#' Takes a generated API function and lets you page through results
#' A helper function to help with the common task of paging through large API results.
#' @param f a function created by \link{gar_api_generator}
#' @param page_f A function that will extract the next page information from \code{f()}. Should return \code{NULL} if no paging is required, or the value for \code{page_arg} if it is.
#' @param page_method Method of paging: \code{url} will fetch by changing the fetch URL; \code{param} will fetch the next page via a parameter set in \code{page_arg}; \code{path} will change a path variable set in \code{page_arg}
#' @param page_arg If \code{page_method="param"}, you need to set this to the parameter that will change for each API page.
#' @param body_list If \code{page_method="body"}, you need to set the body that will be used in each API call, including the top level parameter \code{page_arg} that will be modified by \code{page_f}
#' @details
#' The \code{page_f} function operates on the object returned from the \code{data_parse_function} of the function \code{f}
#' If using \code{page_method="url"} then then \code{page_f} function needs to return the URL that will fetch the next page of results. The default finds this via \code{x$nextLink}. This is the easiest to implement if available and is recommended.
#' If using \code{page_method = "param"}, then \code{page_f} needs to extract the parameter specified in \code{page_arg} that will fetch the next page of the results, or NULL if no more pages are required.
#' e.g. if response is x, \code{page_f} should extract the next value for the parameter of \code{page_arg} that fetches the next results. It should also return \code{NULL} if no (more) paging is necessary. See examples.
#' Remember to add the paging argument (e.g. \code{start-index}) to the generated function too, so it can be modified.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # demos the two methods for the same function.
#' # The example is for the Google Analytics management API,
#' # you need to authenticate with that to run them.
#' # paging by using nextLink that is returned in API response
#' ga_segment_list1 <- function(){
#' # this URL will be modified by using the url_override argument in the generated function
#' segs <- gar_api_generator("",
#' "GET",
#' pars_args = list("max-results"=10),
#' data_parse_function = function(x) x)
#' gar_api_page(segs,
#' page_method = "url",
#' page_f = function(x) x$nextLink)
#' }
#' # paging by looking for the next start-index parameter
#' ## start by creating the function that will output the correct start-index
#' paging_function <- function(x){
#' next_entry <- x$startIndex + x$itemsPerPage
#' # we have all results e.g. 1001 > 1000
#' if(next_entry > x$totalResults){
#' return(NULL)
#' }
#' next_entry
#' }
#' ## remember to add the paging argument (start-index) to the generated function too,
#' ## so it can be modified.
#' ga_segment_list2 <- function(){
#' segs <- gar_api_generator("",
#' "GET",
#' pars_args = list("start-index" = 1,
#' "max-results"=10),
#' data_parse_function = function(x) x)
#' gar_api_page(segs,
#' page_method = "param",
#' page_f = paging_function,
#' page_arg = "start-index")
#' }
#' identical(ga_segment_list1(), ga_segment_list2())
#' }
#' @return A list of the API page responses, that you may need to process further into one object.
#' @export
#' @import assertthat
gar_api_page <- function(f,
page_f = function(x) x$nextLink,
page_method = c("url", "param", "path","body"),
page_arg = NULL,
body_list = NULL){
page_method <- match.arg(page_method)
if(!is.null(page_arg) && page_method %in% c("param","path")){
if(!is.null(page_arg) && page_method == "body"){
assert_that(is.string(page_arg), is.list(body_list))
if(page_method != "body"){
first <- f()
} else {
first <- f(the_body = body_list)
needs_paging <- tryCatch(page_f(first),
error = function(err){
stop(paste("The paging function errored with: ", err$message),
call. = FALSE)
myMessage("No paging required", level = 2)
all_pages <- list(first)
myMessage("Paging through API - token:", needs_paging, level = 2)
# api call with new page token
if(page_method == "body"){
l <- body_list
} else {
l <- list()
if(page_method != "url"){
l[[page_arg]] <- needs_paging
a_page <- switch(page_method,
param = f(pars_arguments = l),
path = f(path_arguments = l),
url = f(url_override = needs_paging),
body = f(the_body = l))
all_pages <- c(all_pages, list(a_page))
needs_paging <- page_f(a_page)
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