
Defines functions get_outgrphs get_cvgrphs get_plot_info rmse_calculate obs_calculate

Documented in get_cvgrphs get_outgrphs get_plot_info obs_calculate rmse_calculate

#' Calculate Observed Covariate Means and Risk
#' This internal function calculates the mean observed values of covariates at each time point, as well as mean
#' observed risk.
#' @param outcome_name    Character string specifying the name of the outcome variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param compevent_name  Character string specifying the name of the competing event variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param compevent2_name Character string specifying the name of the competing event variable in \code{obs_data} if competing events are treated as censoring events.
#' @param censor_name     Character string specifying the name of the censoring variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param time_name       Character string specifying the name of the time variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param id              Character string specifying the name of the ID variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param covnames        Vector of character strings specifying the names of the time-varying covariates in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param covtypes        Vector of character strings specifying the "type" of each time-varying covariate included in \code{covnames}. The possible "types" are: \code{"binary"}, \code{"normal"}, \code{"categorical"}, \code{"bounded normal"}, \code{"zero-inflated normal"}, \code{"truncated normal"}, \code{"absorbing"}, \code{"categorical time"}, and \code{"custom"}.
#' @param comprisk        Logical scalar indicating the presence of a competing event.
#' @param comprisk2       Logical scalar indicating whether competing events are treated as censoring events.
#' @param censor          Logical scalar indicating the presence of a censoring variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param fitD2           Model fit for the competing event variable if competing events are treated as censoring events.
#' @param fitC            Model fit for the censoring variable.
#' @param outcome_type    Character string specifying the "type" of the outcome. The possible "types" are: \code{"survival"}, \code{"continuous_eof"}, and \code{"binary_eof"}.
#' @param obs_data        Data table containing the observed data.
#' @param ipw_cutoff_quantile Percentile by which to truncate inverse probability weights.
#' @param ipw_cutoff_value    Cutoff value by which to truncate inverse probability weights.
#' @return                A list. Its first entry is a list of mean covariate values at each time point;
#'                        its second entry is a vector of the mean observed risk (for \code{"survival"}
#'                        outcome types) or the mean observed outcome (for \code{"continuous_eof"} and
#'                        \code{"binary_eof"} outcome types); for \code{"survival"} outcome types, its
#'                        third entry is a vector of mean observed survival.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
obs_calculate <- function(outcome_name, compevent_name, compevent2_name, censor_name, time_name, id, covnames, covtypes, comprisk,
                          comprisk2, censor, fitD2, fitC, outcome_type, obs_data, ipw_cutoff_quantile, ipw_cutoff_value){

  time_points <- max(obs_data[[time_name]]) + 1
  get_obs_cov_means <- function(weights = FALSE){
    if (!weights){
      w <- rep(1, nrow(obs_data))
    obs_means <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(covnames))
    names(obs_means) <- covnames
    for (covname in covnames){
      covtype <- covtypes[which(covname == covnames)]
      if (covtype != 'categorical'){
        cov_means <- rep(NA, length = time_points)
        for (i in 0:(time_points-1)){
          cur_time_ind <- obs_data[[time_name]] == i
          if (i == 0){
            cov_means[i+1] <- mean(obs_data[cur_time_ind][[covname]], na.rm = TRUE)
          } else {
            individuals_at_cur_time <- obs_data[obs_data[[time_name]] == i][[id]]
            prev_time_ind <- obs_data[[id]] %in% individuals_at_cur_time & obs_data[[time_name]] == (i - 1)
            cov_means[i+1] <- stats::weighted.mean(x = obs_data[cur_time_ind][[covname]], w = w[prev_time_ind], na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
        all_levels <- levels(as.factor(obs_data[[covname]]))
        cov_means <- data.table(t0 = rep(0:(time_points - 1), each = length(all_levels)),
                                V1 = rep(-1, length = time_points * length(all_levels)))
        cov_means[, (covname)] <- rep(all_levels, times = time_points)
        obs_est_name <- ifelse(censor, 'IP weighted estimates', 'nonparametric estimates')
        cov_means$legend <- obs_est_name
        row_ind <- 1
        for (i in 0:(time_points - 1)){
          cur_time_ind <- obs_data[[time_name]] == i
          if (i == 0){
            for (level in all_levels){
              cov_means[row_ind, 'V1'] <- mean(obs_data[cur_time_ind][[covname]] == level, na.rm = TRUE)
              row_ind <- row_ind + 1
          } else {
            individuals_at_cur_time <- obs_data[obs_data[[time_name]] == i][[id]]
            prev_time_ind <- obs_data[[id]] %in% individuals_at_cur_time & obs_data[[time_name]] == (i - 1)
            for (level in all_levels){
              cov_means[row_ind, 'V1'] <- stats::weighted.mean(x = obs_data[cur_time_ind][[covname]] == level, w = w[prev_time_ind], na.rm = TRUE)
              row_ind <- row_ind + 1
      obs_means[[covname]] <- cov_means

  if (censor){
    # Step 1: Compute weights
    censor_p0_inv <- 1 / (1 - stats::predict(fitC, type = 'response', newdata = obs_data))
    censor_inv_cum <- unlist(tapply(censor_p0_inv, obs_data[[id]], FUN = cumprod))
    w_c <- ifelse(obs_data[[censor_name]] == 1, 0, censor_inv_cum)
    if (outcome_type == 'survival' & comprisk2){
      comprisk_p0_inv <- rep(0, length = nrow(obs_data))
      row_ind <- !is.na(obs_data[[compevent2_name]])
      comprisk_p0_inv[row_ind] <- 1 / (1 - stats::predict(fitD2, type = 'response', newdata = obs_data[row_ind]))
      comprisk_inv_cum <- unlist(tapply(comprisk_p0_inv, obs_data[[id]], FUN = cumprod))
      w_d <- ifelse(obs_data[[compevent2_name]] == 1 | is.na(obs_data[[compevent2_name]]), 0, comprisk_inv_cum)
      w <- w_c * w_d
    } else {
      w <- w_c
    if (!is.null(ipw_cutoff_quantile)){
      cutoff_w <- stats::quantile(w, probs = ipw_cutoff_quantile)
      w <- pmin(w, cutoff_w)
    } else if (!is.null(ipw_cutoff_value)){
      w <- pmin(w, ipw_cutoff_value)

    # Step 2: Compute weighted mean of covariates
    obs_means <- get_obs_cov_means(weights = TRUE)

    # Step 3: Compute weighted mean of outcome
    if (outcome_type == 'continuous_eof' || outcome_type == 'binary_eof'){
      meanEy <- rep(NA, length = time_points)
      cur_time_ind <- obs_data[[time_name]] == (time_points-1)
      meanEy[time_points + 1] <- stats::weighted.mean(obs_data[cur_time_ind][[outcome_name]], w[cur_time_ind], na.rm = TRUE)
      res <- list(obs_means, meanEy, w = w)

    } else if  (outcome_type == 'survival'){
      h_k <- obs_risk_temp <- obs_survival <- rep(NA, times = time_points)
      if (comprisk){
        compevent_risk_temp <- h_k2 <- rep(NA, times = time_points)
      for (i in 0:(time_points - 1)){
        cur_time_ind <- obs_data[[time_name]] == i
        w_cur <- w[cur_time_ind]

        if (comprisk2 | !comprisk){
          # Scenario 1 and 3
          h_k[i + 1] <- stats::weighted.mean(x = obs_data[cur_time_ind][[outcome_name]], w = w_cur, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (i == 0){
            obs_risk_temp[i + 1] <- h_k[i + 1]
          } else {
            obs_risk_temp[i + 1] <- h_k[i + 1] * prod(1 - h_k[1:i])
        } else if (comprisk){
          # Scenario 2
          w_cur_elimD <- ifelse(obs_data[cur_time_ind][[compevent_name]] == 1, 0, w_cur)
          h_k[i + 1] <- stats::weighted.mean(x = obs_data[cur_time_ind][[outcome_name]], w = w_cur_elimD, na.rm = TRUE)
          h_k2[i + 1] <- stats::weighted.mean(x = obs_data[cur_time_ind][[compevent_name]], w = w_cur, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (i == 0){
            obs_risk_temp[i + 1] <- h_k[i + 1] * (1 - h_k2[i + 1])
            compevent_risk_temp[i + 1] <- h_k2[i + 1]
          } else {
            obs_risk_temp[i + 1] <- h_k[i + 1] * (1 - h_k2[i + 1]) * prod((1 - h_k[1:i]) * (1 - h_k2[1:i]))
            compevent_risk_temp[i + 1] <- h_k2[i + 1] * prod((1 - h_k[1:i]) * (1 - h_k2[1:i]))
      obs_risk <- cumsum(obs_risk_temp)
      obs_survival <- 1 - obs_risk
      res <- list(obs_means, obs_risk, obs_survival, w = w)
  } else {
    obs_means <- get_obs_cov_means(weights = FALSE)

    if (outcome_type == 'survival'){
      # Calculate mean observed outcome probability at each time point
      meanPy <- tapply(obs_data[[outcome_name]], obs_data[[time_name]], FUN = mean,
                       na.rm = TRUE)
      if (comprisk){
        # Calculate mean observed competing event probability at each time point
        meanPd <- tapply(obs_data[[compevent_name]], obs_data[[time_name]], FUN = mean,
                         na.rm = TRUE)
      # Initialize
      obs_prodp0 <- 1 - meanPy
      obs_prodp1 <- rep(NA, length(meanPy))
      # Calculate mean observed probability of death from main event at first time point
      if (comprisk){
        obs_prodp1[1] <- meanPy[1] * (1 - meanPd[1])
      } else {
        obs_prodp1[1] <- meanPy[1]
      # Calculate mean observed probability of survival at first time point
      if (length(meanPy) > 1){
        for (k in 2:length(meanPy)){
          # Calculated mean observed probability of death from main event at time k - 1
          if (comprisk){
            obs_prodp1[k] <- meanPy[k] * (1 - meanPd[k]) * prod((1 - meanPy[1:(k-1)]) * (1-meanPd[1:(k-1)]))
          else {
            obs_prodp1[k] <- meanPy[k] * prod(obs_prodp0[1:(k - 1)])
      # Calculate observed probability of death at or before each time point
      obs_risk <- cumsum(obs_prodp1)
      obs_survival <- 1 - obs_risk
      res <- list(obs_means, obs_risk, obs_survival, w = NULL)

    } else if (outcome_type == 'continuous_eof' || outcome_type == 'binary_eof'){
      meanEy <- tapply(obs_data[[outcome_name]], obs_data[[time_name]], FUN = mean,
                       na.rm = TRUE)
      res <- list(obs_means, meanEy, w = NULL)


#' Calculate RMSE for Covariate, Outcome, and Competing Risk Models
#' This internal function calculates root mean square error (RMSE) for the covariate (and the outcome and competing event, if applicable) models fit on
#' the observed data.
#' @param i                         Integer specifying the index of \code{fits}.
#' @param fits                      List of fitted models.
#' @param covnames                  Vector of character strings specifying the names of the time-varying covariates in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param covtypes                  Vector of character strings specifying the "type" of each time-varying covariate included in \code{covnames}. The possible "types" are: \code{"binary"}, \code{"normal"}, \code{"categorical"}, \code{"bounded normal"}, \code{"zero-inflated normal"}, \code{"truncated normal"}, \code{"absorbing"}, \code{"categorical time"}, and \code{"custom"}.
#' @return                          The RMSE for the model.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table

rmse_calculate <- function(i, fits, covnames, covtypes){
  fit <- fits[[i]]
  if (i <= length(covtypes)){
    if (covtypes[i] == 'normal' || covtypes[i] == 'binary' ||
        covtypes[i] == 'bounded normal' || covtypes[i] == 'truncated normal'){
    } else if (covtypes[i] == 'zero-inflated normal') {
      fit <- fits[[i]][[2]]
      return (fit$rmse)
  } else {
    return (fit$rmse)

#' Get Plotting Information
#' This internal function obtains the data tables necessary for plotting. For continuous and binary covariates, the mean observed and simulated values are obtained for each time point. For categorical covariates, the observed and simulated means of the levels of the factors are obtained for each time point.  When the outcome is of type \code{"survival"}, the observed and simulated risk and survival are obtained for each time point.
#' @param outcome_name    Character string specifying the name of the outcome variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param compevent_name  Character string specifying the name of the competing event variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param compevent2_name Character string specifying the name of the competing event variable in \code{obs_data} if competing events are treated as censoring events.
#' @param censor_name     Character string specifying the name of the censoring variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param time_name       Character string specifying the name of the time variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param id              Character string specifying the name of the ID variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param time_points     Number of time points to simulate.
#' @param covnames        Vector of character strings specifying the names of the time-varying covariates in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param covtypes        Vector of character strings specifying the "type" of each time-varying covariate included in \code{covnames}. The possible "types" are: \code{"binary"}, \code{"normal"}, \code{"categorical"}, \code{"bounded normal"}, \code{"zero-inflated normal"}, \code{"truncated normal"}, \code{"absorbing"}, \code{"categorical time"}, and \code{"custom"}.
#' @param nat_pool        Pooled-over-time data table containing simulated data under the natural course.
#' @param nat_result      Vector containing the mean outcome over all subjects at each time for natural course.
#' @param comprisk        Logical scalar indicating the presence of a competing event.
#' @param comprisk2       Logical scalar indicating whether competing events are treated as censoring events.
#' @param censor          Logical scalar indicating the presence of a censoring variable in \code{obs_data}.
#' @param fitD2           Model fit for the competing event variable if competing events are treated as censoring events.
#' @param fitC            Model fit for the censoring variable.
#' @param outcome_type    Character string specifying the "type" of the outcome. The possible "types" are: \code{"survival"}, \code{"continuous_eof"}, and \code{"binary_eof"}.
#' @param obs_data        Data table containing observed data.
#' @param ipw_cutoff_quantile    Percentile by which to truncate inverse probability weights.
#' @param ipw_cutoff_value       Cutoff value by which to truncate inverse probability weights.
#' @return                A list with the following components:
#' \item{obs_results}{A list of the mean observed values at each time point for covariates and - if the outcome is of type \code{"survival"} - the risk and survival.}
#' \item{dt_cov_plot}{A list of data tables The data tables contain the observed and simulated mean values of the covariates under each time point.}
#' \item{dt_obs_plot}{For outcomes of type \code{"survival"}, a list of data tables. The data tables contain the observed and simulated risks and survival under each time point. For other outcomes, a value of \code{NA} is given.}
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
get_plot_info <- function(outcome_name, compevent_name, compevent2_name, censor_name, time_name, id, time_points,
                          covnames, covtypes, nat_pool, nat_result, comprisk, comprisk2, censor,
                          fitD2, fitC, outcome_type, obs_data, ipw_cutoff_quantile, ipw_cutoff_value){

  # Calculate mean observed values at each time point for covariates, risk, and survival
  obs_results <- obs_calculate(outcome_name = outcome_name, compevent_name = compevent_name,
                               compevent2_name = compevent2_name, censor_name = censor_name,
                               time_name = time_name, id = id,
                               covnames = covnames, covtypes = covtypes, comprisk = comprisk,
                               comprisk2 = comprisk2, censor = censor,
                               fitD2 = fitD2, fitC = fitC, outcome_type = outcome_type,
                               obs_data = obs_data[obs_data[[time_name]] < time_points &
                                          obs_data[[time_name]] >= 0],
                               ipw_cutoff_quantile = ipw_cutoff_quantile,
                               ipw_cutoff_value = ipw_cutoff_value)

  get_sim_cov_means <- function(weights = FALSE){
    get_weights <- function(weights, cur_time_ind){
      if (weights){
        if (i == 0){
          psurv <- rep(1, sum(cur_time_ind))
        } else {
          temp_rows <- nat_pool[[time_name]] < i & nat_pool[[time_name]] >= 0
          if (comprisk){
            psurv <- tapply(nat_pool[temp_rows]$prodp0, nat_pool[temp_rows]$id, FUN = prod) *
              tapply(1 - nat_pool[temp_rows]$Pd, nat_pool[temp_rows]$id, FUN = prod)
          } else {
            #psurv <- nat_pool[nat_pool[[time_name]] == i - 1]$survival
            psurv <- tapply(nat_pool[temp_rows]$prodp0, nat_pool[temp_rows]$id, FUN = prod)
      } else {
        psurv <- rep(1, sum(cur_time_ind))

    sim_results_cov <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(covnames))
    names(sim_results_cov) <- covnames
    for (covname in covnames){
      covtype <- covtypes[which(covname == covnames)]
      if (covtype != 'categorical'){
        cov_means <- rep(NA, length = time_points)
        for (i in 0:(time_points - 1)){
          cur_time_ind <- nat_pool[[time_name]] == i
          psurv <- get_weights(weights = weights, cur_time_ind = cur_time_ind)
          cov_means[i+1] <- mean(nat_pool[cur_time_ind][[covname]] * psurv) / mean(psurv)
      } else {
        all_levels <- levels(as.factor(obs_data[[covname]]))
        cov_means <- data.table(t0 = rep(0:(time_points - 1), each = length(all_levels)),
                                V1 = rep(-1, length = time_points * length(all_levels)))
        cov_means[, (covname)] <- rep(all_levels, times = time_points)
        cov_means$legend <- 'parametric g-formula estimates'
        row_ind <- 1
        for (i in 0:(time_points - 1)){
          cur_time_ind <- nat_pool[[time_name]] == i
          psurv <- get_weights(weights = weights, cur_time_ind = cur_time_ind)
          for (level in all_levels){
            cov_means[row_ind, 'V1'] <- mean((nat_pool[cur_time_ind][[covname]] == level) * psurv) / mean(psurv)
            row_ind <- row_ind + 1
      sim_results_cov[[covname]] <- cov_means

  if (outcome_type == 'survival'){
    # Calculate weighted mean simulated values at each time point for covariates
    sim_results_cov <- get_sim_cov_means(weights = TRUE)
  } else {
    # Calculate mean simulated values at each time point for covariates
    sim_results_cov <- get_sim_cov_means(weights = FALSE)

  if (outcome_type == 'survival'){
    sim_results_surv <- tapply(nat_pool$survival, nat_pool[[time_name]], FUN = mean)
    sim_results <- list(sim_results_cov, nat_result, sim_results_surv)
  } else {
    sim_results <- list(sim_results_cov)
  obs_est_name <- ifelse(censor, 'IP weighted estimates', 'nonparametric estimates')

  # Generate data tables for plotting each covariate
  dt_cov_plot <- lapply(seq_along(covnames), FUN = function(i){
    covname <- covnames[i]
    if (covtypes[i] == 'categorical'){
      comb_data <- rbind(sim_results[[1]][[covname]], obs_results[[1]][[covname]])
      names(comb_data)[names(comb_data) == time_name] <- "t0"
    } else if (covtypes[i] == 'categorical time'){
    } else {
      obs_cov_data <- data.table(t0 = 0:(time_points - 1), cov = obs_results[[1]][[covname]],
                                 legend = obs_est_name)
      est_cov_data <- data.table(t0 = 0:(time_points - 1), cov = sim_results[[1]][[covname]],
                                 legend = "parametric g-formula estimates")
      comb_data <- rbind(obs_cov_data, est_cov_data)
      colnames(comb_data)[colnames(comb_data) == 't0'] <- time_name
  names(dt_cov_plot) <- covnames

  # Generate data tables for plotting outcomes for survival objects
  if (outcome_type == 'survival'){
    obs_risk_data <- data.table(t0 = 0:(time_points - 1),
                                risk = obs_results[[2]],
                                survival = obs_results[[3]],
                                legend = obs_est_name)
    est_risk_data <- data.table(t0 = 0:(time_points - 1),
                                risk = sim_results[[2]],
                                survival = sim_results[[3]],
                                legend = "parametric g-formula estimates")
    dt_out_plot <- rbind(obs_risk_data, est_risk_data)
    colnames(dt_out_plot)[colnames(dt_out_plot) == 't0'] <- time_name
  } else {
    dt_out_plot <- NA

  return(list(obs_results = obs_results, dt_cov_plot = dt_cov_plot,
              dt_out_plot = dt_out_plot))

#' Get Covariate Plots
#' This internal function obtains the covariate plots for \code{\link{gformula_survival}}, \code{\link{gformula_continuous_eof}}, and \code{\link{gformula_binary_eof}}.
#' @param x              Object of class "gformula_survival", "gformula_continuous_eof", or "gformula_binary_eof".
#' @param covnames       Vector of character strings specifying the names of the time-varying covariates to be plotted. The ordering of covariates given here is used in the plot grid.
#' @param covtypes       Vector of character strings specifying the "type" of each time-varying covariate included in \code{covnames}. The possible "types" are: \code{"binary"}, \code{"normal"}, \code{"categorical"}, \code{"bounded normal"}, \code{"zero-inflated normal"}, \code{"truncated normal"}, \code{"absorbing"}, \code{"categorical time"}, and \code{"custom"}.
#' @param xlab           Character string for the x axes of all plots.
#' @param ylab_cov       Vector of character strings for the y axes of the plots for the covariates. This argument must be the same length as \code{covnames}. The i-th element of this argument corresponds to the plot for the i-th element of \code{covnames}.
#' @return               A list of covariate plots.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
get_cvgrphs <- function(x, covnames, covtypes, xlab, ylab_cov){

  cvgrphs <- lapply(seq_along(covnames), FUN = function(i){
    covname <- covnames[i]
    covtype <- covtypes[i]
    comb_cov_data <- x$dt_cov_plot[[covname]]

    if (covtype == "categorical"){
      ggplot(data = comb_cov_data, aes_string(x = covname, y = "V1", fill = "legend")) +
        geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') + facet_grid(~ t0) + xlab(xlab) +
    } else {
      ggplot(data = comb_cov_data, aes_string(x = x$time_name, y = "cov", color = "legend")) +
        geom_point() + geom_line() + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab_cov[i])
  names(cvgrphs) <- covnames

#' Get Risk and Survival Plots
#' This internal function obtains the risk and survival plots for \code{\link{gformula_survival}}.
#' @param x              Object of class "gformula_survival".
#' @param risk           Logical scalar indicating whether to include a plot for the risk.
#' @param survival       Logical scalar indicating whether to include a plot for the survival.
#' @param xlab           Character string for the x axes of all plots.
#' @param ylab_risk      Character string for the y axis of the plot for the risk (if applicable).
#' @param ylab_surv      Character string for the y axis of the plot for the survival (if applicable).
#' @param ci_risk        Logical scalar specifying whether to include error bars for the 95\% confidence intervals of the estimated risk under the natural course. This argument is only effective if the argument \code{nsamples} was set to a positive value in \code{\link{gformula_survival}}.
#' @return               A list of plots for the risk and survival.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
get_outgrphs <- function(x, risk, survival, xlab, ylab_risk, ylab_surv, ci_risk){

  my_lab <- ifelse('IP weighted estimates' %in% x$dt_out_plot$legend, 'IP weighted estimates', 'nonparametric estimates')
  temp1 <- data.table(0, 0, 1, my_lab)
  temp2 <- data.table(0, 0, 1, 'parametric g-formula estimates')
  colnames(temp1) <- colnames(temp2) <- c(x$time_name, 'risk', 'survival', 'legend')

  dt_out_plot_rev <- x$dt_out_plot
  dt_out_plot_rev[, 1] <- dt_out_plot_rev[, 1] + 1
  dt_out_plot_rev <- rbind(temp1, dt_out_plot_rev[dt_out_plot_rev$legend == my_lab, ],
                           temp2, dt_out_plot_rev[dt_out_plot_rev$legend == 'parametric g-formula estimates', ])

  risk_outgrph <-
    ggplot(data = dt_out_plot_rev, aes_string(x = x$time_name, y = "risk", color = "legend")) +
    geom_point() + geom_line() + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab_risk)
  surv_outgrph <-
    ggplot(data = dt_out_plot_rev, aes_string(x = x$time_name, y = "survival", color = "legend")) +
    geom_point() + geom_line() + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab_surv)

  if (x$nsamples > 0 & ci_risk){
    nat_data <- x$result[x$result$Interv. == 0]
    risk_outgrph <-
      risk_outgrph + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = rep(c(0, nat_data$`Risk lower 95% CI`), 2),
                                       ymax = rep(c(0, nat_data$`Risk upper 95% CI`), 2)),
                                   width = 0.3)

  outgrphs <- list()
  if (risk){
    outgrphs[['risk']] <- risk_outgrph
  if (survival){
    outgrphs[['survival']] <- surv_outgrph


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gfoRmula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:46 a.m.