
Defines functions build_new_plot ggplot_add.volpoint ggplot_add.facet_set

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_add
#' @method ggplot_add facet_set
#' @export
ggplot_add.facet_set <- function(object, plot, object_name){
    if (object$side == 'right' && is.null(object$angle)) {
        object$angle <- -90
    plot <- build_new_plot(object=object, plot=plot)

#' @method ggplot_add volpoint
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point
#' @export
ggplot_add.volpoint <- function(object, plot, object_name) {
  d <- plot$data
  fc_cutoff <- object$log2FC_cutoff
  p_cutoff <- object$p_cutoff

  if (is.null(object$data)) {
    d$.type = "NS"
    xvar <- ggfun::get_aes_var(plot$mapping, 'x')
    yvar <- ggfun::get_aes_var(plot$mapping, 'y')

    d$.type[abs(d[[xvar]]) > fc_cutoff] <- xvar

    if (grepl('\\(', yvar)) {
        e <- list2env(d)
        d$.y <- eval(parse(text = yvar), envir = e)
        cutoff <- sub('(.*)\\((.*)\\)', paste0("\\1(", p_cutoff, ")") , yvar) 
        cutoff <- eval(parse(text=cutoff))
        d$.type[d$.y > cutoff] <- yvar
        d$.type[abs(d[[xvar]]) > fc_cutoff & d$.y > cutoff] <- paste(xvar, 'and', yvar)
    } else {
        d$.y <- d[[yvar]]
        d$.type[d$.y < p_cutoff] <- yvar
        d$.type[abs(d[[xvar]]) > fc_cutoff & d$.y < p_cutoff] <- paste(xvar, 'and', yvar)

    d$.type <- factor(d$.type, levels = c(paste(xvar, 'and', yvar), 
                                            yvar, xvar, 'NS'))
    default_mapping <- aes(y = .data$.y, color = .data$.type) 
    if (is.null(object$mapping)) {
        mapping <- default_mapping
    } else {
        mapping <- object$mapping
  } else {
    d <- object$data
    mapping <- object$mapping

  object$mapping <- mapping
  object$data <- d
  object$log2FC_cutoff <- NULL
  object$p_cutoff <- NULL
  vol_layer <- do.call(geom_point, object)
  plot + vol_layer 

##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
##' @importFrom ggplot2 margin
##' @importFrom ggplot2 rel
build_new_plot <- function(object, plot){
    flag.params <- TRUE
    if (!inherits(plot$facet, "FacetNull")){
        if (inherits(object$label, "labeller") || !is.null(names(object$label))){
            facet.fun <- eval(parse(text=class(plot$facet)[1]))
            facet.obj <- ggplot2::ggproto(NULL, 
                                      shrink = plot$facet$shrink,
                                      params = plot$facet$params
            if (!is.null(plot$facet$strip)){
                facet.obj$strip <- plot$facet$strip
            strip.labels <- extract_strip_label(facet=facet.fun, plot=plot)
            if (inherits(object$label, "labeller")){
                tmp.label <- extract_strip_label(facet=facet.fun, plot=plot, labeller=object$label)
                names(tmp.label) <- names(strip.labels)
                object$label <- tmp.label[!is.na(tmp.label)]
            newnm <- intersect(names(object$label), names(strip.labels))
            if (length(newnm) > 0){
                strip.labels[match(newnm, names(strip.labels))] <- object$label[match(newnm, names(object$label))]
            facet.obj$params$labeller <- ggplot2::as_labeller(strip.labels)
            flag.params <- FALSE
            plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(plot)
    if (flag.params){
        lb <- paste0("'", eval(object$label[1]), "'")
        if (object$side == 'top') {
            params <- list(paste0('~', lb))
        } else {
            params <- list(paste0(lb, '~.'))
        params <- NULL
    if (!is.null(params)){
        facet.layer <- do.call("facet_grid", params)
        th <- theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill='grey85', colour = NA),  
                    strip.text = element_text(colour = 'grey10',
                                                size = rel(0.8),
                                                angle = object$angle,
                                                margin = margin(4.4, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4))
        plot <- plot + facet.layer + th
        plot <- plot + facet.obj
    return (plot)

# #' set the theme of ggplot object with the striped background style.
# #' @param colour character the color of the striped background, 
# #' default is c('grey90', 'white').
# #' @param axis character which grid of axis will be filled, default is 'y'.
# #' @param ... additional parameter, see also 'theme' of 'ggplot2'.
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' library(ggplot2)
# #' iris |> tidyr::pivot_longer(
# #'     cols = !Species, 
# #'     names_to = 'var', 
# #'     values_to = 'value'
# #'   ) |>
# #' ggplot(
# #'   aes(x=var, y=Species, color=value, size=value)
# #' ) + 
# #' geom_point() -> p
# #' p +
# #' theme_stamp(
# #'   colour = c('grey90', 'white'), 
# #'   axis = 'y',
# #'   axis.line.y=element_line()
# #' )
# #' p +
# #' theme_stamp(
# #'   colour = c('grey90', 'white'),
# #'   axis = 'x',
# #'   axis.line.x = element_line()
# #' )
#theme_stamp <- function(colour=c('grey90', 'white'), axis = 'y', ...){
#    params <- list(...)
#    axis <- match.arg(axis, c('x', 'y'))
#    if ('color' %in% names(params)){
#        colour <- params$color
#        params$color <- NULL
#    }
#    if (length(colour)!=2){
#        message('The colour is not a vector contained two length.')
#        #colour <- c('white', 'grey90')
#    }
#    structure(
#      list(
#        colour = colour, 
#        axis = axis, 
#        params = params
#      ), 
#      class = 'theme_stamp'
#    )
# #' @method ggplot_add theme_stamp 
# #' @export
# #' @importFrom ggplot2 element_line geom_tile aes element_blank 
#ggplot_add.theme_stamp <- function(object, plot, object_name){
#    gb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(plot)
#    axis <- paste0('panel_scales_', object$axis)
#    df <- data.frame(AXIS=gb$layout[[axis]][[1]]$get_labels())
#    len.ind <- length(object$colour)
#    axis.num <- nrow(df)
#    df$GROUP.GRID <- rep(object$colour, ceiling(axis.num/len.ind))[seq_len(axis.num)]
#    if (object$axis == 'y'){
#        grid.tile <- geom_tile(
#                       data = df,
#                       mapping = aes(x = 1, 
#                                     y = !!as.symbol("AXIS"), 
#                                     fill = I(!!as.symbol("GROUP.GRID")), 
#                                     height = 1,
#                                     width=Inf
#                                ),
#                       inherit.aes = FALSE
#                     )
#    }else{
#        grid.tile <- geom_tile(
#                       data = df, 
#                       mapping = aes(x = !!as.symbol("AXIS"),
#                                     y = 1, 
#                                     fill = I(!!as.symbol("GROUP.GRID")), 
#                                     height = Inf,
#                                     width = 1
#                                 ), 
#                       inherit.aes = FALSE
#                     )
#    }
#    plot <- plot + ggnewscale::new_scale_fill() + grid.tile
#    plot$layers <- c(plot$layers[[length(plot$layers)]], plot$layers[-length(plot$layers)])
#    axis.keep <- paste0('axis.line.', setdiff(c('x', 'y'), object$axis))
#    default.theme <- list(element_blank(), element_line())
#    names(default.theme) <- c('panel.background', axis.keep)
#    if (axis.keep %in% names(object$params)){
#        object$params <- c(object$params, default.theme[[-2]])
#    }else{
#        object$params <- c(object$params, default.theme)
#    }
#    th <- do.call("theme", object$params)
#    plot <- plot + th
#    return(plot)

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