
Defines functions geom_boxplot_interactive

Documented in geom_boxplot_interactive

outlier_ipar <- paste0("outlier.", IPAR_NAMES)

#' @rdname ggiraph-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
#' @importFrom vctrs vec_rbind
StatInteractiveBoxplot <- ggproto(
  "StatInteractiveBoxplot", StatBoxplot,
  default_aes = append_aes(
    c(IPAR_DEFAULTS, rlang::set_names(IPAR_DEFAULTS, outlier_ipar))
  dropped_aes = c("x", "y", IPAR_NAMES, outlier_ipar),
  compute_panel = function(self, data, scales, ...) {
    if (empty(data)) return(data_frame0())

    groups <- split(data, data$group)
    stats <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
      self$compute_group(data = group, scales = scales, ...)

    # Record columns that are not constant within groups. We will drop them later.
    non_constant_columns <- character(0)

    stats <- mapply(function(new, old) {
      # In this function,
      #   - `new` is the computed result. All the variables will be picked.
      #   - `old` is the original data. There are 3 types of variables:
      #     1) If the variable is already included in `new`, it's ignored
      #        because the values of `new` will be used.
      #     2) If the variable is not included in `new` and the value is
      #        constant within the group, it will be picked.
      #     3) If the variable is not included in `new` and the value is not
      #        constant within the group, it will be dropped. We need to record
      #        the dropped columns to drop it consistently later.
      if (empty(new)) return(data_frame0())

      # First, filter out the columns already included `new` (type 1).
      old <- old[, !(names(old) %in% names(new)), drop = FALSE]

      # Then, check whether the rest of the columns have constant values (type 2)
      # or not (type 3).
      non_constant <- vapply(old, function(x) length(unique0(x)) > 1, logical(1L))

      # Record the non-constant columns.
      non_constant_columns <<- c(non_constant_columns, names(old)[non_constant])

        # Note that, while the non-constant columns should be dropped, we don't
        # do this here because it can be filled by vec_rbind() later if either
        # one of the group has a constant value (see #4394 for the details).
        old[rep(1, nrow(new)), , drop = FALSE]
    }, stats, groups, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    non_constant_columns <- unique0(non_constant_columns)

    # We are going to drop columns that are not constant within groups and not
    # carried over/recreated by the stat. This can produce unexpected results,
    # and hence we warn about it (variables in dropped_aes are expected so
    # ignored here).
    dropped <- non_constant_columns[!non_constant_columns %in% self$dropped_aes]
    if (length(dropped) > 0) {
      dropped_msg <- paste0(dropped, sep = ', ')
        paste0("The following aesthetics were dropped during statistical transformation: ", dropped_msg),
        "i" = "This can happen when ggplot fails to infer the correct grouping structure in the data.",
        "i" = "Did you forget to specify a `group` aesthetic or to convert a numerical variable into a factor?"

    # Finally, combine the results and drop columns that are not constant.
    data_new <- vec_rbind(!!!stats)
    non_constant_columns <- setdiff(non_constant_columns, c(IPAR_NAMES, outlier_ipar))
    data_new[, !names(data_new) %in% non_constant_columns, drop = FALSE]
  setup_data = function(data, params) {
    outlier_colnames <- intersect(colnames(data), c(IPAR_NAMES, outlier_ipar))
    if (length(outlier_colnames)) {
      for (name in outlier_colnames) {
        data[[name]] <- as.list(data[[name]])
  compute_group = function(data, scales, width = NULL, na.rm = FALSE,
                           coef = 1.5, flipped_aes = FALSE) {

    # compute boxplot data
    df <- StatBoxplot$compute_group(data, scales,
                                    width = width, na.rm = na.rm,
                                    coef = coef, flipped_aes = flipped_aes
    # add outlier aesthetics
    if (length(df$outliers[[1]])) {
      outlier_indices <- which(data$y %in% df$outliers[[1]])
      outlier_colnames <- intersect(colnames(data), outlier_ipar)
      if (length(outlier_colnames)) {
        for (name in outlier_colnames) {
          df[[name]] <- list(unlist(data[[name]][outlier_indices]))

#' @title Create interactive boxplot
#' @description
#' The geometry is based on [geom_boxplot()].
#' See the documentation for that function for more details.
#' @param ... arguments passed to base function,
#' plus any of the [interactive_parameters].
#' @details
#' You can supply `interactive parameters` for the outlier points by prefixing them
#' with `outlier.` prefix. For example: aes(outlier.tooltip = 'bla', outlier.data_id = 'blabla').
#' IMPORTANT: when supplying outlier interactive parameters,
#' the correct `group` aesthetic *must* be also supplied. Otherwise the default group calculation
#' will be incorrect, which will result in an incorrect plot.
#' @inheritSection interactive_parameters Details for interactive geom functions
#' @examples
#' # add interactive boxplot -------
#' @example examples/geom_boxplot_interactive.R
#' @seealso [girafe()]
#' @export
geom_boxplot_interactive <- function(...) {
  args <- list(...)
  if ("extra_interactive_params" %in% names(args)) {
    args$extra_interactive_params <- c(args$extra_interactive_params, outlier_ipar)
  } else {
    args$extra_interactive_params <- outlier_ipar
  if (!"stat" %in% names(args)) {
    args$stat <- StatInteractiveBoxplot
  args$layer_func <- geom_boxplot
  do.call(layer_interactive, args)

#' @rdname ggiraph-ggproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
GeomInteractiveBoxplot <- ggproto(
  default_aes = append_aes(
    c(IPAR_DEFAULTS, rlang::set_names(IPAR_DEFAULTS, outlier_ipar))
  parameters = interactive_geom_parameters,
  draw_key = interactive_geom_draw_key,
  draw_group = function(data,
                        lineend = "butt",
                        linejoin = "mitre",
                        fatten = 2,
                        outlier.colour = NULL,
                        outlier.fill = NULL,
                        outlier.shape = 19,
                        outlier.size = 1.5,
                        outlier.stroke = 0.5,
                        outlier.alpha = NULL,
                        notch = FALSE,
                        notchwidth = 0.5,
                        varwidth = FALSE,
                        flipped_aes = FALSE,
                        .ipar = IPAR_NAMES) {
    data <- flip_data(data, flipped_aes)
    # this may occur when using geom_boxplot(stat = "identity")
    if (nrow(data) != 1) {
      abort("Can't draw more than one boxplot per group. Did you forget aes(group = ...)?")

    common <- list(
      colour = data$colour,
      linewidth = data$linewidth,
      linetype = data$linetype,
      fill = alpha(data$fill, data$alpha),
      group = data$group

    .ipar <- setdiff(.ipar, outlier_ipar)
    common <- copy_interactive_attrs(data, common, ipar = .ipar)

    whiskers <- data_frame0(
      x = c(data$x, data$x),
      xend = c(data$x, data$x),
      y = c(data$upper, data$lower),
      yend = c(data$ymax, data$ymin),
      alpha = c(NA_real_, NA_real_),
      !!!common, .size = 2)
    whiskers <- flip_data(whiskers, flipped_aes)

    box <- data_frame0(
        xmin = data$xmin,
        xmax = data$xmax,
        ymin = data$lower,
        y = data$middle,
        ymax = data$upper,
        ynotchlower = ifelse(notch, data$notchlower, NA),
        ynotchupper = ifelse(notch, data$notchupper, NA),
        notchwidth = notchwidth,
        alpha = data$alpha,
    box <- flip_data(box, flipped_aes)

    if (!is.null(data$outliers) &&
        length(data$outliers[[1]] >= 1)) {
      outliers <- data_frame0(
        y = data$outliers[[1]],
        x = data$x[1],
        colour = outlier.colour %||% data$colour[1],
        fill = outlier.fill %||% data$fill[1],
        shape = outlier.shape %||% data$shape[1],
        size = outlier.size %||% data$linewidth[1],
        stroke = outlier.stroke %||% data$stroke[1],
        fill = NA,
        alpha = outlier.alpha %||% data$alpha[1],
        .size = length(data$outliers[[1]])
      outlier_colnames <- intersect(colnames(data), outlier_ipar)
      if (length(outlier_colnames)) {
        for (name in outlier_colnames) {
          unprefixed_name <- sub("outlier.", "", name)
          outliers[[unprefixed_name]] <- data[[name]][[1]]
      outliers <- flip_data(outliers, flipped_aes)
      outliers_grob <-
        GeomInteractivePoint$draw_panel(outliers, panel_params, coord, .ipar = .ipar)
    } else {
      outliers_grob <- NULL

        GeomInteractiveSegment$draw_panel(whiskers, panel_params, coord, lineend = lineend, .ipar = .ipar),
        GeomInteractiveCrossbar$draw_panel(box, fatten = fatten, panel_params, coord,
                                           lineend = lineend,
                                           linejoin = linejoin,
                                           flipped_aes = flipped_aes, .ipar = .ipar)

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ggiraph documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:53 p.m.