
Defines functions merge_list new_defaults

# forked from https://github.com/yihui/knitr/blob/master/R/defaults.R
#' @importFrom stats setNames
new_defaults <- function(value = list()) {
  defaults <- value

  get <- function(name, default = FALSE, drop = TRUE, regex=FALSE, ...) {
    if (default) defaults <- value # this is only a local version
    if (missing(name)) {
    } else {
      if (drop && length(name) == 1) {
        if (regex) {
          name_grep <- grep(name, names(defaults), value = TRUE, ...)
          stats::setNames(defaults[name_grep], name_grep)
        } else {
      } else {
        stats::setNames(defaults[name], name)

  set <- function(...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    if (length(dots) == 0) return()
    if (is.null(names(dots)) && length(dots) == 1 && is.list(dots[[1]])) {
      if (length(dots <- dots[[1]]) == 0) {
    defaults <<- merge(dots)

  merge <- function(values) merge_list(defaults, values)

  restore <- function(target = value) defaults <<- target

  append <- function(...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    if (length(dots) == 0) return()
    if (is.null(names(dots)) && length(dots) == 1 && is.list(dots[[1]])) {
      if (length(dots <- dots[[1]]) == 0) {
    dots <- sapply(names(dots), function(x) dots[[x]] <- c(defaults[[x]], dots[[x]]), simplify = FALSE)
    defaults <<- merge(dots)

  list(get = get, set = set, append = append, merge = merge, restore = restore)

#' @title Default and current ggedit options
#' @description Options for functions in the ggedit package. When running R code, the object \code{ggedit_opts}
#' (default options) is not modified by chunk headers (local chunk options are
#' merged with default options), whereas \code{ggedit_opts_current} (current options)
#' changes with different chunk headers and it always reflects the options for
#' the current chunk.
#' Normally we set up the global options once in the first code chunk in a
#' document using \code{ggedit_opts$set()}, so that all \emph{latter} chunks will
#' use these options. Note the global options set in one chunk will not affect
#' the options in this chunk itself, and that is why we often need to set global
#' options in a separate chunk.
#' @note \code{ggedit_opts_current} is read-only in the sense that it does nothing if
#'   you call \code{ggedit_opts_current$set()}; you can only query the options via
#'   \code{ggedit_opts_current$get()}.
#' @export
#' @rdname ggeditOpts
#' @examples ggedit_opts$get('themeDefaultClass')
ggedit_opts <- new_defaults(list(
  fontDefaults = c(
  slideDefaults = list(
    alpha = c(min = 0, max = 1),
    size = c(min = 0, max = 10),
    shape = c(min = 1, max = 25),
    stroke = c(min = 0, max = 10),
    weight = c(min = 0, max = 10),
    linetype = c(min = 1, max = 5),
    width = c(min = 0, max = 1),
    angle = c(min = 0, max = 360),
    hjust = c(min = -10, max = 10),
    vjust = c(min = -10, max = 10),
    stroke = c(min = 0, max = 10),
    lineheight = c(min = 0, max = 10),
    fontface = c(min = 1, max = 4),
    rel_min_height = c(min = 0, max = 1),
    scale = c(min = 0, max = 100)
  themeTips = list(
    element_rect = list(
      fill = "fill colour",
      colour = "border colour",
      size = "border size (in pts)",
      linetype = paste0(
          seq(0, 6),
            "blank", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash",
            "longdash", "twodash"
          ), sep = ": "
        collapse = ", "
    element_line = list(
      colour = "line colour",
      size = "numeric (in pts) or \n relative to global size rel(numeric)",
      linetype = paste0(
          seq(0, 6),
            "blank", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash",
            "longdash", "twodash"
          ), sep = ": "
        collapse = ", "
      lineend = c("butt(default),round,square")
    element_text = list(
      family = shiny::HTML('<a href="http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Fonts/" target="_blank">font family</a>'),
      face = 'font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic")',
      colour = "text colour",
      size = "text size (in pts)",
      hjust = "horizontal justification (in [0, 1])",
      vjust = "vertical justification (in [0, 1])",
      angle = "angle (in [0, 360])",
      lineheight = "numeric line height"
    justification = list(justification = 'anchor point for positioning legend inside plot <br/> "center" or two-element numeric vector'),
    position = list(position = 'the position of legends. <br/> "left", "right", "bottom", "top", or two-element numeric vector')

  ThemeDefaultClass =
      item = c("angle", "background", "caption", "colour", "face", "family", "fill", "grid.major", "grid.minor", "hjust", "justification", "key", "key.size", "line", "lineheight", "linetype", "margin", "ontop", "position", "size", "subtitle", "switch.pad.grid", "switch.pad.wrap", "text", "text.x", "text.y", "ticks", "ticks.length", "title", "title.x", "title.y", "vjust", "placement"),
      class = c("numeric", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "numeric", "character", "character", "character", "character", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "character", "numeric", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "numeric", "numeric", "character", "character", "character", "numeric", "character"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  session_geoms = 
      fn = c("annotation_custom", "annotation_logticks", 
             "annotation_map", "annotation_raster", "geom_abline", "geom_area", 
             "geom_bar", "geom_bin2d", "geom_blank", "geom_boxplot", "geom_col", 
             "geom_contour", "geom_count", "geom_crossbar", "geom_curve", 
             "geom_density", "geom_density_2d", "geom_density2d", "geom_dotplot", 
             "geom_errorbar", "geom_errorbarh", "geom_freqpoly", "geom_hex", 
             "geom_histogram", "geom_hline", "geom_jitter", "geom_label", 
             "geom_line", "geom_linerange", "geom_map", "geom_path", "geom_point", 
             "geom_pointrange", "geom_polygon", "geom_qq", "geom_qq_line", 
             "geom_quantile", "geom_raster", "geom_rect", "geom_ribbon", "geom_rug", 
             "geom_segment", "geom_sf", "geom_smooth", "geom_spoke", "geom_step", 
             "geom_text", "geom_tile", "geom_violin", "geom_vline", "stat_bin", 
             "stat_bin_2d", "stat_bin_hex", "stat_bin2d", "stat_binhex", "stat_boxplot", 
             "stat_contour", "stat_count", "stat_density", "stat_density_2d", 
             "stat_density2d", "stat_ecdf", "stat_ellipse", "stat_function", 
             "stat_identity", "stat_qq", "stat_qq_line", "stat_quantile", 
             "stat_sf", "stat_smooth", "stat_sum", "stat_summary", "stat_summary_2d", 
             "stat_summary_bin", "stat_summary_hex", "stat_unique", "stat_ydensity"),
      geom = c("GeomCustomAnn", "GeomLogticks", "GeomAnnotationMap", 
              "GeomRasterAnn", "GeomAbline", "GeomArea", "GeomBar", "GeomTile", 
              "GeomBlank", "GeomBoxplot", "GeomCol", "GeomContour", "GeomPoint", 
              "GeomCrossbar", "GeomCurve", "GeomDensity", "GeomDensity2d", 
              "GeomDensity2d", "GeomDotplot", "GeomErrorbar", "GeomErrorbarh", 
              "GeomPath", "GeomHex", "GeomBar", "GeomHline", "GeomPoint", "GeomLabel", 
              "GeomLine", "GeomLinerange", "GeomMap", "GeomPath", "GeomPoint", 
              "GeomPointrange", "GeomPolygon", "GeomPoint", "GeomPath", "GeomQuantile", 
              "GeomRaster", "GeomRect", "GeomRibbon", "GeomRug", "GeomSegment", 
              "GeomSf", "GeomSmooth", "GeomSpoke", "GeomStep", "GeomText", 
              "GeomTile", "GeomViolin", "GeomVline", "GeomBar", "GeomTile", 
              "GeomHex", "GeomTile", "GeomHex", "GeomBoxplot", "GeomContour", 
              "GeomBar", "GeomArea", "GeomDensity2d", "GeomDensity2d", "GeomStep", 
              "GeomPath", "GeomPath", "GeomPoint", "GeomPoint", "GeomPath", 
              "GeomQuantile", "GeomRect", "GeomSmooth", "GeomPoint", "GeomPointrange", 
              "GeomTile", "GeomPointrange", "GeomHex", "GeomPoint", "GeomViolin"), 
      position = c("PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionStack", "PositionStack", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionDodge2", "PositionStack", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionStack", "PositionIdentity", "PositionJitter", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionDodge", "PositionIdentity", "PositionStack", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionDodge2", "PositionIdentity", "PositionStack", "PositionStack", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", "PositionIdentity", 
                  "PositionIdentity", "PositionDodge"), 
      stat = c("StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatCount", "StatBin2d", "StatIdentity", "StatBoxplot", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatContour", "StatSum", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatDensity", "StatDensity2d", "StatDensity2d", "StatBindot", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatBin", "StatBinhex", "StatBin", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatQq", "StatQqLine", "StatQuantile", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatSf", "StatSmooth", "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatIdentity", "StatIdentity", "StatYdensity", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatBin", "StatBin2d", "StatBinhex", "StatBin2d", "StatBinhex", 
               "StatBoxplot", "StatContour", "StatCount", "StatDensity", "StatDensity2d", 
               "StatDensity2d", "StatEcdf", "StatEllipse", "StatFunction", "StatIdentity", 
               "StatQq", "StatQqLine", "StatQuantile", "StatSf", "StatSmooth", 
               "StatSum", "StatSummary", "StatSummary2d", "StatSummaryBin", 
               "StatSummaryHex", "StatUnique", "StatYdensity"), 
      pkg = rep("ggplot2",  77),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @rdname ggeditOpts
#' @export
ggedit_opts_current <- new_defaults()

# merge elements of y into x with the same names
merge_list <- function(x, y) {
  x[names(y)] <- y

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ggedit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:07 a.m.