
Defines functions has_auth_code gar_shiny_auth make_googleAuth_ui gar_shiny_login_ui silent_auth gar_shiny_ui workout_redirect gar_shiny_auth_url

Documented in gar_shiny_auth gar_shiny_auth_url gar_shiny_login_ui gar_shiny_ui silent_auth

# need globals to make ui available to Rook requests on Shiny launch
.gar_shiny_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' Make a Google Authorisation URL for Shiny
#' Set this within your login_ui where you need the Google login.
#' @param req a Rook request, do not set as this will be used by Shiny to generate URL
#' @param state URL state
#' @param client.id client.id
#' @param client.secret client.secret
#' @param scope API scopes
#' @param access_type whether to keep the token
#' @param prompt Auto-login if user is recognised or always force signin
#' @export
#' @family pre-load shiny authentication
gar_shiny_auth_url <- function(req, 
                               state = getOption("googleAuthR.securitycode"),
                               client.id     = getOption("googleAuthR.webapp.client_id"),
                               client.secret = getOption("googleAuthR.webapp.client_secret"),
                               scope         = getOption("googleAuthR.scopes.selected"),
                               access_type = c("online","offline"),
                               prompt = c("consent", "select_account", "both", "none")) {
  access_type <- match.arg(access_type)
  prompt <- match.arg(prompt)
  url_redirect <- workout_redirect(req)

                       state = state,
                       client.id     = client.id,
                       client.secret = client.secret,
                       scope         = scope,
                       access_type   = access_type,
                       prompt = prompt)

workout_redirect <- function(req){
  if(getOption("googleAuthR.redirect") != ""){
  if(Sys.getenv("R_CONFIG_ACTIVE") == "shinyapps"){
    return(getOption("googleAuthR.redirect", "googleAuthR.redirect_option_not_configured"))
  if(req$SERVER_NAME == ""){
    host <- "localhost"
  } else {
    host <- req$SERVER_NAME
  url_redirect <- paste0(req$rook.url_scheme,"://",host,":",req$SERVER_PORT)
  if(req$PATH_INFO != "/"){
    url_redirect <- paste0(url_redirect, req$PATH_INFO)

#' Create a Google login before your Shiny UI launches
#' A function that will turn your ui object into one that will look for Google 
#'   authentication before loading the main app. Use together with \link{gar_shiny_auth}
#' @param ui A Shiny ui object
#' @param login_ui A UI or HTML template that is seen before the main app and contains a login in link generated by \link{gar_shiny_auth_url}
#' @details 
#' Put this at the bottom of your ui.R or pass into \link[shiny]{shinyApp} wrapping your created ui.
#' @export
#' @author Based on \href{https://gist.github.com/jcheng5/44bd750764713b5a1df7d9daf5538aea}{this gist} by Joe Cheng, RStudio
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' library(shiny)
#' library(googleAuthR)
#' gar_set_client()
#' fileSearch <- function(query) {
#'   googleAuthR::gar_api_generator("https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/",
#'                                 "GET",
#'                                 pars_args=list(q=query),
#'                                 data_parse_function = function(x) x$files)()
#' }
#' ## ui.R
#' ui <- fluidPage(title = "googleAuthR Shiny Demo",
#'                 textInput("query", 
#'                 label = "Google Drive query", 
#'                 value = "mimeType != 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'"),
#'                 tableOutput("gdrive")
#'                 )
#' ## server.R
#' server <- function(input, output, session){
#' # this is not reactive, no need as you only reach here authenticated
#' gar_shiny_auth(session)
#' output$gdrive <- renderTable({
#'   req(input$query)
#'   # no need for with_shiny()
#'   fileSearch(input$query)
#'   })
#'   }
#' # gar_shiny_ui() needs to wrap the ui you have created above.
#' shinyApp(gar_shiny_ui(ui), server)
#' }
#' @family pre-load shiny authentication
gar_shiny_ui <- function(ui, login_ui = silent_auth){
  # make the ui available globally

  .gar_shiny_env$ui <- ui
  .gar_shiny_env$login_ui <- login_ui
  # output the function

#' Silent auth
#' The default for logging in via \link{gar_shiny_ui}, this creates no login page and just takes you straight to authentication on Shiny app load. 
#' @param req What Shiny uses to check the URL parameters
#' @export
#' @family pre-load shiny authentication
silent_auth <- function(req){
    sprintf("location.replace(\"%s\");", gar_shiny_auth_url(req)

#' A login page for Shiny
#' An alternative to the immediate login provided by default by \link{gar_shiny_ui}
#' @param req Passed to \link{gar_shiny_auth_url} to generate login URL
#' @param title The title of the page
#' @details Use \link{gar_shiny_auth_url} to create the login URL.  You must leave the first argument free as this is used to generate the login, but you can pass other arguments to customise your UI.
#' @export
#' @family pre-load shiny authentication
gar_shiny_login_ui <- function(req, title = "googleAuthR Login Demo"){
  shiny::addResourcePath("img", system.file("img", package = "googleAuthR"))
  shiny::addResourcePath("css", system.file("css", package = "googleAuthR"))  
    padding = 50,
    title = title,
      shiny::tags$link(rel="stylesheet", href="css/button.css")
    shiny::a(href = gar_shiny_auth_url(req),
      shiny::tags$button(class = "loginBtn loginBtn--google",
                        "Login with Google"

make_googleAuth_ui <- function(req){

  } else {

#' Create Authentication within Shiny's server.R
#' If using  \link{gar_shiny_ui}, put this at the top of your server.R function
#' @param session Shiny session argument
#' @description 
#' This can be used at the top of the server function for authentication when you have used
#'   \link{gar_shiny_ui} to create a login page for your ui function.
#' In some platforms the URL you are authenticating from will not match the Docker container the script is running in (e.g. shinyapps.io or a kubernetes cluster) - in that case you can manually set it via `options(googleAuthR.redirect = http://your-shiny-url`).  In other circumstances the Shiny app should be able to detect this itself. 
#' @export
#' @author Based on a gist by Joe Cheng, RStudio
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' library(shiny)
#' library(googleAuthR)
#' gar_set_client()
#' fileSearch <- function(query) {
#'   googleAuthR::gar_api_generator("https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/",
#'                                 "GET",
#'                                 pars_args=list(q=query),
#'                                 data_parse_function = function(x) x$files)()
#' }
#' ## ui.R
#' ui <- fluidPage(title = "googleAuthR Shiny Demo",
#'                 textInput("query", 
#'                 label = "Google Drive query", 
#'                 value = "mimeType != 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'"),
#'                 tableOutput("gdrive")
#'                 )
#' ## server.R
#' server <- function(input, output, session){
#' # this is not reactive, no need as you only reach here authenticated
#' gar_shiny_auth(session)
#' output$gdrive <- renderTable({
#'   req(input$query)
#'   # no need for with_shiny()
#'   fileSearch(input$query)
#'   })
#'   }
#' # gar_shiny_ui() needs to wrap the ui you have created above.
#' shinyApp(gar_shiny_ui(ui), server)
#' }
#' @family pre-load shiny authentication
gar_shiny_auth <- function(session){
  params <- shiny::parseQueryString(shiny::isolate(session$clientData$url_search))
  if(is.null(has_auth_code(params))) {
  url_redirect <- gar_shiny_getUrl(session)
  token <- gar_shiny_getToken(params$code, 
                              redirect.uri = url_redirect)


has_auth_code <- function(pars, securityCode=getOption("googleAuthR.securitycode")){
    if(pars$state != securityCode){
      warning("securityCode check failed in Authentication! Code:", 
              " Expected:", 
  # NULL if it isn't there

Try the googleAuthR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googleAuthR documentation built on April 11, 2023, 6 p.m.