
Defines functions pmx_plot_eta_matrix

Documented in pmx_plot_eta_matrix

# Eta matrix plot --------------------------------------------------------------

#' Eta matrix plot
#' @param ctr pmx controller
#' @param ... others graphics parameters passed :
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{pmx_gpar}} internal function to customize shared graphical parameters
#' \item \code{\link{eta_pairs}} ggPMX internal function for eta matrix plot.
#' \item \code{\link{pmx_update}} function.
#' }
#' \strong{eta_pairs parameters}

#' @param title character the plot title
#' @param dname name of dataset to be used
#' @param type.eta \code{character} type of eat can be 'mode' or 'mean'.'mode' by default
#' @param text_color color of the correlation text in the upper matrix
#' @param is.shrink \code{logical} if TRUE add shrinkage to the plot
#' @param shrink \code{pmxShrinkClass} shrinkage graphical parameter or
#'   \code{list} coercible into one
#' @param point \code{list} geom_point graphical parameter
#' @param is.smooth \code{logical} if TRUE add smoothing to lower matrix plots
#' @param smooth \code{list} geom_smooth graphical parameters
#' @param is.hline \code{logical} if TRUE add horizontal line to lower matrix plots
#' @param hline \code{list} geom_hline graphical parameters
#' @param is.vreference_line \code{logical} if TRUE add reference line to diag plots
#' @param vreference_line \code{list} geom_vline graphical parameters

#' \strong{pmx_update parameters}

#' @param filter \code{expression} filter which will be applied to plotting data.
#' @param strat.facet \code{formula} optional stratification parameter by facetting.
#' This split plot by strats(each strat in a facet)
#' @param facets \code{list} facet_wrap parameters.
#' @param strat.color \code{character} optional stratification parameter by grouping.
#' This will split the plot by group (color) of strat.
#' @param trans \code{character} define the transformation to apply on x or y or both variables
#' @param pmxgpar a object of class pmx_gpar possibly the output of the

#' \strong{pmx_gpar: Shared basic graphics parameters}

#' @param labels \code{list} list containing plot and/or axis labels: title, subtitle, x , y
#' @param axis.title \code{list} containing element_text attributes to customize
#' the axis title. (similar to ggplot2 axis.title theme)
#' @param axis.text \code{list} containing element_text attributes to customize
#' the axis text (similar to ggplot2 axis.text theme)
#' @param ranges \code{list} limits of x/y ranges
#' @param is.band \code{logical} if TRUE add horizontal band
#' @param band \code{list} horizontal band parameters. geom_hline graphical parameters.
#' @param is.draft \code{logical} if TRUE add draft layer
#' @param draft \code{list} draft layer parameters. geom_text graphical parameters.
#' @param is.identity_line \code{logical} if TRUE add an identity line
#' @param identity_line \code{list}geom_abline graphical parameters.
#' @param scale_x_log10 \code{logical} if TRUE use log10 scale for x axis.
#' @param scale_y_log10 \code{logical} if TRUE use log10 scale for y axis.
#' @param color.scales \code{list} define scales parameter in case of strat.color \code{\link{pmx_settings}}
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @example inst/examples/eta_matrix.R
#' @export
pmx_plot_eta_matrix <-
  function(ctr, title, dname, type.eta, text_color, is.shrink, shrink, point,
             is.smooth, smooth, is.hline, hline, is.vreference_line, vreference_line, filter, strat.facet,
             facets, strat.color, trans, pmxgpar, labels, axis.title,
             axis.text, ranges, is.band, band, is.draft, draft,
             is.identity_line, identity_line, scale_x_log10, scale_y_log10,
             color.scales, ...) {
    params <- get_params_from_call()
    wrap_pmx_plot_generic(ctr, "eta_matrix", params)

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ggPMX documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:40 a.m.