
Defines functions plot.ggbrain_panel ggplot_add.ggbrain_panel

Documented in ggplot_add.ggbrain_panel plot.ggbrain_panel

#' R6 class for a single panel of a ggbrain image
#' @details 
#'   Note that this class is exported only for power users and rarely needs to be called directly
#'     in typical use of the package. Instead, look at `slices()`.
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_class
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom rlang has_name
#' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_fixed theme theme_void element_blank element_rect element_text margin rel
#'   xlab ylab annotate
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @return a `ggbrain_panel` R6 class with fields related to a panel on the `ggbrain` plot
#' @export
ggbrain_panel <- R6::R6Class(
  #classname = c("ggbrain_panel", "gg", "ggplot"),
  classname = "ggbrain_panel",
  private = list(
    ggobj = NULL,
    pvt_layer_objs = NULL, # list of layers
    pvt_title = NULL,
    pvt_addl = list(), # any custom additional objects to add, as a list
    pvt_base_size = 14, # font size
    pvt_bg_color = "gray10", # nearly black
    pvt_text_color = "white",
    pvt_border_color = "gray60", # default panel border color, if requested
    pvt_border_size = NULL, # no border
    pvt_xlab = NULL,
    pvt_ylab = NULL,
    pvt_theme_custom = NULL,
    pvt_default_theme = NULL,
    pvt_annotations = NULL, # a data.frame of annotations to add to this panel
    pvt_region_labels = NULL,

    # helper function to initialize default theme. needs to be executed after
    # private list is initialized to avoid failed cross-referencing
    set_default_theme = function() {
      has_border <- ifelse(checkmate::test_number(private$pvt_border_size, lower = 0.001), TRUE, FALSE)
      border_color <- if (has_border) private$pvt_border_color else NA
      border_size <- if (has_border) private$pvt_border_size else NULL
      half_line <- private$pvt_base_size / 2
      private$pvt_default_theme <- list(
        theme_void(base_size = private$pvt_base_size),
          strip.background = element_blank(),
          strip.text.x = element_blank(),
          plot.background = element_rect(
            fill = private$pvt_bg_color,
            color = border_color,
            linewidth = border_size
          plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(1.1), hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1, margin = margin(t = half_line / 2, b = half_line / 2)),
          panel.background = element_rect(fill = private$pvt_bg_color, color = NA),
          text = element_text(color = private$pvt_text_color),
          legend.spacing.y = unit(0.1, "lines"),
          legend.position = "right",
          plot.margin = unit(c(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5), "lines") # space on L and R, but not T and B
    generate_ggplot = function() {
      blank_gg <- ggplot(mapping = aes(x=dim1, y=dim2))
      empty <- sapply(private$pvt_layer_objs, function(x) x$is_empty())
      to_plot <- private$pvt_layer_objs[!empty]

      # use reduce to add layers from left to right in the list
      gg <- Reduce("+", to_plot, init = blank_gg)

      # always start with default panel theme
      gg <- gg + private$pvt_default_theme + private$pvt_theme_custom

      if (!is.null(private$pvt_title)) {
        gg <- gg + ggtitle(private$pvt_title)

      if (!is.null(private$pvt_xlab)) {
        gg <- gg + theme(axis.title.x = element_text()) + xlab(private$pvt_xlab)

      if (!is.null(private$pvt_ylab)) {
        gg <- gg + theme(axis.title.y = element_text()) + ylab(private$pvt_ylab)

      gg <- gg + private$pvt_addl

      if (!is.null(private$pvt_annotations)) {
        # add_annotations looks up dim1/dim2 positions for any aesthetics that use convenience mappings like 'left'
        # it then returns a list of ggplot2 annotate objects that are added to the panel
        gg <- gg + private$add_annotations()

      if (!is.null(private$pvt_region_labels)) {
        gg <- gg + private$pvt_region_labels # use + method from ggbrain_label class

      self$gg <- gg

    # lookup annotation positions just before adding it to the ggplot object
    # this allows us to use the internal 'left', 'right' etc. naming
    add_annotations = function() {
      if (is.null(private$pvt_annotations)) return(NULL) # no annotations

      # data associated with this panel
      dat_list <- self$get_data()
      df <- bind_rows(lapply(dat_list, function(x) x[, c("dim1", "dim2")] )) #just the dimensions are needed for position calculations

      quant <- function(x, p, na.rm=TRUE) {
        if (p >= 0 && p <= 1) {
          return(quantile(x, p, na.rm=na.rm))
        } else if (p < 0 & p >= -1) {
          m <- min(x, na.rm = na.rm)
          below <- quantile(x, abs(p), na.rm = na.rm)
          return(m - below) # below minimum
        } else if (p > 1 && p <= 2) {
          m <- max(x, na.rm = na.rm)
          above <- quantile(x, p - 1, na.rm = na.rm)
          return(m + above)
        } else {
          stop("Cannot interpret p")

      # helper subfunction to map user-friendly positions (e.g., 'left') to x or y coordinates (dim1, dim2)
      map_pos <- function(aes_name, vec) {
        sapply(vec, function(pos) {
          if (pos == "left") {
            stopifnot(grepl("^x", aes_name))
            pos <- quantile(df$dim1, 0, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else if (pos == "right") {
            stopifnot(grepl("^x", aes_name))
            pos <- quantile(df$dim1, 1, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else if (pos == "top") {
            stopifnot(grepl("^y", aes_name))
            pos <- quantile(df$dim2, 1, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else if (pos == "bottom") {
            stopifnot(grepl("^y", aes_name))
            pos <- quantile(df$dim2, 0, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else if (pos == "middle") {
            if (grepl("^x", aes_name)) {
              pos <- quantile(df$dim1, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
            } else if (grepl("^y", aes_name)) {
              pos <- quantile(df$dim2, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
            } else {
              stop(paste("aesthetic", aes_name, "is 'middle', but is not x* or y*"))
          } else if (grepl("^q[-\\d\\.]+$", pos, perl=TRUE)) {
            qnum <- as.numeric(sub("^q", "", pos))
            if (is.na(qnum)) stop("Could not parse quantile specification: ", pos)
            if (grepl("^x", aes_name)) {
              pos <- quant(df$dim1, qnum, na.rm = TRUE)
            } else {
              pos <- quant(df$dim2, qnum, na.rm = TRUE)
          } else if (is.numeric(pos)) {
            if (grepl("^x", aes_name)) {
              checkmate::assert_number(pos, lower = min(df$dim1, na.rm=TRUE), upper=max(df$dim1, na.rm=TRUE))
            } else {
              checkmate::assert_number(pos, lower = min(df$dim2, na.rm = TRUE), upper = max(df$dim2, na.rm = TRUE))
          } else {
            stop(glue::glue("Cannot figure out how to map position {pos}"))


      # pvt_annotations is a list. Each element should be a tibble reflecting an annotate_panels operation.
      # Each row of the tibble is an annotation to add to the plot

      # use do.call c to combine lower-level annotations (rows of annotation within a given type/operation)
      gg_ann_list <- do.call(c, lapply(private$pvt_annotations, function(ann_df) {
        # touch up aes mapping columns
        aes_cols <- grep("^(x|y)", names(ann_df), value = TRUE)
        for (aa in aes_cols) {
          ann_df[[aa]] <- map_pos(aa, ann_df[[aa]])

        lapply(seq_len(nrow(ann_df)), function(i) {
          this_ann <- as.list(ann_df[i, , drop = FALSE])
          this_ann <- this_ann[!is.na(this_ann)] # remove any NA elements that occur from a bind_rows operation
          if (is.null(this_ann$color)) this_ann$color <- private$pvt_text_color

          do.call(ggplot2::annotate, this_ann)

  public = list(
    #' @field gg The ggplot object that contains the panel
    gg = NULL, # ggplot object

    #' @description create a new ggbrain_panel object
    #' @param layers a list of ggbrain_layer objects to form the panel
    #' @param title a title for the panel added to the ggplot object using ggtitle()
    #' @param bg_color the color used for the background of the plot. Default: 'gray10' (nearly black)
    #' @param text_color the color used for text displayed on the plot. Default: 'white'.
    #' @param border_color the color used for drawing a border around on the plot. Default: 'gray50'
    #'   (though borders are not drawn by default).
    #' @param border_size the size of the border line drawn around the panel. Default: NULL. If this value is
    #'   greater than zero, a border of this size and with color \code{border_color} will be drawn around the panel
    #' @param xlab The label to place on x axis. Default is NULL.
    #' @param ylab The label to place on y axis. Default is NULL.
    #' @param theme_custom Any custom theme() settings to be added to the plot
    #' @param annotations a data.frame containing all annotations to be added to this plot. Each row is cleaned up
    #'   and passed to ggplot2::annotate()
    #' @param region_labels a list of ggbrain_label objects with data for plotting region labels on this panel
    initialize = function(
      layers = NULL, title = NULL, bg_color = NULL, text_color = NULL, border_color = NULL, border_size = NULL,
      xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, theme_custom = NULL, annotations = NULL, region_labels = NULL
    ) {
      # convert singleton layer object into a list
      if (checkmate::test_class(layers, "ggbrain_layer")) {
        layers <- list(layers)

      # enforce that layers is a named list of ggbrain_layer objects
      sapply(layers, function(x) checkmate::assert_class(x, "ggbrain_layer"))
      layer_names <- sapply(layers, function(x) x$name)
      if (any(duplicated(layer_names))) {
        stop("Layer names must be unique but are: ", paste(layer_names, collapse=", "))
      } else {
        names(layers) <- layer_names # for easy referencing

      private$pvt_layer_objs <- layers

      if (!is.null(title)) {
        private$pvt_title <- title

      if (!is.null(bg_color)) {
        private$pvt_bg_color <- bg_color

      if (!is.null(text_color)) {
        private$pvt_text_color <- text_color

      if (!is.null(border_color)) {
        private$pvt_border_color <- border_color

      if (!is.null(border_size)) {
        checkmate::assert_number(border_size, lower = 0, na.ok=TRUE)
        private$pvt_border_size <- border_size

      if (!is.null(xlab)) {
        private$pvt_xlab <- xlab

      if (!is.null(ylab)) {
        private$pvt_ylab <- ylab

      if (!is.null(theme_custom)) {
        checkmate::assert_class(theme_custom, "theme")
        private$pvt_theme_custom <- theme_custom

      if (!is.null(annotations)) {
        # convert data.frame to single-element list
        if (checkmate::test_data_frame(annotations)) annotations <- list(annotations)

        # fill in defaults
        annotations <- lapply(annotations, function(aa) {
          if (!rlang::has_name(aa, "x")) aa$x <- 0.5 # default center (annotation positions should really be setup by user)
          if (!rlang::has_name(aa, "y")) aa$y <- 0.5
          if (!rlang::has_name(aa, "geom")) aa$geom <- "text" # default to text labels
          if (!rlang::has_name(aa, "size")) aa$size <- (private$pvt_base_size * .7) / ggplot2::.pt # default size of annotations

        private$pvt_annotations <- annotations

      if (!is.null(region_labels)) {
        # populate default text color from panel
        region_labels <- lapply(region_labels, function(x) {
          if (is.null(x$addl_args$color)) x$addl_args$color <- private$pvt_text_color
        private$pvt_region_labels <- region_labels

      # populate default theme object (propagates background and text color)


    #' @description Reset the scale limits for the specified layers
    #' @param layer_names not implemented yet
    reset_limits = function(layer_names) {


    #' @description plot the panel
    #' @param use_global_limits Not implemented at present
    plot = function(use_global_limits = TRUE) {
      # add enforcement of limits

    #' @description add one or more custom ggplot settings to the panel
    #' @param list_args A list containing elements to add to the ggplot object
    #' @details Note that passing in an expression such as theme_bw() + ggtitle("hello")
    #'   will not work because it creates an object that cannot be added sequentially to
    #'   the ggplot. As noted in ggplot2's documentation (https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/gg-add.html),
    #'   to programmatically add elements to a ggplot, pass in a list where each element is added sequentially
    add_to_gg = function(list_args) {

      # always append custom arguments
      private$pvt_addl <- c(private$pvt_addl, list_args)
      private$generate_ggplot() # regenerate the plot

    #' @description adds a ggplot_layer object to the panel
    #' @param layer_obj a ggbrain_layer object to add to the panel
    add_layer = function(layer_obj) {
      checkmate::assert_class(layer_obj, "ggbrain_layer")
      lname <- layer_obj$name
      if (lname %in% names(private$pvt_layer_objs)) {
        stop("A layer of this name (", lname, ") already exists in the panel.")
      } else {
        private$pvt_layer_objs[[lname]] <- layer_obj

    #' @description removes one or more layers by name
    #' @param layer_names a character string of the layers to remove from the panel
    remove_layers = function(layer_names) {
      nonexistent_layers <- setdiff(layer_names, names(private$pvt_layer_objs))
      if (length(nonexistent_layers) > 0L) {
        stop("The following layers were requested for removal, but do not exist in the object: ", paste(nonexistent_layers, collapse=", "))
      to_keep <- setdiff(names(private$pvt_layer_objs), layer_names)
      private$pvt_layer_objs <- private$pvt_layer_objs[to_keep]

    #' @description returns the data for all layers in the object
    get_data = function() {
      lapply(private$pvt_layer_objs, function(x) x$get_data(add_layer_name = TRUE))

    #' @description returns the names of the layers in this panel, ordered from bottom to top
    get_layer_names = function() {

    #' @description returns a list of ggbrain_layer objects that comprise this panel
    get_layers = function() {

    #' @description sets the order of layers from bottom to top based on the layer names provided
    #' @param ordered_names the names of the layers in the desired order from bottom to top. All layer names
    #'   must be provided, not just a subset
    set_layer_order = function(ordered_names=NULL) {
      unused_names <- setdiff(names(private$pvt_layer_objs), ordered_names)
      if (length(unused_names) > 0L) {
        stop("The following layers were not provided in the order: ", paste(unused_names, collapse=", "))

      # reorder according to user specification
      private$pvt_layer_objs <- private$pvt_layer_objs[ordered_names]
      private$generate_ggplot() # regenerate object


#' S3 method to support adding ggbrain_layer objects to an existing ggplot object
#' @param object the ggbrain_layer object to be added to an existing ggplot
#' @param plot the ggplot object
#' @param object_name not used, but required by ggplot_add
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_add
#' @export
ggplot_add.ggbrain_panel <- function(object, plot, object_name) {
  plot + object$gg

#' S3 method to allow for plot() syntax with ggbrain_panel objects
#' @param x the \code{ggbrain_panel} object to be plotted
#' @param ... additional argument passed to the plot method
#' @export
plot.ggbrain_panel <- function(x, ...) {

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ggbrain documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:11 p.m.