
Defines functions plot.GldGPDFit print.GldGPDFit plot.starship summary.starship print.starship

Documented in plot.starship print.starship summary.starship

print.starship <- function(x,digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
# I should include the call
# Add names to the vector in starship
cat(paste(x$method.name,"estimate, gld type:",x$param,"\n"))
if(!is.null(x$trim)){cat(paste("trimmed",x$trim[1],"low,",x$trim[2],"high. n=",x$trim[3],"\n"))}
print.default(format(x$lambda,digits=digits), print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)

summary.starship <- function(object,...)
cat(paste("Generalised Lambda Distribution",object$param,"type.",
          object$method.name," estimate.\n"))
  cat(paste("L Moments based on data trimmed by;\n",object$trim[1],"lowest and",object$trim[2],"highest observations out of",object$trim[3]))
  cat("\nAdaptive Grid estimates:\n")
  fake.lambda <- object$grid.results$lambda
  if (object$method.code=="TL"){
      names(fake.lambda) <- paste("lambda",3:4)
    } else {
      names(fake.lambda) <- paste("lambda",1:length(fake.lambda),sep="")
  fake.starship.object <- list(param=object$param,lambda=fake.lambda)
  cat(paste("internal g-o-f measure at grid minimum:",
  cat("\nOptim (final) estimates (starting from grid estimates):\n")
} else {
  cat("\nOptim (final) estimates:\n")
cat(paste("internal g-o-f measure at optim minimum:",
cat("optim.details:\nCounts: ")
cat("Convergence: ")
cat("Message: ")

plot.starship <- function(x,data=NULL,ask=NULL,one.page=FALSE,breaks="Sturges",plot.title="default",...)
if (plot.title == "default") {
  plot.title <- paste(x$method.name,"fit of",x$param,"type GLD")
allpar <- par()
opar <- allpar[match(c("ask","mfrow"),names(allpar))]
if (is.null(x$data)){
	if (is.null(data)) {stop("No data to compare to fit.  Use return.data=TRUE")} 
} else {
	if (is.null(data)) {data <- x$data #using data returned by starship function
		} else { 
		warning(paste(substitute(x),"has a data element and the data argument was also given.\nUsing ",paste(substitute(data))," instead of the data element of ",substitute(x))) } }
# if (is.null(one.page)) { if (interactive()) {one.page=TRUE} else {one.page=FALSE}} # this was here so that interactive sessions didn't have a user-visible change
if (is.null(ask)) {if (one.page) {ask=FALSE} else {
  if (interactive()) {ask=TRUE} else {ask=FALSE}
if (ask) {par(ask=TRUE)}
if (one.page) {par(mfrow=c(2,1))}
qqgl(y=data,lambda.pars1=x$lambda,param=x$param,xlab=paste(x$method.name," Fitted Theoretical Quantiles"),main=plot.title) # add which option here
if (one.page) {par(opar)} # Return to previous par

print.GldGPDFit <- function(x,digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  if (is.null(x$estA)) {
    if (is.null(x$estB)) {
      cat("No estimates for the GLD GPD\n")
    } else {
      cat("Region B only:\n")
      print.default(format(x$estB,digits=digits), print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)
  } else { # region A estimate exists
    if (is.null(x$estB)){
      cat("Region A only:\n")
      print.default(format(x$estA,digits=digits), print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)
    } else {
      cat("Region A:\n")
      print.default(format(x$estA,digits=digits), print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)
      cat("\nRegion B:\n")
      print.default(format(x$estB,digits=digits), print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)

plot.GldGPDFit <- function(x,data=NULL,ask=NULL,breaks="Sturges",plot.title="default",col1="darkorange",col2="purple",...)
  if (plot.title == "default") {
    plot.title <- paste(x$method.name,"fit of",x$param,"type GLD")
  # No one.page option here 
  allpar <- par()
  opar <- allpar[match(c("ask","mfrow"),names(allpar))]
  if (is.null(x$data)){
    if (is.null(data)) {stop("No data to compare to fit.  Use return.data=TRUE")} 
  } else {
    if (is.null(data)) {data <- x$data #using data returned by fit.gpd function
    } else { 
      warning(paste(substitute(x),"has a data element and the data argument was also given.\nUsing ",paste(substitute(data))," instead of the data element of ",substitute(x))) } }
  if (is.null(ask)) {
    if (interactive()) {ask=TRUE} else {ask=FALSE}
  if (ask) {par(ask=TRUE)}  ## up to here ## 
  qqgl(y=data,lambda.pars1=x$lambda,param=x$param,xlab=paste(x$method.name," Fitted Theoretical Quantiles"),main=plot.title) # add which option here
 # No one.page option - check this - but I think we don't need to save par further up this function  if (one.page) {par(opar)} # Return to previous par

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gld documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 5:05 p.m.