
Defines functions vars_track_error vars_track pull_track.gggenomes_layout pull_track.gggenomes pull_track pull_bins.gggenomes_layout pull_bins.gggenomes pull_bins pull_seqs.gggenomes_layout pull_seqs.gggenomes pull_seqs pull_links.gggenomes_layout pull_links.gggenomes pull_links pull_genes.gggenomes_layout pull_genes.gggenomes pull_genes pull_feats.gggenomes_layout pull_feats.gggenomes pull_feats track bins seqs links genes feats0 feats

Documented in bins feats feats0 genes links pull_bins pull_bins.gggenomes_layout pull_feats pull_genes pull_links pull_seqs pull_track seqs track vars_track

#' Use tracks inside and outside `geom_*` calls
#' Track selection works like [dplyr::pull()] and supports unquoted ids and
#' positional arguments. `...` can be used to subset the data in
#' [dplyr::filter()] fashion. `pull`-prefixed variants return the specified
#' track from a gggenome object. Unprefixed variants work inside `geom_*` calls.
#' @param .x A gggenomes or gggenomes_layout object.
#' @param .track_id The track to pull out, either as a literal variable name or
#'   as a positive/negative integer giving the position from the left/right.
#' @param ... Logical predicates passed on to [dplyr::filter]. "seqs", "feats",
#'   "links". Affects position-based selection.
#' @param .ignore track names to ignore when selecting by position.
#'   Default is "genes", if using `feats0` this defaults to `NA`.
#' @param .geneify add dummy type, introns and geom_id column to play nicely
#'   with geoms supporting multi-level and spliced gene models.
#' @param .gene_types return only feats of this type (`type %in% .gene_types`)
#' @param .adjacent_only filter for links connecting direct neighbors
#'   (`abs(y-yend)==1)`)
#' @param .group what variables to use in grouping of bins from seqs in addition
#'   to `y` and `bin_id`. Use this to get additional shared variables from the
#'   seqs table into the bins table.
#' @param .track_type restrict to these types of tracks - any combination of
#'   "seqs", "feats", "links".
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @examples
#' gg <- gggenomes(emale_genes, emale_seqs, emale_tirs, emale_ava)
#' gg %>% track_info() # info about track ids, positions and types
#' # get first feat track that isn't "genes" (all equivalent)
#' gg %>% pull_feats() # easiest
#' gg %>% pull_feats(feats) # by id
#' gg %>% pull_feats(1) # by position
#' gg %>% pull_feats(2, .ignore = NULL) # default .ignore="genes"
#' # get "seqs" track (always track #1)
#' gg %>% pull_seqs()
#' # plot integrated transposons and GC content for some viral genomes
#' gg <- gggenomes(seqs = emale_seqs, feats = list(emale_ngaros, GC = emale_gc))
#' gg + geom_seq() +
#'   geom_feat(color = "skyblue") + # defaults to data=feats()
#'   geom_line(aes(x, y + score - .6, group = y), data = feats(GC), color = "gray60")
#' @describeIn pull_track by default pulls out the first feat track not named
#'   "genes".
#' @export
feats <- function(.track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = "genes", .geneify = FALSE) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_feats(.x, {{ .track_id }}, !!!dots, .ignore = .ignore, .geneify = .geneify)

#' @describeIn pull_track by default pulls out the first feat track.
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @export
feats0 <- function(.track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = NA, .geneify = FALSE) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_feats(.x, {{ .track_id }}, !!!dots, .ignore = .ignore, .geneify = .geneify)

#' @describeIn pull_track pulls out the first feat track (genes), filtering
#' for records with `type=="CDS"`, and adding a dummy `gene_id` column if missing
#' to play nice with multi-exon `geom`s.
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @export
genes <- function(..., .gene_types = c("CDS", "mRNA", "tRNA", "tmRNA", "ncRNA", "rRNA")) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_genes(.x, !!!dots, .gene_types = .gene_types)
#' @describeIn pull_track by default pulls out the first link track.
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @export
links <- function(.track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = NULL, .adjacent_only = NULL) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_links(.x, {{ .track_id }}, !!!dots, .ignore = .ignore, .adjacent_only = .adjacent_only)
#' @describeIn pull_track pulls out the seqs track (there is only one).
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @export
seqs <- function(...) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_seqs(.x, !!!dots)
#' @describeIn pull_track pulls out a binwise summary table of the seqs data powering
#'   `geom_bin_*()` calls. The bin table is not a real track, but recomputed
#'   on-the-fly.
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @export
bins <- function(..., .group = vars()) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_bins(.x, !!!dots, .group = .group)
#' @describeIn pull_track pulls from all tracks in order seqs, feats, links.
#' @return A function that pulls the specified track from a gggenomes object.
#' @export
track <- function(.track_id = 1, ..., .track_type = NULL, .ignore = NULL) {
  dots <- quos(...)
  function(.x, ...) {
    pull_track(.x, {{ .track_id }}, !!!dots, .track_type = .track_type, .ignore = .ignore)

#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_feats <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = "genes", .geneify = FALSE) {
#' @export
pull_feats.gggenomes <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = "genes", .geneify = FALSE) {
  pull_feats(.x$data, {{ .track_id }}, ..., .ignore = .ignore, .geneify = .geneify)
#' @export
pull_feats.gggenomes_layout <- function(
    .x, .track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = "genes",
    .geneify = FALSE) {
  track <- pull_track(.x, {{ .track_id }}, ..., .track_type = "feats", .ignore = .ignore)
  if (.geneify) {
    track <- introduce(track,
      type = "CDS", introns = list(NULL),
      geom_id = paste0("geom_", row_number())
    if (all(is.na(track$type))) {
      inform('Only saw `type=NA` in genes and will treat everything as `type="CDS"`.')
      track$type <- "CDS"
  filter(track, ...)

#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_genes <- function(.x, ..., .gene_types = c(
                         "CDS", "mRNA", "tRNA", "tmRNA",
                         "ncRNA", "rRNA"
                       )) {
#' @export
pull_genes.gggenomes <- function(.x, ..., .gene_types = c(
                                   "CDS", "mRNA", "tRNA",
                                   "tmRNA", "ncRNA", "rRNA"
                                 )) {
  pull_genes(.x$data, ..., .gene_types = .gene_types)
#' @export
pull_genes.gggenomes_layout <- function(.x, ..., .gene_types = c(
                                          "CDS", "mRNA",
                                          "tRNA", "tmRNA", "ncRNA", "rRNA"
                                        )) {
  track <- pull_feats(.x, 1, ..., .ignore = NULL, .geneify = TRUE)
  if (length(.gene_types) > 0) track <- filter(track, .data$type %in% .gene_types)

#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_links <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = NULL, .adjacent_only = NULL) {
#' @export
pull_links.gggenomes <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = NULL, .adjacent_only = NULL) {
  pull_links(.x$data, {{ .track_id }}, ..., .ignore = .ignore, .adjacent_only = .adjacent_only)
#' @export
pull_links.gggenomes_layout <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .ignore = NULL, .adjacent_only = NULL) {
  track <- pull_track(.x, {{ .track_id }}, ..., .track_type = "links", .ignore = .ignore)
  if (isTRUE(.adjacent_only)) track <- filter(track, abs(.data$y - .data$yend) == 1)
  if (isFALSE(.adjacent_only) && .x$args_links$adjacent_only) {
    rlang::warn("`.adjacent_only=FALSE` here has no effect because gggenomes was invoked with `adjacent_only=TRUE`")

#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_seqs <- function(.x, ...) {
#' @export
pull_seqs.gggenomes <- function(.x, ...) {
  pull_seqs(.x$data, ...)
#' @export
pull_seqs.gggenomes_layout <- function(.x, ...) {
  dplyr::filter(get_seqs(.x), ...)

#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_bins <- function(.x, ..., .group = vars()) {
#' @export
pull_bins.gggenomes <- function(.x, ..., .group = vars()) {
  pull_bins(.x$data, ..., .group = .group)
#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_bins.gggenomes_layout <- function(.x, ..., .group = vars()) {
  .group <- c(vars(bin_id), .group)
  get_seqs(.x) %>%
    dplyr::filter(...) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!!.group) %>%
      ymin = min(.data$y), ymax = max(.data$y), y = (.data$ymin + .data$ymax) / 2,
      x = min(.data$x, .data$xend), xend = max(.data$x, .data$xend)
    ) %>%

#' @rdname pull_track
#' @export
pull_track <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .track_type = NULL, .ignore = NULL) {
#' @export
pull_track.gggenomes <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .track_type = NULL, .ignore = NULL) {
  pull_track(.x$data, {{ .track_id }}, ..., .track_type = .track_type, .ignore = .ignore)
#' @export
pull_track.gggenomes_layout <- function(.x, .track_id = 1, ..., .track_type = NULL, .ignore = NULL) {
  track_id <- vars_track(.x, {{ .track_id }}, track_type = .track_type, ignore = .ignore)
  dplyr::filter(.x[[track_type(.x, track_id)]][[track_id]], ...)

#' Tidyselect track variables
#' Based on `tidyselect::vars_pull`. Powers track selection in `pull_track()`.
#' Catches and modifies errors from vars_pull to track-relevant info.
#' @param x A gggenomes or gggenomes_layout object
#' @param track_id a quoted or unquoted name or as positive/negative integer
#'   giving the position from the left/right.
#' @param track_type restrict to these types of tracks - affects position-based
#'   selection
#' @param ignore names of tracks to ignore when selecting by position.
#' @return The selected track_id as an unnamed string
#' @export
vars_track <- function(
    x, track_id, track_type = c("seqs", "feats", "links"),
    ignore = NULL) {
  track_type <- match_arg(track_type, several.ok = T)
  track_ids <- track_ids(x, track_type)

  # only ignore in integer position context
  if (!is.null(ignore) && !quo_is_symbolic(enquo(track_id)) &&
    is_integerish(track_id)) {
    track_ids <- setdiff(track_ids, ignore)

  if (length(track_ids) < 1) {
    abort(c("Track not found", paste("Tracks ignored by position:", comma(ignore))))

  tryCatch(tidyselect::vars_pull(track_ids, {{ track_id }}),
    # this code has to be here - calling `error=fun_defined_elsewhere` causes
    # issue with accessing local variables
    error = function(cnd) {
      if (inherits(cnd, "vctrs_error_subscript")) {
        class(cnd) <- c("rlang_error", "error", "condition")
        cnd$message <- vars_track_error(cnd$i, track_ids, ignore)
      } else {
        m <- str_match(cnd$message, "object (.*) not found")
        if (!is.na(m[1, 1])) {
          cnd$message <- vars_track_error(m[1, 2], track_ids, ignore)

#' Error messages for vars_track
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
vars_track_error <- function(bad_value, track_ids, ignore) {
  if (is_function(bad_value)) bad_value <- "<function>"
  if (is.numeric(bad_value)) bad_value <- as.character(bad_value)
    paste("Track", as_name(bad_value), "not found"),
    paste0("Available tracks: ", comma(track_ids), " (", length(track_ids), ")"),
    paste("Tracks ignore by position:", comma(ignore))

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gggenomes documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:55 p.m.