
Defines functions gg_envfit

Documented in gg_envfit

#' Vegan envfit plot
#' Fits environmental parameters to an ordination plot of sites
#' and plots them as arrows.
#' @param ord An ordination object.
#' @param env A data frame of environmental parameters.
#' @param groups A vector of groups.
#' @param scaling Scaling value for plot.
#' @param choices Axes to plot.
#' @param perm Number of permutations.
#' @param alpha Maximum alpha value to be included in plot.
#' @param angle Angle of arrow tips.
#' @param len Arrow tip length.
#' @param unit Unit for length ("cm", "in")
#' @param arrow.col Arrow color.
#' @param pt.size Symbol size.
#' @param plot A logical for plotting; defaults to TRUE.
#' @note In order for the arrow tips to be labeled with the names of the variables, they must be supplied as a matrix or data frame. If a single variable is supplied as a vector, the arrow tip will be labeled with "1". A way-around is to convert the vector to a data frame with the column named for the variable.
#' @return Silently returns the plot and data frames used for the plotting if the fit of any variable is significant at alpha. Otherwise returns a message that no variable is significant.
#' @export
#' @import vegan
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' data("varespec")
#' data("varechem")
#' vare.dist <- vegdist(varespec)
#' vare.mds <- monoMDS(vare.dist)
#' gg_envfit(ord=vare.mds, env=varechem)
#' data("dune")
#' data("dune.env")
#' dune.dist <- vegdist(dune)
#' dune.mds <- monoMDS(dune.dist)
#' # A1 supplied as a vector
#' gg_envfit(dune.mds, env=dune.env$A1, groups=dune.env$Management)
#' # A1 supplied as a data frame
#' A1 <- as.data.frame(dune.env$A1)
#' colnames(A1) <- "A1"
#' gg_envfit(dune.mds, env=A1, groups=dune.env$Management)
gg_envfit <- function(ord, env, groups=NA, scaling = 1, choices=c(1,2), perm = 999, alpha = 0.05, angle=20, len=0.5, unit="cm", arrow.col="red", pt.size=3, plot=TRUE) {
  x <- y <- Group <- NULL
  df_ord <- vegan::scores(ord, display = "sites", choices = choices, scaling = scaling)
  df_ord <- as.data.frame(df_ord)
  axis.labels <- ord_labels(ord)[choices]
  if (is.na(groups[1])) {
    colnames(df_ord) <- c("x", "y")
  } else{
    df_ord$Group <- groups
    df_ord <- df_ord[ , c(3,1,2)]
    colnames(df_ord) <- c("Group", "x", "y")
  fit <- vegan::envfit(ord, env, choices = choices, perm = perm)
  if (min(fit$vectors$pvals) > alpha) {
    print(paste("No variable significant at alpha <=", as.character(alpha), sep = " "))
  } else {
    df_arrows <- as.data.frame(scores(fit, "vectors"))
    mult <- scale_arrow(df_arrows, df_ord[ , c("x", "y")])
    df_arrows <- mult * df_arrows
    df_arrows$var <- rownames(df_arrows)
    df_arrows$p.val <- fit$vectors$pvals
    colnames(df_arrows) <- c("x", "y", "var", "p.val")
    df_arrows <- df_arrows[df_arrows$p.val<=alpha, ]

    xlab <- axis.labels[1]
    ylab <- axis.labels[2]

    if (is.na(groups[1])) {
      plt <- ggplot(data=df_ord, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_point(size=pt.size) +
        xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab)
    } else {
      plt <- ggplot(data=df_ord, aes(x=x, y=y, color=Group)) + geom_point(size=pt.size) +
        xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab)

    plt <- plt +
      geom_segment(data=df_arrows, aes(x=0, xend=x, y=0, yend=y),
                   arrow=arrow(angle=angle, length=unit(len, unit)), color=arrow.col) +
      geom_text(data=df_arrows, aes(x=x, y=y, label=var), color=arrow.col, hjust="outward")

    plt <- plt + coord_fixed(ratio=1)

    # Plot?
    if (plot) {print(plt)}

    # Return data frames, plot as a list.
    invisible(list(df_ord=df_ord, df_arrows=df_arrows, plot=plt))


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ggordiplots documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:05 p.m.