
Defines functions tiles_geouy

Documented in tiles_geouy

#' This function allows to Download .jpg or .tif files from the IDEuy tiles repository, according to a 'sf' object bbox.
#' @family service
#' @param x An 'sf' object with the same crs as the homonym parameter
#' @param d numeric; buffer distance for all, or for each of the elements in x; in case dist is a units object, it should be convertible to arc_degree if x has geographic coordinates, and to st_crs(x)$units otherwise. Default NA, but if x is a only one point buffer default is 100.
#' @param format Format of the archives to download (avaiable: "rgb" and "rgbi") Default "rgb"
#' @param folder Folder where are the files or be download
#' @param urban logical; If FALSE take orthophotos of national flight with 32cm per pixel, if TRUE take urban flight with 10cm per pixel (avaible only Montevideo at the moment)
#' @keywords IDE orthophotos Uruguay
#' @return raster::stack object with th cropped tif corresponding to x bbox
#' @importFrom sf st_join st_crs st_bbox st_transform
#' @importFrom dplyr filter %>% distinct
#' @importFrom methods is as
#' @importFrom stringr str_sub str_pad
#' @importFrom raster brick crop extent crs mosaic
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPolygons
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom fs dir_ls
#' @importFrom assertthat noNA
#' @importFrom curl has_internet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- data.frame(x = 577968, y = 6147753, id = 1)
#' x <- sf::st_as_sf(x, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 32721)
#' x_tiles <- tiles_geouy(x, urban = TRUE)

tiles_geouy <- function(x, d = NA, format = "rgb", folder = tempdir(), urban = FALSE){
  # checks ----
  if (!is(x, "sf")) stop(glue::glue("The object {x} you want to process is not class sf"))
  if (!is.character(folder) | length(folder) != 1) stop("You must enter a valid directory...")
  if (!format %in% c("rgb", "rgbi")) stop("The format you want to download is not avaiable")
  if (!curl::has_internet()) stop("No internet access detected. Please check your connection.")
   # download ----
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  crs = sf::st_crs(x)
  if (nrow(x) == 1 & is.na(d)) x <- sf::st_buffer(x, dist = 100)
  if (!is.na(d)) x <- sf::st_buffer(x, dist = d)
  bb = x %>% sf::st_transform(5381) %>% 
    sf::st_bbox() %>% as.vector() %>% 
    raster::extent() %>% as('SpatialPolygons')
  suppressWarnings(raster::crs(bb) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs")
  if (urban == FALSE) {
    x2 <- NA
    x2 <- try(geouy::load_geouy("Grilla ortofotos nacional", crs = 5381)) 
    if (!assertthat::noNA(x2)) stop("IDEuy Server out of service, try in https://visualizador.ide.uy/ideuy/core/load_public_project/ideuy/")
    x2 <- x2 %>% 
      sf::st_join(x %>% sf::st_transform(5381), left = F) %>% 
      dplyr::distinct(.data$nombre, .keep_all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(x2) == 0) stop(glue::glue("The geometry you have in {x} is not in Uruguay. Verify in the metadata file"))
  } else {
    x2 <- NA
    x2 <- try(geouy::load_geouy("Grilla ortofotos urbana", crs = 5381)) 
    if (!assertthat::noNA(x2)) stop("IDEuy Server out of service, try in https://visualizador.ide.uy/ideuy/core/load_public_project/ideuy/")
    x2 <- x2 %>% 
      dplyr::filter(localidad == "Montevideo") %>% 
      sf::st_join(x %>% sf::st_transform(5381), left = F) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(nombre = as.character(.data$nombre)) %>% 
      dplyr::distinct(.data$nombre, .keep_all = TRUE)
    if (nrow(x2) == 0) stop(glue::glue("The geometry you have in {x} is not in Montevideo. Verify in the metadata file"))
  # Para formato rgb ----
  if (format == "rgb") {
    if (urban == FALSE) {
      a <- glue::glue("https://visualizador.ide.uy/descargas/datos/CN_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}/02_Ortoimagenes/03_RGB_8bits/{as.character(x2$nombre)}_RGB_8_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}")
    } else {
      a <- glue::glue("https://visualizador.ide.uy/descargas/datos/CU_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}/02_Ortoimagenes/01_Ciudad_MVD/03_RGB_8bits/{as.character(x2$nombre)}_RGB_8_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}_MVD")
    for (i in 1:length(a)) {
      if (!file.exists(a[i])) {
        message(glue::glue("Trying to download..."))
                                 mode = "wb", method = "libcurl",
                                 extra = '--no-check-certificate'))
    # read brick
    ar <- fs::dir_ls(folder,  regexp = "\\.jpg$")
    ar <- ar[file.info(ar)$mtime > start_time]
  # Para formato rgbi ----
  if (format == "rgbi") {
    if (urban == FALSE) {
      a <- glue::glue("https://visualizador.ide.uy/descargas/datos/CN_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}/02_Ortoimagenes/02_RGBI_8bits/{as.character(x2$nombre)}_RGBI_8_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}.tif")
    } else {
      a <- glue::glue("https://visualizador.ide.uy/descargas/datos/CU_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}/02_Ortoimagenes/01_Ciudad_MVD/02_RGBI_8bits/{as.character(x2$nombre)}_RGBI_8_Remesa_{stringr::str_pad(x2$remesa, 2, pad = '0')}_MVD.tif")
    for (i in 1:length(a)) {
      if (!file.exists(a[i])) {
        message(glue::glue("Trying to download..."))
        try(utils::download.file(a[i], glue::glue("{folder}//{basename(a[i])}"), 
                                 mode = "wb", method = "libcurl",
                                 extra = '--no-check-certificate'))
    # read brick ----
    ar <- fs::dir_ls(folder, regexp = "\\.tif$")
    ar <- ar[file.info(ar)$mtime > start_time]
  # Return ----
  if (length(ar) == 1) {
    a3 <- raster::brick(ar)
    suppressWarnings(raster::crs(a3) <- "+proj=utm +zone=21 +south +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")
    bb <- sf::st_transform(bb %>% sf::st_as_sf(), raster::crs(a3))
    suppressWarnings(a3 <- raster::crop(a3, bb))
  } else {
    rast.list <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(ar)) { rast.list[i] <- raster::brick(ar[i]) }
    # And then use do.call on the list of raster objects
    rast.list$fun <- mean
    a3 <- do.call(raster::mosaic,rast.list)
    a3 <- do.call(raster::mosaic, rast.list)
  # raster::plotRGB(a3)

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geouy documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 5:07 p.m.