
# generate a data frame with all possible values (within a width of bw) of the fitmetric with corresponding 
#   probabaility density and cumulative density functions given a particular number of degrees
#	of freedom (dof) and a particular noise distribution function (dist).
#	By default, use a million samples (order=6), normal distribution with mean=0 and sd=1, and 
#   return values with 2 decimal places.
#' Construct pdf and cdf for one of several distributions and one of several possible noise distributions
#' Generates the vectors of random numbers for both observation and model and calls pcdfs
#' @param dof an integer
#' @param order a real number
#' @param ndecimals an integer
#' @param dist a random number distribution function
#' @param fitmetric a character string naming a standard fit metric (R2, rmse, or user-defined)
#' @param ... any argument that functions within this routine might use
#' @return a data frame
#' @examples
#' pcdfs(5, order=5)
#' pcdfs(10, order=4, fitmetric=rmse)
#' @export
#' pcdfs()
pcdfs <- function(dof, order=5, ndecimals=2, dist=rnorm, fitmetric=R2, ... ){

if(order>=7){stop(paste("order is too large (10M) -- calculation time too long. Make order<7. Fractions OK."))}
bw=1/10^ndecimals #bin width

#initialize variables
dN <- dof*N
mdl <- obs <- rep(NA,dN)

#form random number lists to simulate model and observation measurements (or x,y)
mdl <- dist(dN,...)
obs <- dist(dN,...)

#establish matricies -- make matricies of N rows by dof columns
mdl		<- matrix(mdl, nrow=N, ncol=dof)
obs  	<- matrix(obs, nrow=N, ncol=dof)	

#call the fitmetric (ie, R2 or rmse or user-defined)
metc    <- fitmetric(mdl,obs)

#remove any measurement that yields NaN
metc<- metc[!is.nan(metc)]

#separate metrics into bins of width bw (histogram metic) to get pdf.  sum pdf to get cdf.
br		<- seq(c(min(metc)), c(max(metc)+bw), by=bw)
met		<- br[2:length(br)]								#metric values (bins)
meth	<- hist(metc, breaks=br, plot=F)				#histogrammed
pdf 	<- meth$counts/sum(meth$counts)					#prob density
cdf 	<- cumsum(pdf)									#cumulative probability density
fdf 	<- data.frame(fitval=met, pdf, cdf)


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gofMC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:55 a.m.