrix containing 2D or 3D landmark coordinates
#' @param ptsize Numeric Size to plot the landmarks
#' @param links Optional An existing links matrix to add on to
#' @return Function returns a matrix of which landmarks will be links
#' to be used by \code{\link{plotAllSpecimens}} & \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}} option 'links='.
#' @export
#' @keywords utilities
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotAllSpecimens}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotRefToTarget}}
#' @author Emma Sherratt
#' @seealso \code{\link[rgl]{rgl-package}} (used in 3D plotting)
define.links <- function(spec, ptsize = 1, links = NULL){ <- deparse(substitute(spec))
checkmat <- is.matrix(spec)
if (checkmat == FALSE) {
stop("Input must be a p-x-k matrix of landmark coordinates") }
checkdim <- dim(spec)[2]
if(is.null(links)) links <- NULL
# 2D
if (checkdim == 2) {
plot(spec[, 1], spec[, 2], cex = ptsize, pch=21,
xlim = range(spec[, 1]), ylim = range(spec[, 2]), asp = 1,
xlab="x", ylab="y")
text(spec[, 1], spec[, 2], label = paste(1:dim(spec)[1]),
adj = 0.5, pos = 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(links)){
} }
sel <- ans <- NULL
cat("Select landmarks to link","\n")
sel <- identify(spec, n=2, plot=FALSE)
segments(x0=spec[sel[1],1], y0=spec[sel[1],2], x1=spec[sel[2],1], y1=spec[sel[2],2])
links <- rbind(links, sel)
cat(paste("link made between landmarks", paste(sel, collapse=" & "), "\n", "Continue? type y/n"))
ans <- readline()
if(ans == "y"){ sel <- NULL}
if(ans == "n"){ break}
# 3D
if (checkdim == 3) {
if(is.null(ptsize)){ ptsize = 5 }
ids <- plot3d(spec[, 1], spec[, 2],spec[, 3], size = ptsize, aspect=FALSE,
box=F, axes=F, xlab="", ylab="", zlab="")
text3d(spec[, 1], spec[, 2], spec[, 3], texts = paste(1:dim(spec)[1]),
adj = 1.3, pos = 4)
for (i in 1:nrow(links)){
} }
rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
cat("Select landmarks to link","\n")
sel1 <- sel2 <- ans <- NULL
sel1 <- selectpoints3d(ids["data"], value= FALSE, button = "right")[2]
sel2 <- selectpoints3d(ids["data"], value= FALSE, button = "right")[2]
segments3d(rbind(spec[sel1,], spec[sel2,]), lwd = 1)
links <- rbind(links, c(sel1,sel2))
cat(paste("link made between landmarks", sel1, "&", sel2, "\n", "Continue? type y/n"))
ans <- readline()
if(ans == "y"){ sel <- NULL
rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)}
if(ans == "n"){ break}
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