
Defines functions arg.value

Documented in arg.value

#' @title arg.value
#' @description Creates list of arguments and values in gg layer.
#' @param item character type of gg layer
#' @param obj.elems elements in layer
#' @param session shiny session object
#' @return list
#' @keywords internal
arg.value <- function(item, obj.elems, session = NULL) {
  if (is.null(session)) {
    ns <- function(x) x
  } else {
    ns <- session$ns

  item_class <- obj.elems[[item]]$class[[1]]

  if (item_class == "data.frame") {
    if (item %in% c("colour", "color", "fill")) {
      x <- aesColour(item, session)
      y <- obj.elems[[item]]$val[[1]]

      if (!grepl("[#]", y)) {
        y <- scales::col2hcl(y)

      x$args$value <- closestColHex(y)[1]

      x <- list(x = x)
    } else {
      x <- aesSlide(item, session)
      x$args$value <- obj.elems[[item]]$val[[1]]

      if (item == "alpha") {
        if (is.na(x$args[["value"]])) {
          x$args[["value"]] <- 1

      x <- list(x = x)
  } else {
    if (item_class == "numeric") {
      if (item %in% c("colour", "color", "fill")) {
        x <- vector("list", 2)
        names(x) <- c("type", "args")
        x[["type"]] <- aesColourCont
        x$args <- list(type = item, session = session)
        x <- list(x = x)
      } else {
        stop("non colour aesthetics of numeric inputs are not currently supported in ggedit", call. = FALSE)

    if (item_class %in% c("character", "factor")) {
      x <- lapply(
        function(y) {
          if (grepl("colour|fill|color", item)) {
            z <- aesColour(item, session)

            if (!grepl("[#]", y)) {
              y <- scales::col2hcl(y)

            z$args$value <- closestColHex(y)[1]
          } else {
            z <- aesSelect(item, session)

            if (is.numeric(y) & !item %in% c("size", "shape")) {
              eval(parse(text = sprintf("z$args$selected <- c(%s_pal()(6)[%s])", item, y)))
            } else {
              z$args$selected <- y

            if (item == "shape") {
              z$args$choices <- c(0:25)

            if (item == "size") {
              z$args$choices <- c(0:10)

            if (!item %in% c("shape", "size")) {
              eval(parse(text = sprintf("z$args$choices=c(0,%s_pal()(6))")))


      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        x[[i]]$args$label <- sprintf("%s: Group %s", x[[i]]$args$label, i)

        x[[i]]$args$inputId <- ns(sprintf("%s%s", x[[i]]$args$inputId, i))


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ggedit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.