
if (!exists("TMPL", environment(), inherits = FALSE)) {
  TMPL <- function(x) x

test_that("repos, some basics", {

  res <- gh(
    username = "gaborcsardi"
  expect_true(all(c("id", "name", "full_name") %in% names(res[[1]])))

  res <- gh(
    org = "r-lib",
    type = "sources"
  expect_true("desc" %in% vapply(res, "[[", "name", FUN.VALUE = ""))

  res <- gh("/repositories")
  expect_true(all(c("id", "name", "full_name") %in% names(res[[1]])))

test_that("can POST, PATCH, and DELETE", {
  skip_if_no_github(has_scope = "gist")

  res <- gh(
    "POST /gists",
    files = list(test.R = list(content = "test")),
    description = "A test gist for gh",
    public = FALSE
  expect_equal(res$description, "A test gist for gh")

  res <- gh(
    TMPL("PATCH /gists/{gist_id}"),
    gist_id = res$id,
    description = "Still a test repo"
  expect_equal(res$description, "Still a test repo")

  res <- gh(
    TMPL("DELETE /gists/{gist_id}"),
    gist_id = res$id
  expect_s3_class(res, c("gh_response", "list"))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gh documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:48 a.m.