
# A stat_summary with a geom_lineribbon
# Author: mjskay

StatLineribbon = ggproto("StatLineribbon", StatPointinterval,
  default_aes = defaults(aes(
    datatype = "interval",
    group = after_stat(level),
    fill = after_stat(level),
    order = after_stat(level)
  ), StatPointinterval$default_aes),

  default_params = defaults(list(
    .width = c(.50, .80, .95)
  ), StatPointinterval$default_params),

  layer_args = defaults(list(
    show.legend = NA
  ), StatPointinterval$layer_args),

  orientation_options = defaults(list(
    main_is_orthogonal = NA
  ), StatPointinterval$orientation_options),

  group_by_dist = FALSE
# have to remove this here instead of in call to defaults()
# because otherwise it stays in the list as a value = NULL
# instead of being removed
StatLineribbon$default_aes$size = NULL

#' @eval rd_lineribbon_shortcut_stat("lineribbon", "line + multiple-ribbon", from_name = "slabinterval")
#' @export
stat_lineribbon = make_stat(StatLineribbon, geom = "lineribbon")

# shortcut stats ----------------------------------------------------------

StatRibbon = ggproto("StatRibbon", StatLineribbon,
  hidden_aes = union(c(
    "linewidth", "linetype"
  ), StatLineribbon$hidden_aes),

  default_params = defaults(list(
    show_point = FALSE
  ), StatLineribbon$default_params)

#' @eval rd_lineribbon_shortcut_stat("ribbon", "multiple-ribbon", geom_name = "lineribbon")
#' @export
stat_ribbon = make_stat(StatRibbon, geom = "lineribbon")

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ggdist documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.