
Defines functions format_pval_ format_pval fdr2star pvars2star get_in_parenthesis

get_in_parenthesis <- function(str){
  str <- as.character(str)
  if(grepl("~", str)){
    str <- strsplit(str, "~")[[1]][2]
    str <- strsplit(str, "~")[[1]]
  if (grepl(')',str)){
    str = regmatches(str, gregexpr("(?<=\\().*?(?=\\))", str, perl=T))[[1]]

## Convert a vector of p-values to characters, p<0.1 ., p<0.05 **, p<0.01 ***, the others are empty string
pvars2star <- function(pvars){
  pvars <- ifelse(pvars<0.001, '***',

fdr2star <- function(fdrs, alpha=0.1){
  fdrs <- ifelse(fdrs<alpha, "*", "")

format_pval <- function(pval, plotly=FALSE){
  if (is.character(pval)){
    # pval contains fold change
    pval <- strsplit(pval, ' ')[[1]]
    fc <- pval[2]
    pval <- as.numeric(pval[1])
    fc <- ""
  pval <- format.pval(pval, digits = 2)
  format_pval_(pval, fc, plotly=plotly)

format_pval_ <- function(pval, fc, plotly=FALSE){
  if (grepl("<", pval)){
    if (plotly){
      pval <- paste('<i>P</i>', paste(pval, fc))
    else {
      pval <- gsub("< ?", "", pval)
      pval <- deparse(bquote(italic(P) < .(paste(pval, fc))))
    if (plotly){
      pval <- paste('<i>P</i> =', paste(pval, fc))
      pval <- deparse(bquote(italic(P) == .(paste(pval, fc))))

# Function to infer response variable
infer_response <- function(ggplot_obj){
  get_y <- function(mapping){
  dt <- data.table(ggplot_obj$data)
  # Find the layer with raw data
  mapping <- ggplot_obj$mapping
  response <- get_y(mapping)
  # Check for other layers
  maps <- lapply(ggplot_obj$layers, function(i) i$mapping)
  maps <- maps[!sapply(maps, is.null)]
  y <- sapply(maps, get_y)
  if (length(y) == 1 & (y[1] %in% names(dt))){
    if (is.numeric(dt[, get(y)]) & (length(table(dt[, get(y)])) > length(table(dt[, get(response)])))){
      response <- y
      #warning(paste("The inference of raw data column for statistical testing being", response, "might not correct."))
    if (length(y) > 1){
      #warning(paste("The inference of raw data column for statistical testing being", response, "might not correct."))

#' Add p-values to ggplot objects.
#' @param ggplot_obj ggplot object
#' @param pairs a list pairs of comparison. Groups indicated by integer numbers counted from left to right. e.g. list(c(1, 2), c(2, 3))
#'  will compare first group with second, second group with third
#' @param test character of statistical testing method. e.g. t.test, wilcox.test. Default wilcox.test
#' @param heights integer or vector of integers. The heights of the p-value/annotation. Default maximum value from the data
#' @param barheight tip bar height of the annotation. Default calculated by range_y / 20
#' @param textsize p-value/annotation text size
#' @param pval_text_adj distance of p-value/annotation from annotation bar. Default barheight/2
#' @param annotation text to annotate. If specified, statistical test will not be done
#' @param log whether y axis is log transformed. Default FALSE
#' @param pval_star whether transform pval numbers to stars
#' @param plotly set to TRUE if wrap the plot with `ggploty`
#' @param fold_change whether also compute and show fold changes. Default FALSE.
#' @param parse_text whether parse the annotation text (NULL, TRUE, FALSE). If NULL, p-values will be parsed,
#'  text annotations will not. Default NULL.
#' @param response the column that contains the data for statistical testing. Default infer from ggplot object.
#' @param ... additional arguments for statistical testing function (e.g. alternative = "less").
#' @import data.table
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom ggplot2 layer_scales
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(ggpval)
#' data("PlantGrowth")
#' plt <- ggplot(PlantGrowth, aes(group, weight)) +
#'   geom_boxplot()
#' add_pval(plt, pairs = list(c(1, 3)), test='wilcox.test')
#' @export

add_pval <- function(ggplot_obj,

    total_groups <- length(unique(ggplot_obj$data[[get_in_parenthesis(as.character(ggplot_obj$mapping[1]))]]))

      pairs <- list(c(1,2))
    } else {
      pairs <- lapply(2:total_groups, function(x) c(1,x))

  if (is.null(parse_text)){
    if (is.null(annotation)){
      parse_text <- TRUE
      parse_text <- FALSE
  facet <- NULL
  n_facet <- 1
  ggplot_obj$data <- data.table(ggplot_obj$data)
  if (class(ggplot_obj$facet)[1] != 'FacetNull'){
    if (class(ggplot_obj$facet)[1] == "FacetGrid"){
      facet <- c(names(ggplot_obj$facet$params$cols), names(ggplot_obj$facet$params$rows))
      facet <- names(ggplot_obj$facet$params$facets)
    if(length(facet) > 1){
      facet_ <- NULL
      ggplot_obj$data[, facet_ := paste0(get(facet[1]), get(facet[2]))]
      comb <- expand.grid(levels(as.factor(ggplot_obj$data[, get(facet[1])])), levels(as.factor(ggplot_obj$data[, get(facet[2])])))
      facet_level <- paste0(comb[,1], comb[,2])
      facet <- "facet_"
      facet_level <- levels(as.factor(ggplot_obj$data[, get(facet)]))
    n_facet <- length(unique(ggplot_obj$data[, get(facet)]))
  if (!is.null(heights)){
    if (length(pairs) != length(heights)){
      pairs <- rep_len(heights, length(pairs))

  ggplot_obj$data$group__ <- ggplot_obj$data[ ,get(get_in_parenthesis(as.character(ggplot_obj$mapping[1])))]
  ggplot_obj$data$group__ <- factor(ggplot_obj$data$group__)
  if (response == "infer"){
    response_ <- infer_response(ggplot_obj)
    response_ <- response
  ggplot_obj$data$response <- ggplot_obj$data[ ,get(response_)]
  y_range <- layer_scales(ggplot_obj)$y$range$range
  # infer barheight of annotation,
  if (is.null(barheight)){
    barheight <- (y_range[2] - y_range[1]) / 20
  # infer heights to put bar
  if (is.null(heights)){
    heights <- y_range[2] + barheight
    heights <- rep(heights, length=length(pairs))
  if (length(barheight) != length(pairs)){
    barheight <- rep(barheight, length=length(pairs))
  # infer distance pval text above annotation bar
  if (is.null(pval_text_adj)){
    pval_text_adj <- barheight * 0.5
  if (length(pval_text_adj) != length(pairs)){
    pval_text_adj <- rep(pval_text_adj, length=length(pairs))
  if (!is.null(annotation)){
    # check annotation input, if provided
    if ((length(annotation) != length(pairs)) && length(annotation) != n_facet){
      annotation <- rep(annotation, length = length(pairs))
    if (is.list(annotation)){
      if (length(annotation[[1]]) != length(pairs)){
        annotation <- lapply(annotation, function(a) rep(a, length = length(pairs)))
    annotation <- data.frame(annotation) # each row annotate each pair
  # Scale barheight and pval_text_adj log
  if (log){
    barheight <- exp(log(heights) + barheight) - heights
    pval_text_adj <- exp(log(heights) + pval_text_adj) - heights
  # to avoid NOTE: "no visible binding for global variable ‘geom_line’"
  V1 <- aes <- annotate <-  geom_line <- group__ <-  response <- labs <- NULL
  # for each pair, build a data.frame with pathess
  for (i in seq(length(pairs))){
    if (length(unique(pairs[[1]])) != 2){
      stop('Each vector in pairs must have two different groups to compare, e.g. c(1,2) to compare first and second box.')
    test_groups <- levels(ggplot_obj$data$group__)[pairs[[i]]]
    # subset the data to calculate p-value
    data_2_test <- ggplot_obj$data[ggplot_obj$data$group__ %in% test_groups,]
    # statistical test
    if (!is.null(facet)){
      pval <- data_2_test[, lapply(.SD, function(i) get(test)(response ~ as.character(group__), ...)$p.value),
      pval <- pval[,facet := factor(get(facet), levels = facet_level)][order(facet), group__]
      pval <- get(test)(data=data_2_test, response ~ group__, ...)$p.value
    # convert pval to stars if needed
    if (pval_star) {
      pval <- pvars2star(pval)
      if (fold_change) {
        fc <- data_2_test[, median(response), by = group__][order(group__)][,
                                                                            .SD[1]/.SD[2], .SDcols = "V1"][, V1]
        fc <- paste0("FC=", round(fc, digits = 2))
        pval <- paste(pval, fc)
      if(is.null(annotation)) {
        annotation <- t(t(pval))
      else {
        annotation <- rbind(annotation, t(t(pval)))
    # make data from of label path, the annotation path for each facet is the same
    height <- heights[i]
    df_path <- data.frame(group__=rep(pairs[[i]], each=2),
                          response=c(height, height+barheight[i], height+barheight[i], height))
    ggplot_obj <- ggplot_obj + geom_line(data=df_path, aes(x=group__, y=response), inherit.aes = F)
    # start annotation
    if (is.null(annotation)){ # assume annotate with p-value
      if (fold_change) {
        fc <- data_2_test[, median(response), by = group__][order(group__)][,
                                                                            .SD[1]/.SD[2], .SDcols = "V1"][, V1]
        fc <- paste0("FC=", round(fc, digits = 2))
        pval <- paste(pval, fc)
      labels <- sapply(pval, function(i) format_pval(i, plotly))
      labels <- unlist(annotation[i,])
    # create a annotation data.frame
      anno <- data.table(x=(pairs[[i]][1]+pairs[[i]][2])/2,
      anno <- data.table(x=rep((pairs[[i]][1]+pairs[[i]][2])/2, n_facet),
                         y=rep(height+barheight[i]+pval_text_adj[i], n_facet),
      setnames(anno, 'facet', eval(facet))
    labs <- geom_text <- x <- y <- NULL
    ggplot_obj <- ggplot_obj + geom_text(data=anno,
                                         aes(x=x, y=y, label=labs),
                                         parse=!pval_star & !plotly,
                                         inherit.aes = FALSE)

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ggpval documentation built on July 12, 2022, 1:07 a.m.