`r params$title `

params: ctr: "" title: ""

subtitle: r params$ctr$save_dir title: r params$title

cats <- ctr %>% get_cats

Key model diagnostics

multiple ggPMX

We can create many plots under the same chunk.

ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_time

ctr %>% pmx_plot_dv_ipred

ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_box

no ggPMX included

To include custom plot within the ggPMX framework , we should register the created plot. Here we are using pmx_register_plot. If we are in a case that we need to add footnote , ggPMX will add the right footnote under the custom plot.

inn <- ctr %>% get_data("input")
pp <- ggplot(inn, aes(WT0,AGE0)) + geom_smooth() + pmx_theme()
ctr %>% pmx_register_plot(pp,"age0_vs_wt0")

no ggPMX + ggPMX

We can mix ggPMX and no ggPMX plots under the same chunk. Note that here if we do not register pp, footnotes may wrong; see section on Erroneous usage.


Here we register the custom plot:

ctr %>% pmx_register_plot(pp,"age0_vs_wt0")
ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_box

Erroneous usage of package

When mixing ggPMX plots and other plots within one chunk, the package cannot keep track of the numbering of plots. Footnotes may be wrong. ggPMX will throw a message to indicate that the plot was not regisered.

inn <- ctr %>% get_data("input")   
ggplot(inn, aes(WT0,AGE0)) + geom_point()

print(ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_time)

Similarly, when plotting a ggPMX plot twice, the package cannot keep track of the numbering of plots. Footnotes may be wrong. ggPMX will throw a message to indicate that the plot was not regisered.

pp <- ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_time   
plot(pp + scale_x_log10())

Plot that does not get rendered will throw error to prevent errors in footnotes.

# for(i in 1:2) {
#   ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_time   
# }
# ctr %>% pmx_plot_iwres_time

Try the ggPMX package in your browser

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ggPMX documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.