
Defines functions grid.search.tl grid.search obj.fnc.tl obj.fnc fit.fkml

Documented in fit.fkml

# gld package for R

# Fit the FKML gld to data via:
# 1. Maximum Likelihood (ML)
# 2. Maximum Spacings Product (MSP) (MPS)
# 3. Titterington's Method (TM)
# 4. Starship Method (SM)
# 5. Method of TL-moments (TL)
# 5a. Method of L-moments (LMom) (TL with trim=0 and low and high)
# 6. Distributional Least Absolute (DLA)
# 7. Moments (Mom)
# Written by Benjamin Dean (24/09/2010) 
# Changes 2013,2014,2019 Robert King

#                                 Fit data                             #

fit.fkml <- function(x, method="ML", t1=0, t2=0, 
  l3.grid=c(-0.9,-0.5,-0.1,0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8,1,1.5), l4.grid=l3.grid,
  record.cpu.time = TRUE,optim.method="Nelder-Mead",
  inverse.eps = .Machine$double.eps, optim.control=list(maxit=10000), 
  optim.penalty=1e20, return.data=FALSE) {

# Start timing
if(record.cpu.time) { time.1 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]) 
} else { time.1 <- "not timing"
# Sample size
n <- length(x)
# Sort the data
x <- sort(x)

# Penalty value for optim
penalty.value <- optim.penalty

# Aliases
method.id <- 0 # if this is not updated, no method was defined.
if (toupper(method) == "ML")  {method.id <- 1; method.name="Maximum Likelihood"}
if (toupper(method) == "MSP") {method.id <- 2; method.name="Maximum Spacings Product"}
if (toupper(method) == "MPS") {method.id <- 2; method.name="Maximum Product of Spacings"}
if (toupper(method) == "TM")  {method.id <- 3; method.name="Titterington's"}
if (toupper(method) == "SM")  {method.id <- 4; method.name="Starship"}
if (toupper(method) == "TL")  {method.id <- 5; method.name="Trimmed L-Moments"}
if (toupper(method) == "LMOM"){method.id <- 5; method.name="L-Moments"}
if (toupper(method) == "DLA") {method.id <- 6; method.name="Distributional Least Absolutes"}
if (toupper(method) == "MOM") {method.id <- 7; method.name="Moments"}

if (method.id == 0) {
  stop(paste("unknown estimation method code:",method))
# t1,t2 check
if (length(t1)>1) {
  warning(paste("Argument t1 should be only 1 value.  It has been truncated to its first value,",t1[1]))
  t1 = t1[1]
if (length(t2)>1) {
  warning(paste("Argument t2 should be only 1 value.  It has been truncated to its first value,",t2[1]))
  t2 = t2[1]
if ((t1>0)&(t1<1)) {warning(paste("Trimming arguments should be integers to give number of trimmed observations, rather than t1=",t1))}
if ((t2>0)&(t2<1)) {warning(paste("Trimming arguments should be integers to give number of trimmed observations, rather than t2=",t2))}
if (method.id != 5) {
  if (t1 != 0) {
    warning(paste("Trimming only used in trimmed L-Moments.  Lower trim of ",t1,"has been changed to zero."))
  if (t2 != 0) {
    warning(paste("Trimming only used in trimmed L-Moments.  Upper trim of ",t2,"has been changed to zero."))
# LMom is just TL with t1=0, t2=0.  Check for this
if (method=="LMom") {
  if (!(t1==0 && t2==0)) {
message(paste("L-Moments method called with trimming arguments, low=",t1,"high=",t2,"\nSo, renamed to Trimmed L-Moments"))
    method.name="Trimmed L-Moments"
if (t1+t2>(n-1)) {
  stop(paste("No observations left in data after trimming!
    t1=",t1,", t2=",t2,". Total data, n=",n,sep=""))
# Perform the fitting process: 
if ((method.id != 5)&(method.id != 7)) { # ML, MSP, TM, SM or DLA (not TL, LM, Mom)

  # Starting values from grid search
  grid.results <- grid.search(l3.grid,l4.grid,method.id,x,n,
                              penalty.value, inverse.eps)

  pars.start <- grid.results$lambda
  # Optimise
  optim.results <- optim(par=pars.start,fn=obj.fnc,method=optim.method,
  # Add the optimisation method to the list
  optim.results$optim.method = optim.method
  # Optim results
  pars.est <- optim.results$par; conv <- optim.results$convergence
  its <- optim.results$counts[["function"]]; obj <- optim.results$value
  valid <- as.numeric(obj < penalty.value)
  # Store results
  if (record.cpu.time) {time.2 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]); runtime <- round(time.2-time.1,2) } else {runtime=NA}
  old.style.results <- data.frame(l1=pars.est[1],l2=pars.est[2],
  result <- list(lambda=unclass(pars.est[1:4]),grid.results=grid.results,
  if (return.data) {result$data = x}
  class(result) <- "starship"
  names(result$lambda) <- paste("lambda",1:length(result$lambda),sep="")
} else { # TL, LM, Mom
  if (method.id==5) { # TL, LM
  # Starting values from grid search
  grid.results <- grid.search.tl(l3.grid,l4.grid,method.id,x,n,
    # note that grid.min$lambda has only two elements, l3 & l4

  pars.start <- grid.results$lambda
  # Optimise
  optim.results <- optim(par=pars.start,fn=obj.fnc.tl,
  # Optim results
  l3.est <- optim.results$par[1]; l4.est <- optim.results$par[2]
  conv <- optim.results$convergence; its <- optim.results$counts[["function"]]
  obj <- optim.results$value
  if (obj==optim.penalty) {stop("optimisation unable to find estimate")}
  # Add the optimisation method to the list
  optim.results$optim.method = optim.method 
  # Rerun C code at l3.est and l4.est to get l1.est, l2.est and valid  
  tl.final <- .C("fit_fkml",as.integer(5),as.double(0),as.double(1),
  l1.est <- tl.final[["l1.tl"]]; l2.est <- tl.final[["l2.tl"]]
  valid <- (obj < penalty.value) * tl.final[["valid.tl"]]
  # Store results
if (record.cpu.time) {time.2 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]); runtime <- round(time.2-time.1,2)} else {runtime <- NA}
  old.style.results <- data.frame(l1=l1.est,l2=l2.est,l3=l3.est,
  result <- list(lambda=unclass(c(l1.est,l2.est,l3.est,l4.est)),
  if (return.data) {result$data = x}
  if (method=="TL") {
    result$trim = c(t1,t2,n)
    names(result$trim) = c("lower","upper","n")
  class(result) <- "starship"
  names(result$lambda) <- paste("lambda",1:length(result$lambda),sep="")
  } else { # This should just be moments, but let's double check
    if (method.id==7) {
      #  Moments - do I extend to region A estimate, region B estimate?
      result = fit.fkml.moments(x) #  This returns an object of class starship
      if (return.data) {result$data = x}
      # Store results
      if (record.cpu.time) {time.2 <- as.numeric(proc.time()[3]); runtime <- round(time.2-time.1,2)} else {runtime <- NA}
    else {stop("Unknown estimation method id")}

# Return result

#                             Objective function                               #

obj.fnc <- function(par,method.id,x,n,penalty.value,inverse.eps) {

l1 <- par[1]
l2 <- par[2]
l3 <- par[3]
l4 <- par[4]

obj.result <- .C("fit_fkml",as.integer(method.id),as.double(l1),
  as.double(0),as.double(1),as.integer(0),result = as.double(0),


#                  Objective function (method of TL-moments)                   #

# In the method of TL-moments, the objective function only depends on l3 and l4.
# This is different to the other methods (which depend on all four parameters),
# so the objective function must be constructed differently.

obj.fnc.tl <- function(par,method.id,x,n,penalty.value,t1,t2,inverse.eps) {

l3 <- par[1]
l4 <- par[2]

obj.result.tl <- .C("fit_fkml",as.integer(method.id),as.double(0),
    as.double(0),as.double(1),as.integer(0),result = as.double(0),


#                      Grid search for starting values                         #

grid.search <- function(l3.grid,l4.grid,method.id,x,n,penalty.value,inverse.eps) {

# Initialise variables
l1.s <- 0; l2.s <- 1; l3.s <- -0.1; l4.s <- -0.1; obj.min <- Inf

# Loop through grid values and record obj
for (i in 1:length(l3.grid)) {
  for (j in 1:length(l4.grid)) {
    l3 <- l3.grid[i]; l4 <- l4.grid[j]
    l2 <- (qgl(0.75,0,1,l3,l4) - qgl(0.25,0,1,l3,l4))/IQR(x)
    l1 <- median(x) - qgl(0.5,0,l2,l3,l4)
    obj <- obj.fnc(c(l1,l2,l3,l4),method.id,x,n,penalty.value,inverse.eps)      
    if (obj < obj.min) {
      l1.s <- l1; l2.s <- l2; l3.s <- l3; l4.s <- l4; obj.min <- obj


#            Grid search for starting values (method of TL-moments)   

# A different grid search is also needed for the method of TL-moments.
# This is used for untrimmed L moments, and for Moments

grid.search.tl <- function(l3.grid,l4.grid,method.id,x,n,penalty.value,t1,t2,inverse.eps) {

# Initialise variables
l3.s <- -0.1; l4.s <- -0.1; obj.min <- Inf

# Loop through grid values and record obj
for (i in 1:length(l3.grid)) {
  for (j in 1:length(l4.grid)) {
    l3 <- l3.grid[i]; l4 <- l4.grid[j]
    obj <- obj.fnc.tl(c(l3,l4),method.id,x,n,penalty.value,t1,t2,inverse.eps)      
    if (obj < obj.min) {
      l3.s <- l3; l4.s <- l4; obj.min <- obj


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gld documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 5:05 p.m.