
Defines functions should_transform finish_data_individual train_scales_individual init_scales_individual init_scale ggplot_add.facetted_pos_scales validate_facetted_scale check_facetted_scale facetted_pos_scales

Documented in facetted_pos_scales

# User functions ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Set individual scales in facets
#' This function allows the tweaking of the position scales (x and y) of
#' individual facets. You can use it to fine-tune limits, breaks and other scale
#' parameters for individual facets, provided the facet allows free scales.
#' @param x,y A `list` wherein elements are either x/y position scales or
#'   `NULL`s. Alternatively, a list of formulae (see details).
#' @export
#' @details It is intended that this function works with both
#'   [ggplot2::facet_wrap()] and [ggplot2::facet_grid()].
#'   For `facet_wrap`, the scales are used for each individual panel. For
#'   `facet_grid`, the scales are used for the rows and columns. Note that
#'   these facets must be used with `scales = "free"` or `"free_x"` or
#'   `"free_y"`, depending on what scales are added.
#'   Axis titles are derived from the first scale in the list (or the default
#'   position scale when the first list element is `NULL`).
#'   \subsection{Scale transformations}{It is allowed to use individual scale
#'   transformations for facets, but this functionality comes with the trade-off
#'   that the out of bounds (`oob`) argument for individual scales is
#'   ignored. Values that are out of bounds will be clipped. Whereas the
#'   `stat` part of a ggplot layer is typically calculated after scale
#'   transformations, the calculation of the `stat` happens before scale
#'   transformation with this function, which can lead to some awkward results.
#'   The suggested workaround is to pre-transform the data for layers with
#'   non-identity `stat` parts.}
#'   \subsection{Scale list input}{`NULL`s are valid list elements and
#'   signal that the default position scale should be used at the position in
#'   the list where the `NULL` occurs. Since transformations are applied
#'   before facet scales are initiated, it is not recommended to use a default
#'   position (either the first in the list, or defined outside
#'   `facetted_pos_scales()`) scale with a transformation other than
#'   `trans = "identity"` (the default).}
#'   \subsection{Formula list input}{The `x` and `y` arguments also
#'   accept a list of two-sided formulas. The left hand side of a formula should
#'   evaluate to a `logical` vector. The right hand side of the formula
#'   should evaluate to a position scale, wherein the `x` argument accepts
#'   x-position scales and the `y` argument accepts y-position scales.
#'   Notably, the left hand side of the formula is evaluated using the tidy
#'   evaluation framework, whereby the `data.frame` with the plot's layout
#'   is given priority over the environment in which the formula was created. As
#'   a consequence, variables (columns) that define faceting groups can be
#'   references directly.}
#' @seealso [ggplot2::scale_x_continuous()] and `scale_x_discrete`.
#' @return A *facetted_pos_scales* object, instructing a ggplot how to
#'   adjust the scales per facet.
#' @examples
#' plot <- ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length)) +
#'   geom_point(aes(colour = Species)) +
#'   facet_wrap(Species ~ ., scales = "free_y")
#' # Reversing the y-axis in the second panel. When providing a list of scales,
#' # NULL indicates to use the default, global scale
#' plot +
#'   facetted_pos_scales(
#'     y = list(NULL, scale_y_continuous(trans = "reverse"))
#'   )
#' # Alternative for specifying scales with formula lists. The LHS can access
#' # columns in the plot's layout.
#' plot +
#'   facetted_pos_scales(
#'     y = list(
#'       Species == "virginica" ~ scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(6, 7)),
#'       Species == "versicolor" ~ scale_y_reverse()
#'     )
#'   )
facetted_pos_scales <- function(x = NULL, y = NULL) {
  # Safeguard against non-list input
  if (!is.list(x)) {
    x <- list(x)
  if (!is.list(y)) {
    y <- list(y)

  # Check input
  x_test <- check_facetted_scale(x, "x")
  y_test <- check_facetted_scale(y, "y")
  if (!(x_test & y_test)) {
    if (!x_test & !y_test) {
      arg  <- "The {.arg x} and {.arg y} arguments "
      type <- "appropriate"
    } else if (!x_test) {
      arg  <- "The {.arg x} argument "
      type <- "{.field x}"
    } else {
      arg  <- "The {.arg y} argument "
      type <- "{.field y}"
      arg, "should be {.val NULL}, or a list of formulas and/or ",
      "position scales with the ", type, " aesthetic."

  x <- validate_facetted_scale(x, "x")
  y <- validate_facetted_scale(y, "y")

  structure(list(x = x, y = y), class = "facetted_pos_scales")

#' @keywords internal
check_facetted_scale <- function(x, aes = "x", allow_null = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(x)) {

  # Basic class checks for all list elements
  is_scale <- vapply(x, inherits, logical(1), "Scale")
  is_null  <- vapply(x, is.null,  logical(1))
  is_form  <- vapply(x, inherits, logical(1), "formula")

  if (all(is_form)) {

  appropriate_aes <- vapply(x[is_scale], function(y) {
    any(y[["aesthetics"]] == aes)
  }, logical(1))
  is_scale[is_scale] <- is_scale[is_scale] & appropriate_aes

  if (allow_null) {
    if (all(is_scale | is_null)) {
  } else {
    if (all(is_scale)) {


#' @keywords internal
validate_facetted_scale <- function(x, aes = "x") {
  # Checked earlier for formula, so should be the only is.language case
  if (!is.language(x[[1]])) {
    # Should be good to go

  # Otherwise, interpret language
  # Keep left hand side as call
  lhs <- lapply(x, function(f) {
    as_quosure(f_lhs(f), env = f_env(f))
  # Evaluate right hand side now
  rhs <- lapply(x, function(f) {
    eval(f_rhs(f), envir = f_env(f))

  # Double check for appropriate scales
  check <- check_facetted_scale(rhs, aes = aes, allow_null = FALSE)
  if (!check) {
      "The right-hand side of formula does not result in an appropriate scale."

    structure(rhs, lhs = lhs, class = "list")

# S3 add method -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @noRd
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
ggplot_add.facetted_pos_scales <- function(object, plot, object_name) {

  empty_x <- vapply(object$x, is.null, logical(1))
  empty_y <- vapply(object$y, is.null, logical(1))
  if (all(empty_x) && all(empty_y)) {
  if (startsWith(class(plot$facet)[[1]], "FreeScaled")) {
    # We have already initialised facetted position scales
    # Just need to update the new scales
    if (!all(empty_x)) {
      plot$facet$new_x_scales <- object$x
    if (!all(empty_y)) {
      plot$facet$new_y_scales <- object$y

  # Check if we can overide core functions
  valid_init <- identical(body(environment(Facet$init_scales)$f),
  valid_train <- identical(body(environment(Facet$train_scales)$f),
  valid_finish <- identical(body(environment(Facet$finish_data)$f),

  if (!all(c(valid_init, valid_train, valid_finish))) {
      "Unknown facet: {.obj_type_friendly {plot$facet}}.",
      i = "Overriding facetted scales may be unstable."

  # Copy facet
  oldfacet <- plot$facet

  free <- plot$facet$params$free
  if (!is.null(free$x) && sum(!empty_x) > 0 && !free$x) {
      "Attempting to add facetted x scales, while x scales are not free.",
      "i" = 'Try adding {.code scales = "free_x"} to the facet.'
  if (!is.null(free$y) && sum(!empty_y) > 0 && !free$y) {
      "Attempting to add facetted y scales, while y scales are not free.",
      "i" = 'Try adding {.code scales = "free_y"} to the facet.'

  # Reconstitute new facet
  newfacet <- ggproto(
    paste0("FreeScaled", class(oldfacet)[[1]]),
    new_x_scales = object$x,
    new_y_scales = object$y,
    init_scales  = init_scales_individual,
    train_scales = train_scales_individual,
    finish_data  = finish_data_individual

  plot$facet <- newfacet

# ggproto methods ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @keywords internal
init_scale <- function(old, new, layout, aes = "x") {

  if (is.null(old)) {

  scalename <- paste0("SCALE_", toupper(aes))
  idx <- seq_len(max(layout[[scalename]]))

  out <- lapply(idx, function(i) old$clone())

  if (!("lhs" %in% names(attributes(new)))) {

    # Do regular stuff
    i <- which(lengths(new) > 0)
    if (length(i)) {
      out[i] <- lapply(new[i], function(x) {
        x <- x$clone()
        x$oob <- oob_keep

  } else {
    lhs <- attr(new, "lhs")
    n <- NROW(layout)

    # Evaluate LHS expressions in context of layout
    m <- vapply(lhs, function(x) {
      rep_len(as.logical(rlang::eval_tidy(x, layout)), n)
    }, logical(n))
    if (is.null(dim(m))) {
      dim(m) <- c(n, 1)

    for (i in rev(seq_len(NCOL(m)))) {
      # Match up scale IDs
      j <- which(m[, i])
      # j <- which(layout[[scalename]] %in% layout[[scalename]][j])
      j <- unique(layout[j, scalename])
      # Replace appropriate IDs
      out[j] <- lapply(seq_along(out[j]), function(x) {
        x <- new[[i]]$clone()
        x$oob <- oob_keep


#' @keywords internal
init_scales_individual <- function(layout,
                                   x_scale = NULL, y_scale = NULL,
                                   params, self) {
  scales <- list()

  # Handle x
  scales$x <- init_scale(x_scale, self$new_x_scales, layout, aes = "x")
  scales$y <- init_scale(y_scale, self$new_y_scales, layout, aes = "y")
  scales <- scales[lengths(scales) > 0]


#' @keywords internal
train_scales_individual <- function(x_scales, y_scales, layout, data, params, self) {
  # Transform data first
  data <- lapply(data, function(layer_data) {
    self$finish_data(layer_data, layout,
                     x_scales, y_scales, params)

  # Then use parental method for scale training
  ggproto_parent(Facet, self)$train_scales(x_scales, y_scales,
                                           layout, data, params)

#' @keywords internal
finish_data_individual <- function(data, layout, x_scales, y_scales,
                                   params, self) {

  # Divide data by panel
  idx    <- vec_group_loc(data$PANEL)$loc
  panels <- vec_chop(data, idx)
  regular_x <- sum(lengths(self$new_x_scales)) == 0
  regular_y <- sum(lengths(self$new_y_scales)) == 0

  panels <- lapply(panels, function(dat) {

    # Match panel to their scales
    panel_id <- match(as.numeric(dat$PANEL[[1]]), layout$PANEL)
    xidx <- layout[panel_id, "SCALE_X"]
    yidx <- layout[panel_id, "SCALE_Y"]

    # Decide what variables need to be transformed
    y_vars <- should_transform(y_scales[[yidx]], names(dat))
    x_vars <- should_transform(x_scales[[xidx]], names(dat))
    if (regular_x) x_vars <- character(0)
    if (regular_y) y_vars <- character(0)

    # Transform variables by appropriate scale
    for (j in y_vars) {
      dat[, j] <- y_scales[[yidx]]$transform(dat[, j])
    for (j in x_vars) {
      dat[, j] <- x_scales[[xidx]]$transform(dat[, j])
  data <- list_unchop(panels, indices = idx)

should_transform <- function(scale, columns) {
  if (is.null(scale) || scale$is_discrete()) {
  if (get_transformation(scale)$name %in% c("date", "time", "hms")) {
  vars <- intersect(scale$aesthetics, columns)

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ggh4x documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:47 a.m.