#' User Activity Request
#' Get activity on an individual user
#' @param viewId The viewId
#' @param ids The userId or clientId. You can send in a vector of them
#' @param id_type Whether its userId or clientId
#' @param date_range A vector of start and end dates. If not used will default to a week.
#' @param activity_type If specified, filters down response to the activity type. Choice between `"PAGEVIEW","SCREENVIEW","GOAL","ECOMMERCE","EVENT"`
#' @details
#' The User Activity API lets you query an individual user's movement through your website, by sending in the individual `clientId` or `userId`.
#' Bear in mind each call will count against your API quota, so fetching a large amount of client ids will be limited by that.
#' Use [ga_clientid_activity_unnest] to unnest deeply nested data in the hits data.
#' The timestamps are available to millisecond level but you will need to set your R options to see them e.g. `options(digits.secs=3)`
#' @export
#' @return A list of data.frames: `$sessions` contains session level data. `$hits` contains individual activity data
#' @importFrom googleAuthR gar_api_generator gar_api_page
#' @import assertthat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # access data for individual users
#' uar <- ga_clientid_activity(c("1106980347.1461227730", "476443645.1541099566"),
#' viewId = 81416156,
#' date_range = c("2019-01-01","2019-02-01"))
#' # access clientIds for users who have transacted
#' viewId <- 106249469
#' date_range <- c("2019-01-01","2019-02-01")
#' cids <- google_analytics(viewId,
#' date_range = date_range,
#' metrics = "sessions",
#' dimensions = "clientId",
#' met_filters = filter_clause_ga4(
#' list(met_filter("transactions",
#' 0)
#' )))
#' transactors <- ga_clientid_activity(cids$clientId,
#' viewId = viewId,
#' date_range = date_range)
#' # access the data.frames returned:
#' # the session level data for the users passed in
#' uar$sessions
#' # the hit level activity for the users passed in
#' uar$hits
#' # filter the response to only include certain activity types, such as goals:
#' only_goals <- ga_clientid_activity(c("1106980347.1461227730",
#' "476443645.1541099566"),
#' viewId = 81416156,
#' date_range = c("2019-01-01","2019-02-01"),
#' activity_types = "GOAL")
#' }
#' @seealso <>
#' @importFrom purrr map map_dfr
#' @family clientid functions
ga_clientid_activity <- function(ids,
id_type = c("CLIENT_ID","USER_ID"),
activity_type = NULL,
date_range = NULL){
ids <- as.character(ids)
viewId <- as.character(viewId)
id_type <- match.arg(id_type)
results <- map(ids,
viewId = viewId,
id_type = id_type,
activity_type = activity_type,
date_range = date_range)
sessions = map_dfr(results, "session"),
hits = map_dfr(results, "hits")
class = c("ga_user_result", "list")
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
ga_clientid_activity_one <- function(id,
myMessage("Fetching id: ", id, level = 3)
the_dates <- NULL
date_range <- as.character(date_range)
assert_that(length(date_range) == 2)
the_dates <- list(
startDate = date_range[[1]],
endDate = date_range[[2]]
at <- NULL
if(!all(activity_type %in% possible_types)){
stop("activity_type must be NULL or a vector of these types: ",
paste(possible_types, collapse = " "), call. = FALSE)
at <- activity_type
body <- list(
viewId = viewId,
user = list(
type = id_type,
userId = id
activityTypes = activity_type,
dateRange = the_dates,
pageToken = ""
body <- rmNullObs(body)
u <- gar_api_generator("",
data_parse_function = parse_user_activity,
simplifyVector = FALSE)
o <- gar_api_page(u,
page_f = page_user_activity,
page_method = "body",
page_arg = "pageToken",
body_list = body)
out <- list(session = map_dfr(o, "session"),
hits = map_dfr(o, "hits"))
out$session$id <- id
out$hits$id <- id
# rate limit assuming 2000 in 100 seconds
page_user_activity <- function(x){
attr(x, "nextPageToken")
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom purrr map map_chr map_lgl
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows mutate left_join
#' @importFrom tibble enframe as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
parse_user_activity <- function(x){
o_sess <- map_dfr(x$sessions, function(y){
data.frame(sessionId = y$sessionId,
deviceCategory = y$deviceCategory,
platform = y$platform,
dataSource = y$dataSource,
sessionDate = y$sessionDate,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
o_acts <- setNames(map(x$sessions,
map_chr(x$sessions, "sessionId"))
activity <- NULL
nested_hits <- o_acts %>%
tibble::enframe(name = "sessionId", value = "activity") %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = activity) %>%
mutate(activityTime = iso8601_to_r(map_chr(activity, "activityTime")),
source = map_chr(activity, "source"),
medium = map_chr(activity, "medium"),
channelGrouping = map_chr(activity, "channelGrouping"),
campaign = map_chr(activity, "campaign"),
keyword = map_chr(activity, "keyword"),
hostname = map_chr(activity, "hostname"),
landingPagePath = map_chr(activity, "landingPagePath"),
activityType = map_chr(activity, "activityType"),
customDimension = map(activity, "customDimension"),
pagePath = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$pageview$pagePath)),
pageTitle = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$pageview$pageTitle)),
screenName = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$appview$screenName)),
mobileDeviceBranding = map_chr(activity,
mobileDeviceModel = map_chr(activity,
appName = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$appview$appName)),
ecommerce = map(activity, "ecommerce"),
goals = map(map(activity, "goals"), "goals"),
has_goal = map_lgl(goals, ~!is.null(.)),
eventCategory = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$event$eventCategory)),
eventAction = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$event$eventAction)),
eventLabel = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$event$eventLabel)),
eventValue = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$event$eventValue)),
eventCount = map_chr(activity, ~safe_extract(.x$event$eventCount))
out_hits <- nested_hits %>% select(-activity)
o <- list(session = o_sess,
hits = out_hits
attr(o, "nextPageToken") <- x$nextPageToken
attr(o, "totalRows") <- x$totalRows
attr(o, "sampleRate") <- x$sampleRate
if(as.numeric(x$sampleRate) < 1){
myMessage("Data is sampled at a sample rate of ", as.numeric(o$sampleRate)*100, "%",
level = 3)
#' Unnest user activity columns
#' A function to help expand data out of nested columns returned by [ga_clientid_activity]
#' @param hits The hits data.frame with the columns to expand
#' @param column Which column to expand - one of `"customDimension","ecommerce","goals"`
#' @return An unnested data.frame tibble for all hits that matches the column
#' @description
#' This helper function works with the output of user activity and parses out inner nested structure you may require.
#' Thanks to @jimmyg3g on GitHub for help with the ecommerce parsing.
#' @export
#' @import assertthat
#' @importFrom purrr map map_chr map_lgl
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter bind_cols mutate distinct
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest pivot_wider hoist unnest_longer unnest_wider
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # access clientIds for users who have transacted
#' viewId <- 106249469
#' date_range <- c("2019-01-01","2019-02-01")
#' cids <- google_analytics(viewId,
#' date_range = date_range,
#' metrics = "sessions",
#' dimensions = "clientId",
#' met_filters = filter_clause_ga4(
#' list(met_filter("transactions",
#' 0)
#' )))
#' transactors <- ga_clientid_activity(cids$clientId,
#' viewId = viewId,
#' date_range = date_range)
#' # unnest ecommerce activity hits from users
#' ga_clientid_activity_unnest(transactors$hits, "ecommerce")
#'# unnest goal activity hits from users
#' ga_clientid_activity_unnest(transactors$hits, "goals")
#'# unnest custom dimension activity hits from users
#' ga_clientid_activity_unnest(transactors$hits, "customDimension")
#' }
#' @family clientid functions
ga_clientid_activity_unnest <- function(hits,
column = c("customDimension","ecommerce","goals")){
column <- match.arg(column)
if(!any(names(hits) %in% column)){
stop("Couldn't find column ", column, " in passed hits data.frame", call. = FALSE)
na_or_value <- function(x) if(!is.null(x$value)) x$value else NA_character_
if(column == "customDimension"){
unnested <- hits %>%
select(id, sessionId, activityTime, customDimension) %>%
unnest(cols = customDimension)
if(nrow(unnested) > 0) {
unnested <- unnested %>%
mutate(cd_index = map_chr(customDimension, "index"),
cd_value = map_chr(customDimension, na_or_value)) %>%
filter(! %>%
select(-customDimension) %>%
distinct() %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = cd_index, values_from = cd_value, names_prefix = "customDim")
} else {
warning("No customDimension columns found to unnest", call. = FALSE)
unnested <- NULL
} else if(column == "goals"){
unnested <- hits %>%
if(nrow(unnested) > 0) {
unnested <- unnested %>%
select(id, sessionId, activityTime, goals) %>%
unnest(cols = goals) %>% # unnest the goals list column
mutate(goalIndex = map_chr(goals, "goalIndex"),
goalName = map_chr(goals, "goalName"),
goalCompletionLocation = map_chr(goals, "goalCompletionLocation")) %>%
} else {
warning("No goal columns found to unnest", call. = FALSE)
unnested <- NULL
} else {
unnested <- hits %>%
filter(activityType == 'ECOMMERCE')
if(nrow(unnested) > 0) {
unnested <- unnested %>%
select(id, sessionId, activityTime, activityType, ecommerce) %>%
actionType = c('actionType'),
transactionId = c('transaction', 'transactionId'),
transactionRevenue = c('transaction', 'transactionRevenue'),
products = 'products',
ecommerceType = 'ecommerceType') %>%
unnest_longer(products) %>%
unnest_wider(products) %>%
filter(! %>%
} else {
warning("No ecommerce columns found to unnest", call. = FALSE)
unnested <- NULL
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