
Defines functions Rotate StCoordLine GreatCircle SmallCircle CartToSph SphToCart ZeroTwoPi pole stereonet.circle stereonet.point stereonet.plane stereonet.line stereonet.setup stereonet

Documented in stereonet

#' @title stereonet
#' @description Plots directional data on a Wulff or Schmidt
#'     stereonet. The Wulff equal angle polar Lambert projection
#'     preserves the shape of objects and is often used to visualise
#'     structural data.  The Schmidt equal area polar Lambert
#'     projection preserves the size of objects and is more popular in
#'     mineralogy.
#' @param trd trend angle, in degrees, between 0 and 360 (if
#'     \code{degrees=TRUE}) or between 0 and \eqn{2\pi} (if
#'     \code{degrees=FALSE}).
#' @param plg plunge angle, in degrees, between 0 and 90 (if
#'     \code{degrees=TRUE}) or between 0 and \eqn{2\pi} (if
#'     \code{degrees=FALSE}).
#' @param option scalar. If \code{option=1} or \code{option=4}, then
#'     \code{trd} is the azimuth and \code{plg} is the dip; if
#'     \code{option=2}, then \code{trd} is the strike and \code{plg}
#'     is the dip; if \code{option=3}, then \code{trd} is the
#'     longitude and \code{plg} is the latitude.
#' @param coneAngle if \code{option=4}, controls the radius of a small
#'     circle around the pole with azimuth \code{trd} and dip
#'     \code{plg}.
#' @param add logical. If \code{TRUE}, adds to an existing stereonet.
#' @param wulff logical. If \code{FALSE}, produces a Schmidt net.
#' @param degrees logical. If \code{FALSE}, assumes that
#'     \code{azimuth} and \code{dip} are in radians.
#' @param show.grid logical. If \code{TRUE}, decorates the plot with a
#'     grid of great and small circles.
#' @param grid.col colour of the grid.
#' @param tl tick length for the N, E, S, W markers (value between 0
#'     and 1).  Set to 0 to omit the markers.
#' @param type if \code{option=1} or \code{3}, coordinates can be
#'     visualsed as points (\code{type='p'}), lines (\code{type='l'})
#'     or decorated with text labels (\code{type='t'}).
#' @param labels if \code{option=1} or \code{3} and \code{type='t'},
#'     specifies the text labels to be used to mark the measurements
#'     on the stereonet.
#' @param pch plot character: see `points'.
#' @param bg background colours of the plot characters. Vector of two
#'     colours, which are used to mark points that plot below and
#'     above the projection plane of the stereonet, respectively. Only
#'     relevant if \code{pch} falls in the range from 21:25.
#' @param lty line type. Vector of two numbers, which are used to plot
#'     lines below and above the projection plane of the stereonet,
#'     respectively.
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed on to the generic
#'     \code{points} function
#' @author based on a MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo.
#' @references Allmendinger, R.W., Cardozo, N., and Fisher,
#'     D.M. ``Structural geology algorithms: Vectors and
#'     tensors''. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
#' @examples
#' stereonet(trd=c(120,80),plg=c(10,30),degrees=TRUE,pch=16)
#' stereonet(trd=c(120,80),plg=c(10,30),degrees=TRUE,
#'           option=4,coneAngle=c(5,10),add=TRUE)
#' @export
stereonet <- function(trd,plg,coneAngle=rep(10,length(trd)),
    if (!add){
    if (!missing(trd) & !missing(plg)){
        if (degrees){
            trd <- trd*pi/180
            plg <- plg*pi/180
        if (option%in%c(1,3)){
        } else if (option==2){
        } else if (option==4){
            if (degrees) coneAngle <- coneAngle*pi/180
        } else {
            stop('Illegal option in stereonet function.')

stereonet.setup <- function(wulff=TRUE,show.grid=TRUE,
    intrad <- 10*pi/180
    east <- pi/2
    west <- 3*east
    TH <- (0:360)*pi/180
    if (show.grid){
        nCircles <- pi/(intrad*2)
        trd <- 0.0
        plg <- 0.0
        for (i in 1:nCircles){
            coneAngle <- i*intrad;
            paths <- SmallCircle(trd,plg,coneAngle,wulff=wulff)
        for (i in 0:(nCircles*2)){
            if (i > nCircles){
                trd <- east
                plg <- (i-nCircles)*intrad
            } else {
                trd <- west
                plg <- i*intrad
            if (plg == east){
                plg <- plg * (1-.Machine$double.min)
            sd <- pole(trd,plg,option=1)
            p <- GreatCircle(sd[1],sd[2],wulff=wulff)
    if (tl>0) circle.markers(tl=tl)
stereonet.line <- function(trd,plg,wulff=TRUE,pch=21,
    theta <- trd
    if (wulff) rho <- tan((pi/4)-(plg/2))
    else rho <- sqrt(2)*sin((pi/4)-(plg/2))
    xp <- rho*sin(theta)
    yp <- rho*cos(theta)
stereonet.plane <- function(trd,plg,wulff=TRUE,pch=21,
    for (i in 1:length(trd)){
        above <- (sin(plg[i])<0)
        ad <- pole(trd=trd[i],plg=plg[i],option=2)
        if (plg[i]!=0){
            xy <- GreatCircle(strike=trd[i],dip=plg[i],wulff=wulff)
stereonet.point <- function(trd,plg,wulff=TRUE,option=1,
    if (option==1){
        az <- trd
        dip <- -acos(cos(plg))
        x <- cos(dip)*sin(az)
        y <- cos(dip)*cos(az)
        z <- sin(dip)
        above <- (sin(plg)<0)
    } else if (option==3){
        lon <- -acos(cos(trd-pi/2))
        lat <- plg
        x <- cos(lat)*cos(lon)
        y <- sin(lat)
        z <- cos(lat)*sin(lon)
        above <- (sin(trd-pi/2)>0)
    } else {
        stop('Illegal option supplied to stereonet.point')
    phi <- acos(sqrt(x^2+y^2+(z-1)^2)/2)
    theta <- atan(x/y)
    if (wulff){
        xp <- mysign(y)*tan(phi)*sin(theta)
        yp <- mysign(y)*tan(phi)*cos(theta)
    } else {
        xp <- mysign(y)*sqrt(2)*sin(phi)*sin(theta)
        yp <- mysign(y)*sqrt(2)*sin(phi)*cos(theta)
    if (type=='l'){
        n <- length(xp)
        x <- rbind(xp[-n],xp[-1])
        y <- rbind(yp[-n],yp[-1])
    } else if (type=='p'){
    } else if (type=='t'){
stereonet.circle <- function(trd,plg,coneAngle,wulff=TRUE,...){
    for (i in 1:length(trd)){
        paths <- SmallCircle(trda=trd[i],plga=plg[i],

# returns the pole to a plane or the plane which correspond to a pole
# based on a MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo for the book
# Structural Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo, & Fisher,
# 2011.  trd and plg are in radians
pole <- function(trd,plg,option=1){
    out <- c(trd,plg)
    east <- pi/2
    if (option == 1){ # azimuth to strike
        if (plg >= 0.0){
            out[2] <- east - plg
            dipaz <- trd - pi
        } else {
            out[2] <- east + plg
            dipaz <- trd
        out[1] <- ZeroTwoPi(dipaz - east)
    } else if (option == 2){ # strike to azimuth
        cned <- SphToCart(trd,plg,option=option)
        out <- CartToSph(cn=cned[1],ce=cned[2],cd=cned[3]);
    } else {
        warning('Invalid value for option in pole function')

# ZeroTwoPi constrains azimuth to lie between 0 and 2*pi radians 
# based on a MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo for the book
# Structural Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo & Fisher, 2011.
ZeroTwoPi <- function(a){
    twopi <- 2*pi
    if (a < 0){
        out <- a + twopi
    } else if (a >= twopi){
        out <- a - twopi;
    } else {
        out <- a

# SphToCart converts from spherical to cartesian coordinates 
# based on a MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo for the book
# Structural Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo & Fisher, 2011.
SphToCart <- function(trd,plg,option=1){
    if (option == 1){ # trend and plunge of a line
        cd <- sin(plg)
        ce <- cos(plg) * sin(trd)
        cn <- cos(plg) * cos(trd)
    } else if (option == 2){ # strike and dip of a plane in the right hand rule
        cd <- cos(plg)
        ce <- -sin(plg) * cos(trd)
        cn <- sin(plg) * sin(trd)
    } else {
        stop('Invalid value for option in SphToCart')

# Convert Cartesian to spherical coordinates
# based on a MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo for the book
# Structural Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo, & Fisher, 2011.
# returns the trend (trd) and plunge (plg) of a line for
# input north (cn), east (ce), and down (cd) direction cosines
CartToSph <- function(cn,ce,cd){
    plg <- asin(cd)
    # If north direction cosine is zero, trend is east or west
    # Choose which one by the sign of the east direction cosine
    if (cn == 0){
        if (ce < 0)
            trd <- 3/2*pi # trend is west
            trd <- pi/2   # trend is east
    } else {
        trd <- atan(ce/cn)
        if (cn < 0){
            trd <- trd + pi
        # Make sure trd is between 0 and 2*pi
        trd <- ZeroTwoPi(trd)

# Compute the paths of a small circle defined by its axis and cone
# angle, for an equal angle or equal area stereonet of unit radius.
# Based on a MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo for the book
# Structural Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo, & Fisher,
# 2011.
SmallCircle <- function(trda,plga,coneAngle,wulff=TRUE){
    if (plga < coneAngle){
        angle <- acos(cos(coneAngle)/cos(plga))
        trd <- ZeroTwoPi(trda+angle)
        plg <- 0
    } else {
        trd <- trda
        plg <- plga - coneAngle
    rot <- (0:360)*pi/180
    path1 <- NULL
    path2 <- NULL
    np1 <- 0
    np2 <- 0
    for (i in 1:360){
        rtp = Rotate(trda,plga,rot[i],trd,plg,'v')
        if (rtp[2] >= 0){
            path1 <- rbind(path1,StCoordLine(rtp[1],rtp[2],wulff=wulff))
        } else {
            path2 <- rbind(path2,StCoordLine(rtp[1],rtp[2],wulff=wulff))

# computes the great circle path of a plane in an equal angle or
# equal area stereonet of unit radius.  Basedon the MATLAB script
# written by Nestor Cardozo for the book Structural Geology
# Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo, & Fisher, 2011.
GreatCircle <- function(strike,dip,wulff=TRUE){
    tpa <- pole(strike,dip,option=2)
    trd <- strike
    plg <- 0
    rot <- seq(from=.Machine$double.xmin,to=180*pi,length=180)
    out <- matrix(0,nrow=180,ncol=2)
    for (i in 1:180){
        rtp <- Rotate(tpa[1],tpa[2],rot[i],trd,plg,'a')
        out[i,] <- StCoordLine(rtp[1],rtp[2],wulff=wulff)

# Computes the coordinates of a line on a stereonet.  Based on a
# MATLAB script written by Nestor Cardozo for the book Structural
# Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo, & Fisher, 2011.
StCoordLine <- function(trd,plg,wulff=TRUE){
    if (plg < 0){
        trd <- ZeroTwoPi(trd+pi)
        plg <- -plg
    piS4 <- pi/4
    s2 <- sqrt(2)
    plgS2 <- plg/2
    if (wulff){
        xp <- tan(piS4 - plgS2)*sin(trd)
        yp <- tan(piS4 - plgS2)*cos(trd)
    } else {
        xp <- s2*sin(piS4 - plgS2)*sin(trd)
        yp <- s2*sin(piS4 - plgS2)*cos(trd)

# Rotate a line by performing a coordinate transformation on
# vectors. The algorithm was originally written by Randall A. Marrett
# and implemented in MATLAB by Nestor Cardozo for the book Structural
# Geology Algorithms by Allmendinger, Cardozo, & Fisher, 2011.
# raz = trend of rotation axis
# rdip = plunge of rotation axis
# rot = magnitude of rotation
# trd = trend of the vector to be rotated
# plg = plunge of the vector to be rotated
# ans0 = a character indicating whether the line to be rotated
# is an axis (ans0 = 'a') or a vector (ans0 = 'v')
Rotate <- function(raz,rdip,rot,trd,plg,ans0){
    a <- matrix(0,3,3)
    pole <- rep(0,3)
    plotr <- rep(0,3)
    temp <- rep(0,3)
    p <- SphToCart(raz,rdip,option=1)
    x <- 1 - cos(rot)
    sinRot <- sin(rot)
    cosRot <- cos(rot)
    a[1,1] <- cosRot + p[1]*p[1]*x
    a[1,2] <- -p[3]*sinRot + p[1]*p[2]*x
    a[1,3] <- p[2]*sinRot + p[1]*p[3]*x
    a[2,1] <- p[3]*sinRot + p[2]*p[1]*x
    a[2,2] <- cosRot + p[2]*p[2]*x
    a[2,3] <- -p[1]*sinRot + p[2]*p[3]*x
    a[3,1] <- -p[2]*sinRot + p[3]*p[1]*x
    a[3,2] <- p[1]*sinRot + p[3]*p[2]*x
    a[3,3] <- cosRot + p[3]*p[3]*x
    temp <- SphToCart(trd,plg,option=1)
    for (i in 1:3){
        plotr[i] = 0
        for (j in 1:3){
            plotr[i] = a[i,j]*temp[j] + plotr[i]
    if (plotr[3] < 0 && ans0 == 'a'){
        plotr[1] <- -plotr[1]
        plotr[2] <- -plotr[2]
        plotr[3] <- -plotr[3]

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