
Defines functions glmmfields

Documented in glmmfields

#' Fit a spatiotemporal random fields GLMM
#' Fit a spatiotemporal random fields model that optionally uses the MVT
#' distribution instead of a MVN distribution to allow for spatial extremes
#' through time. It is also possible to fit a spatial random fields model
#' without a time component.
#' @param formula The model formula.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param time A character object giving the name of the time column. Leave
#'   as `NULL` to fit a spatial GLMM without a time element.
#' @param lon A character object giving the name of the longitude column.
#' @param lat A character object giving the name of the latitude column.
#' @param nknots The number of knots to use in the predictive process model.
#'   Smaller values will be faster but may not adequately represent the shape
#'   of the spatial pattern.
#' @param prior_gp_theta The prior on the Gaussian Process scale parameter. Must
#'   be declared with [half_t()]. Here, and throughout, priors that
#'   are normal or half-normal can be implemented by setting the first
#'   parameter in the half-t or student-t distribution to a large value.
#'   E.g. something greater than 100.
#' @param prior_gp_sigma The prior on the Gaussian Process eta parameter. Must
#'   be declared with [half_t()].
#' @param prior_sigma The prior on the observation process scale parameter. Must
#'   be declared with [half_t()]. This acts as a substitute for the
#'   scale parameter in whatever observation distribution is being used. E.g.
#'   the CV for the Gamma or the dispersion parameter for the negative
#'   binomial.
#' @param prior_rw_sigma The prior on the standard deviation parameter of the
#'   random walk process (if specified). Must be declared with
#'   [half_t()].
#' @param prior_intercept The prior on the intercept parameter. Must be declared
#'   with [student_t()].
#' @param prior_beta The prior on the slope parameters (if any). Must be
#'   declared with [student_t()].
#' @param prior_phi The prior on the AR parameter. Must be
#'   declared with [student_t()].
#' @param fixed_df_value The fixed value for the student-t degrees of freedom
#'   parameter if the degrees of freedom parameter is fixed in the MVT. If the
#'   degrees of freedom parameter is estimated then this argument is ignored.
#'   Must be 1 or greater. Very large values (e.g. the default value)
#'   approximate the normal distribution. If the value is >=1000 then a true
#'   MVN distribution will be fit.
#' @param estimate_df Logical: should the degrees of freedom parameter be
#'   estimated?
#' @param estimate_ar Logical: should the AR (autoregressive) parameter be
#'   estimated? Here, this refers to a autoregressive process in the evolution
#'   of the spatial field through time.
#' @param fixed_phi_value The fixed value for temporal autoregressive parameter,
#'   between random fields at time(t) and time(t-1). If the phi parameter
#'   is estimated then this argument is ignored.
#' @param family Family object describing the observation model. Note that only
#'   one link is implemented for each distribution. Gamma, negative binomial
#'   (specified via [nbinom2()] as `nbinom2(link = "log")`, and Poisson must
#'   have a log link. Binomial must have a logit link. Also implemented is the
#'   lognormal (specified via [lognormal()] as `lognormal(link = "log")`.
#'   Besides the negative binomial and lognormal, other families are specified
#'   as shown in \code{\link[stats]{family}}.
#' @param binomial_N A character object giving the optional name of the column containing
#'   Binomial sample size. Leave as `NULL` to fit a spatial GLMM with sample sizes (N) = 1,
#'   equivalent to bernoulli model.
#' @param covariance The covariance function of the Gaussian Process.
#'   One of "squared-exponential", "exponential", or "matern".
#' @param matern_kappa Optional parameter for the Matern covariance function.
#'   Optional values are 1.5 or 2.5. Values of 0.5 are equivalent to exponential.
#' @param algorithm Character object describing whether the model should be fit
#'   with full NUTS MCMC or via the variational inference mean-field approach.
#'   See [rstan::vb()]. Note that the variational inference approach
#'   should not be trusted for final inference and is much more likely to give
#'   incorrect inference than MCMC.
#' @param year_re Logical: estimate a random walk for the time variable? If
#'   \code{TRUE}, then no fixed effects (B coefficients) will be estimated.
#'   In this case, \code{prior_intercept} will be used as the prior for
#'   the initial value in time.
#' @param nb_lower_truncation For NB2 only: lower truncation value. E.g. 0 for
#'   no truncation, 1 for 1 and all values above. Note that estimation is
#'   likely to be considerably slower with lower truncation because the
#'   sampling is not vectorized. Also note that the log likelihood values
#'   returned for estimating quantities like LOOIC will not be correct if
#'   lower truncation is implemented.
#' @param control List to pass to [rstan::sampling()]. For example,
#'   increase \code{adapt_delta} if there are warnings about divergent
#'   transitions: \code{control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99)}. By default,
#'   \pkg{glmmfields} sets \code{adapt_delta = 0.9}.
#' @param save_log_lik Logical: should the log likelihood for each data point be
#'   saved so that information criteria such as LOOIC or WAIC can be calculated?
#'   Defaults to \code{FALSE} so that the size of model objects is smaller.
#' @param df_lower_bound The lower bound on the degrees of freedom parameter.
#'   Values that are too low, e.g. below 2 or 3, it might affect chain
#'   convergence. Defaults to 2.
#' @param cluster The type of clustering algorithm used to determine the knot
#'   locations. `"pam"` = [cluster::pam()]. The `"kmeans"`
#'   algorithm will be faster on larger datasets.
#' @param offset An optional offset vector.
#' @param ... Any other arguments to pass to [rstan::sampling()].
#' @details
#' Note that there is no guarantee that the default priors are reasonable for
#' your data. Also, there is no guarantee the default priors will remain the
#' same in future versions. Therefore it is important that you specify any
#' priors that are used in your model, even if they replicate the defaults in
#' the package. It is particularly important that you consider that prior on
#' `gp_theta` since it depends on the distance between your location points. You
#' may need to scale your coordinate units so they are on a ballpark range of
#' 1-10 by, say, dividing the coordinates (say in UTMs) by several order of
#' magnitude.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rstan sampling vb
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom stats dist model.frame model.matrix model.response rnorm runif model.offset
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.count is.number
#' @importFrom stats gaussian na.omit
#' @importFrom RcppParallel RcppParallelLibs
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Spatiotemporal example:
#' set.seed(1)
#' s <- sim_glmmfields(n_draws = 12, n_knots = 12, gp_theta = 1.5,
#' gp_sigma = 0.2, sd_obs = 0.2)
#' print(s$plot)
#' # options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) # for parallel processing
#' # should use 4 or more chains for real model fits
#' m <- glmmfields(y ~ 0, time = "time",
#'  lat = "lat", lon = "lon", data = s$dat,
#'  nknots = 12, iter = 1000, chains = 2, seed = 1)
#' # Spatial example (with covariates) from the vignette and customizing
#' # some priors:
#' set.seed(1)
#' N <- 100 # number of data points
#' temperature <- rnorm(N, 0, 1) # simulated temperature data
#' X <- cbind(1, temperature) # design matrix
#' s <- sim_glmmfields(n_draws = 1, gp_theta = 1.2, n_data_points = N,
#'   gp_sigma = 0.3, sd_obs = 0.1, n_knots = 12, obs_error = "gamma",
#'   covariance = "squared-exponential", X = X,
#'   B = c(0.5, 0.2)) # B represents our intercept and slope
#' d <- s$dat
#' d$temperature <- temperature
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(s$dat, aes(lon, lat, colour = y)) +
#'   viridis::scale_colour_viridis() +
#'   geom_point(size = 3)
#' m_spatial <- glmmfields(y ~ temperature, data = d, family = Gamma(link = "log"),
#'   lat = "lat", lon = "lon", nknots = 12, iter = 2000, chains = 2,
#'   prior_beta = student_t(100, 0, 1), prior_intercept = student_t(100, 0, 5),
#'   control = list(adapt_delta = 0.95))
#' }

glmmfields <- function(formula, data, lon, lat,
                       time = NULL,
                       nknots = 15L,
                       prior_gp_theta = half_t(3, 0, 5),
                       prior_gp_sigma = half_t(3, 0, 5),
                       prior_sigma = half_t(3, 0, 5),
                       prior_rw_sigma = half_t(3, 0, 5),
                       prior_intercept = student_t(3, 0, 10),
                       prior_beta = student_t(3, 0, 3),
                       prior_phi = student_t(1000, 0, 0.5),
                       fixed_df_value = 1000,
                       fixed_phi_value = 0,
                       estimate_df = FALSE,
                       estimate_ar = FALSE,
                       family = gaussian(link = "identity"),
                       binomial_N = NULL,
                       covariance = c("squared-exponential", "exponential", "matern"),
                       matern_kappa = 0.5,
                       algorithm = c("sampling", "meanfield"),
                       year_re = FALSE,
                       nb_lower_truncation = 0,
                       control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9),
                       save_log_lik = FALSE,
                       df_lower_bound = 2,
                       cluster = c("pam", "kmeans"),
                       offset = NULL,
                       ...) {

  # argument checks:
  covariance <- match.arg(covariance)
  algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm)
  cluster <- match.arg(cluster)

  gp_sigma_scaling_factor <- 1 # removed option above

  assert_that(nb_lower_truncation >= 0)
  assert_that(fixed_df_value >= 1)
  assert_that(matern_kappa %in% c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5))

  family <- check_family(family)
  obs_error <- tolower(family$family)
  assert_that(obs_error[[1]] %in% c(
    "gaussian", "gamma", "poisson", "nbinom2",
    "binomial", "lognormal"

  if (covariance == "matern" && !matern_kappa %in% c(1.5, 2.5)) {
      "Matern covariance specified, but Matern kappa not 1.5 or 2.5",
      ": defaulting to 0.5, or exponential"
    covariance <- "exponential"

  if (nb_lower_truncation > 0) {
      "Lower truncation with negative binomial has not been ",
      "extensively tested and calculation of log likelihood for information ",
      "criteria purposes is likely to be incorrect."

  mf <- model.frame(formula, data)
  X <- model.matrix(formula, mf)
  y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
  fixed_intercept <- ncol(X) == 0

  if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep(0, length(y))

  if (is.null(time)) {
    data$null_time_ <- 1
    time <- "null_time_"

  if (is.null(binomial_N)) {
    data$null_N_ <- 1
    binomial_N <- "null_N_"

  if ("station" %in% names(list(...))) {
      "The 'station' argument is no longer needed when calling glmmfields().",
      "Please remove it."
  data$station_ <- paste(data[[lon]], data[[lat]])

  # user inputs raw data. this function formats it for STAN
  data_list <- format_data(
    data = data, y = y, X = X, time = time,
    lon = lon, lat = lat, station = "station_", nknots = nknots,
    covariance = covariance,
    fixed_intercept = fixed_intercept, cluster = cluster
  stan_data <- data_list$spatglm_data
  data_knots <- data_list$knots

  obs_model <- switch(obs_error[[1]], gaussian = 1L, gamma = 0L, nbinom2 = 2L,
    binomial = 4L, poisson = 5L, lognormal = 6L,
    stop("observation model ", obs_error[[1]], " is not defined.")

  est_temporalRE <- if (year_re) 1L else 0L

  stan_data <- c(
      prior_gp_theta = parse_t_prior(prior_gp_theta),
      prior_gp_sigma = parse_t_prior(prior_gp_sigma),
      prior_sigma = parse_t_prior(prior_sigma),
      prior_intercept = parse_t_prior(prior_intercept),
      prior_rw_sigma = parse_t_prior(prior_rw_sigma),
      prior_beta = parse_t_prior(prior_beta),
      prior_phi = parse_t_prior(prior_phi),
      input_offset = offset,
      cov_func = switch(covariance,
        exponential = 0L,
        `squared-exponential` = 1L,
        matern = 2L,
        stop("covariance function ", covariance, " is not defined.")
      obs_model = obs_model,
      est_df = as.integer(estimate_df),
      est_phi = as.integer(estimate_ar),
      gamma_params = if (obs_error[[1]] == "gamma") 1L else 0L,
      norm_params = if (obs_error[[1]] %in% c("gaussian", "lognormal")) 1L else 0L,
      nb2_params = if (obs_error[[1]] == "nbinom2") 1L else 0L,
      fixed_df_value = fixed_df_value[[1]],
      fixed_phi_value = fixed_phi_value,
      est_temporalRE = est_temporalRE,
      n_year_effects = if (year_re) stan_data$nT else 0L,
      lower_truncation = nb_lower_truncation,
      fixed_intercept = as.integer(fixed_intercept),
      matern_kappa = matern_kappa,
      gp_sigma_scaling_factor = gp_sigma_scaling_factor,
      nW = if (fixed_df_value[[1]] > 999 && !estimate_df) 0L else stan_data$nT,
      df_lower_bound = df_lower_bound,
      binomialN = data[,binomial_N]

  if (obs_model %in% c(2L, 4L, 5L)) { # integers: NB2 or binomial or poisson obs model
    stan_data <- c(stan_data, list(y_int = stan_data$y))
  } else {
    stan_data <- c(stan_data, list(y_int = rep(0L, stan_data$N)))

  sampling_args <- list(
    object = stanmodels$glmmfields,
    data = stan_data,
    pars = stan_pars(
      obs_error = obs_error, estimate_df = estimate_df,
      est_temporalRE = est_temporalRE, estimate_ar = estimate_ar,
      fixed_intercept = fixed_intercept, save_log_lik = save_log_lik
    control = control, ...

  if (algorithm == "meanfield") {
    sampling_args$chains <- NULL
    sampling_args$control <- NULL
    m <- do.call(vb, sampling_args)
  } else {
    m <- do.call(sampling, sampling_args)

  out <- list(
    model = m,
    knots = tibble::as_tibble(as.data.frame(data_knots)),
    y = y, X = X,
    data = tibble::as_tibble(data), formula = formula,
    covariance = covariance, matern_kappa = matern_kappa,
    lon = lon, lat = lat,
    time = time, year_re = year_re,
    station = data_list$stationID, obs_model = obs_model,
    offset = offset,
    fixed_intercept = fixed_intercept, family = family
  out <- structure(out, class = "glmmfields")

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glmmfields documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 1:06 a.m.