
single_list <- list(id = 301L, description = NULL, name = "theproject", name_with_namespace = "thegroup / theproject", 
                    path = "theproject", path_with_namespace = "thegroup/theproject", 
                    created_at = "2021-04-20T12:25:29.283Z", default_branch = NULL, 
                    tag_list = list(), ssh_url_to_repo = "ssh://git@gitlab.com/thegroup/theproject.git", 
                    http_url_to_repo = "https://gitlab.com/thegroup/theproject.git", 
                    web_url = "https://gitlab.com/thegroup/theproject", readme_url = NULL, 
                    avatar_url = NULL, forks_count = 0L, star_count = 0L, last_activity_at = "2021-04-20T12:25:29.283Z", 
                    namespace = list(id = 3L, name = "thegroup", path = "thegroup", 
                                     kind = "group", full_path = "thegroup", parent_id = NULL, 
                                     avatar_url = NULL, web_url = "https://gitlab.com/groups/thegroup"), 
                    `_links` = list(self = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301", 
                                    issues = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301/issues", 
                                    merge_requests = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301/merge_requests", 
                                    repo_branches = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301/repository/branches", 
                                    labels = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301/labels", 
                                    events = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301/events", 
                                    members = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/301/members"), 
                    packages_enabled = TRUE, empty_repo = TRUE, archived = FALSE, 
                    visibility = "private", resolve_outdated_diff_discussions = FALSE, 
                    container_registry_enabled = TRUE, container_expiration_policy = list(
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                      name_regex = NULL, name_regex_keep = NULL, next_run_at = "2021-04-21T12:25:29.298Z"), 
                    issues_enabled = TRUE, merge_requests_enabled = TRUE, wiki_enabled = TRUE, 
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                    ci_default_git_depth = 50L, public_jobs = TRUE, build_git_strategy = "fetch", 
                    build_timeout = 3600L, auto_cancel_pending_pipelines = "enabled", 
                    build_coverage_regex = NULL, ci_config_path = NULL, shared_with_groups = list(), 
                    only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds = FALSE, allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline = NULL, 
                    request_access_enabled = TRUE, only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved = FALSE, 
                    remove_source_branch_after_merge = TRUE, printing_merge_request_link_enabled = TRUE, 
                    merge_method = "merge", suggestion_commit_message = NULL, 
                    auto_devops_enabled = TRUE, auto_devops_deploy_strategy = "continuous", 
                    autoclose_referenced_issues = TRUE, repository_storage = "default", 
                    permissions = list(project_access = NULL, group_access = list(
                      access_level = 50L, notification_level = 3L)))

double_list <- list(
  list(id = 26976100L, description = "Progreso continuo del curso de React", 
       name = "Curso React", name_with_namespace = "Andres Vega / Curso React", 
       path = "curso-react", path_with_namespace = "Sulfur0/curso-react", 
       created_at = "2021-05-27T19:35:08.305Z", default_branch = "main", 
       tag_list = list(), ssh_url_to_repo = "git@gitlab.com:Sulfur0/curso-react.git", 
       http_url_to_repo = "https://gitlab.com/Sulfur0/curso-react.git", 
       web_url = "https://gitlab.com/Sulfur0/curso-react", readme_url = NULL, 
       avatar_url = NULL, forks_count = 0L, star_count = 0L, last_activity_at = "2021-05-27T19:35:08.305Z", 
       namespace = list(id = 5906058L, name = "Andres Vega", path = "Sulfur0", 
                        kind = "user", full_path = "Sulfur0", parent_id = NULL, 
                        avatar_url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2e703fbc0fad375b351817201b04a423?s=80&d=identicon", 
                        web_url = "https://gitlab.com/Sulfur0"), container_registry_image_prefix = "registry.gitlab.com/sulfur0/curso-react", 
       `_links` = list(self = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100", 
                       issues = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100/issues", 
                       merge_requests = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100/merge_requests", 
                       repo_branches = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100/repository/branches", 
                       labels = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100/labels", 
                       events = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100/events", 
                       members = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976100/members"), 
       packages_enabled = TRUE, empty_repo = TRUE, archived = FALSE, 
       visibility = "public", owner = list(id = 4499552L, name = "Andres Vega", 
                                           username = "Sulfur0", state = "active", avatar_url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2e703fbc0fad375b351817201b04a423?s=80&d=identicon", 
                                           web_url = "https://gitlab.com/Sulfur0"), resolve_outdated_diff_discussions = FALSE, 
       container_registry_enabled = TRUE, container_expiration_policy = list(
         cadence = "1d", enabled = FALSE, keep_n = 10L, older_than = "90d", 
         name_regex = ".*", name_regex_keep = NULL, next_run_at = "2021-05-28T19:35:08.345Z"), 
       issues_enabled = TRUE, merge_requests_enabled = TRUE, wiki_enabled = TRUE, 
       jobs_enabled = TRUE, snippets_enabled = TRUE, service_desk_enabled = TRUE, 
       service_desk_address = "incoming+sulfur0-curso-react-26976100-issue-@incoming.gitlab.com", 
       can_create_merge_request_in = TRUE, issues_access_level = "enabled", 
       repository_access_level = "enabled", merge_requests_access_level = "enabled", 
       forking_access_level = "enabled", wiki_access_level = "enabled", 
       builds_access_level = "enabled", snippets_access_level = "enabled", 
       pages_access_level = "enabled", operations_access_level = "enabled", 
       analytics_access_level = "enabled", emails_disabled = NULL, 
       shared_runners_enabled = TRUE, lfs_enabled = TRUE, creator_id = 4499552L, 
       import_status = "none", open_issues_count = 0L, ci_default_git_depth = 50L, 
       ci_forward_deployment_enabled = TRUE, public_jobs = TRUE, 
       build_timeout = 3600L, auto_cancel_pending_pipelines = "enabled", 
       build_coverage_regex = NULL, ci_config_path = "", shared_with_groups = list(), 
       only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds = FALSE, allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline = NULL, 
       restrict_user_defined_variables = FALSE, request_access_enabled = TRUE, 
       only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved = FALSE, 
       remove_source_branch_after_merge = TRUE, printing_merge_request_link_enabled = TRUE, 
       merge_method = "merge", suggestion_commit_message = NULL, 
       auto_devops_enabled = FALSE, auto_devops_deploy_strategy = "continuous", 
       autoclose_referenced_issues = TRUE, approvals_before_merge = 0L, 
       mirror = FALSE, external_authorization_classification_label = "", 
       marked_for_deletion_at = NULL, marked_for_deletion_on = NULL, 
       requirements_enabled = TRUE, security_and_compliance_enabled = FALSE, 
       compliance_frameworks = list(), issues_template = NULL, merge_requests_template = NULL, 
       permissions = list(project_access = NULL, group_access = NULL)), 
  list(id = 26976099L, description = "Learning GitLab xavki", 
       name = "DanprasGitLabDemo", name_with_namespace = "daniel prasanth / DanprasGitLabDemo", 
       path = "danprasgitlabdemo", path_with_namespace = "danprasfr/danprasgitlabdemo", 
       created_at = "2021-05-27T19:35:07.189Z", default_branch = "main", 
       tag_list = list(), ssh_url_to_repo = "git@gitlab.com:danprasfr/danprasgitlabdemo.git", 
       http_url_to_repo = "https://gitlab.com/danprasfr/danprasgitlabdemo.git", 
       web_url = "https://gitlab.com/danprasfr/danprasgitlabdemo", 
       readme_url = NULL, avatar_url = NULL, forks_count = 0L, 
       star_count = 0L, last_activity_at = "2021-05-27T19:35:07.189Z", 
       namespace = list(id = 12211549L, name = "daniel prasanth", 
                        path = "danprasfr", kind = "user", full_path = "danprasfr", 
                        parent_id = NULL, avatar_url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/56922758357b6f9ff1ac6fc763590a2b?s=80&d=identicon", 
                        web_url = "https://gitlab.com/danprasfr"), container_registry_image_prefix = "registry.gitlab.com/danprasfr/danprasgitlabdemo", 
       `_links` = list(self = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099", 
                       issues = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099/issues", 
                       merge_requests = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099/merge_requests", 
                       repo_branches = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099/repository/branches", 
                       labels = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099/labels", 
                       events = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099/events", 
                       members = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/26976099/members"), 
       packages_enabled = TRUE, empty_repo = TRUE, archived = FALSE, 
       visibility = "public", owner = list(id = 8980005L, name = "daniel prasanth", 
                                           username = "danprasfr", state = "active", avatar_url = "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/56922758357b6f9ff1ac6fc763590a2b?s=80&d=identicon", 
                                           web_url = "https://gitlab.com/danprasfr"), resolve_outdated_diff_discussions = FALSE, 
       container_registry_enabled = TRUE, container_expiration_policy = list(
         cadence = "1d", enabled = FALSE, keep_n = 10L, older_than = "90d", 
         name_regex = ".*", name_regex_keep = NULL, next_run_at = "2021-05-28T19:35:07.218Z"), 
       issues_enabled = TRUE, merge_requests_enabled = TRUE, 
       wiki_enabled = TRUE, jobs_enabled = TRUE, snippets_enabled = TRUE, 
       service_desk_enabled = TRUE, service_desk_address = "incoming+danprasfr-danprasgitlabdemo-26976099-issue-@incoming.gitlab.com", 
       can_create_merge_request_in = TRUE, issues_access_level = "enabled", 
       repository_access_level = "enabled", merge_requests_access_level = "enabled", 
       forking_access_level = "enabled", wiki_access_level = "enabled", 
       builds_access_level = "enabled", snippets_access_level = "enabled", 
       pages_access_level = "enabled", operations_access_level = "enabled", 
       analytics_access_level = "enabled", emails_disabled = NULL, 
       shared_runners_enabled = TRUE, lfs_enabled = TRUE, creator_id = 8980005L, 
       import_status = "none", open_issues_count = 0L, ci_default_git_depth = 50L, 
       ci_forward_deployment_enabled = TRUE, public_jobs = TRUE, 
       build_timeout = 3600L, auto_cancel_pending_pipelines = "enabled", 
       build_coverage_regex = NULL, ci_config_path = "", shared_with_groups = list(), 
       only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds = FALSE, allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline = NULL, 
       restrict_user_defined_variables = FALSE, request_access_enabled = TRUE, 
       only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved = FALSE, 
       remove_source_branch_after_merge = TRUE, printing_merge_request_link_enabled = TRUE, 
       merge_method = "merge", suggestion_commit_message = NULL, 
       auto_devops_enabled = FALSE, auto_devops_deploy_strategy = "continuous", 
       autoclose_referenced_issues = TRUE, approvals_before_merge = 0L, 
       mirror = FALSE, external_authorization_classification_label = "", 
       marked_for_deletion_at = NULL, marked_for_deletion_on = NULL, 
       requirements_enabled = TRUE, security_and_compliance_enabled = FALSE, 
       compliance_frameworks = list(), issues_template = NULL, 
       merge_requests_template = NULL, permissions = list(project_access = NULL, 
                                                          group_access = NULL)))

# Function to correct - behaviour is not the expected one for now
test_that("is_single_row works in this case", {

# test that it works for a single project
project_info <- gitlab(req = paste0("projects/", test_project_id),
                       verb = httr::GET)

# Multiple lines
gl_list_projects_output_raw <- gl_list_projects(max_page = 1)

test_that("is_single_row works in this case", {
  expect_true(nrow(project_info) == 1)
  expect_true(nrow(gl_list_projects_output_raw) > 1)

Try the gitlabr package in your browser

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gitlabr documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 5:06 p.m.