
Defines functions init.ccr

# lam: Lagrange multiplier, first one 
# ome: intercept in full model (internal data)
# the: parameters in full model (external data)
# alp: nuisance parameter in working model (external data)
# bet: parameters in working model (with summary data)
# para := c(lam, ome, the, alp, bet)
# bet0 := summary statistics to be used in quadratic form
# pr0 := empirical distribution of controls, computed from internal data
# Delta := exp(X * gam), X is augmented design matrix, and pr0 = 1/(1+n1/n0 * Delta)/n0

init.ccr <- function(fit0, data, ref, model, ncase, nctrl, outcome){
  #message('Initializing integration analysis...')
    msg <- 'ncase could not be NULL'
    msg <- 'nctrl could not be NULL'
  ncase <- as.matrix(ncase)
  nctrl <- as.matrix(nctrl)
  #fit0 <- glm(formula, data = data, family = 'binomial')
  the <- coef(fit0)
  pred <- predict.glm(fit0, ref, type = 'link') - the['(Intercept)']
  fit <- predict.glm(fit0, data, type = 'link') - the['(Intercept)']
  the0 <- -log(mean(exp(pred)))
  the['(Intercept)'] <- the0
  ome <- -log(mean(exp(fit))) - the0
  names(ome) <- '(Intercept)'
  n1 <- sum(data[, outcome])
  n0 <- sum(1 - data[, outcome])
  n <- effective.sample.size(n0, n1) # effective sample size
  N <- nrow(ref)
  pr0 <- rep(1/N, N)
  # sum(pr0) == 1
  Delta <- exp(the0 + pred)
  # mean(Delta) == 1
  nmodel <- length(model)
  alp <- NULL
  bet <- NULL
  bet0 <- NULL
  map <- list()
  map$alp <- list(0:0)
  map$bet <- list(0:0)
  no.alp <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nmodel){
    form <- model[[i]][[1]]
    #fit <- glm(form, data = data, family = 'binomial')
    fit <- model[[i]][[4]]
    alp.var <- as.character(model[[i]][[2]])
    bet.var <- as.character(model[[i]][[3]]$var) # critical for meta-analysis of bet below
    N <- effective.sample.size(diag(ncase)[i], diag(nctrl)[i])
    if(length(alp.var) > 0){
      alp0 <- coef(fit)[alp.var]
      if('(Intercept)' %in% alp.var){
        alp0['(Intercept)'] <- alp0['(Intercept)'] - log(n1 / n0)
      alp0 <- NULL
    meta.bet <- (n * coef(fit)[bet.var] + N * model[[i]][[3]]$bet) / (n + N)
    #meta.bet <- model[[i]][[3]]$bet
    names(meta.bet) <- model[[i]][[3]]$var
    alp <- c(alp, alp0)
    bet <- c(bet, meta.bet)
    bet0 <- c(bet0, model[[i]][[3]]$bet)
      map$alp[[i + 1]] <- max(map$alp[[i]]) + 1:length(alp0)
      map$alp[[i + 1]] <- map$alp[[i]]
      no.alp <- c(no.alp, i)
    map$bet[[i + 1]] <- max(map$bet[[i]]) + 1:length(meta.bet)
    rm(form, fit, alp.var, bet.var, N, alp0, meta.bet)
  map$alp[[1]] <- NULL
  map$bet[[1]] <- NULL
  # 1 is for lam in paper for constrain E0(Delta - 1) = 0
  nlam <- 1 + length(alp) + length(bet)
  lam <- c(n1/(n1 + n0), rep(0.01, nlam - 1))
  names(lam) <- paste0('lam', 1:nlam)
  para <- c(lam, ome, the, alp, bet)
  nthe <- length(the)
  nalp <- length(alp)
  map$lam <- 1:nlam
  map$ome <- nlam + 1
  map$the <- (nlam + 2) : (nlam + nthe + 1)
  all.alp <- NULL
  all.bet <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nmodel){
    if(i %in% no.alp){
      map$alp[[i]] <- NA
      map$alp[[i]] <- map$alp[[i]] + nlam + nthe + 1
      all.alp <- c(all.alp, map$alp[[i]])
    map$bet[[i]] <- map$bet[[i]] + nlam + nthe + nalp + 1
    all.bet <- c(all.bet, map$bet[[i]])
    map$all.alp <- sort(unique(all.alp))
  map$all.bet <- sort(unique(all.bet))
  list(para = para, map = map, bet0 = bet0, 
       sample.info = list(ncase = ncase, nctrl = nctrl), 
       pr0 = pr0, Delta = Delta)

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